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To my other brother Bob:

October 15, 2021
The three of us  sharing pistachios on way to a Wisconsin deer hunt that only produced laughs, to comparing our children, your camping trip w/us to Homer, your heartfelt visit when Larry was very sick and our many long distance calls about life, stuffed peppers and Trump. For those memories your sister ( in law), niece, nephew, and great niece and nephew and great nephew all wish you farewell, knowing that it is our loss.

My Dad

October 15, 2021
I have so many great memories of my Dad, as well as many not so great ones. What I do know without a shadow of a doubt is I was loved. Life is messy as well as miraculous but our time is limited, I learned through my dad holding onto anger only hurts ourselves in the end because all the missed opportunity is forever gone. My dad gave me love and comfort as well as tough love through the years, but I am forever grateful we ALWAYS took advantage of the opportunities to come back together after rough times ❣️ My dad wasn't perfect, but neither are we. Forgive often and Love more!!!

Rest Easy Daddy, 
Your Bugsy Petunia   Your chosen one, Krista Drafahl

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