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Birthday, Veteran's Day, JC's passing

November 12, 2019
Happy Birthday Rog. Thinking of you and JC, I know you are together.
Happy Veteran's Day also. I'm thankful you came home from Nam and proud of you for your service as well as your strength fighting against A.Orange. Miss you and JC. Love Always, Jerrie 2019

Xmas at Mim and Papa"s

December 29, 2018

Merry Xmas Roger.  This is our 1st xmas with you not here.(2018) Remember the xmas that I gave you and Craig a wood cowboy carving of your likeness  and you both opened them at the same time? You were both surprised and had a great laugh, it was special to watch. Love you, miss coming over to chat and play with JC.❤ 2019 won't be the same, peace and joy - jerrie

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