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May 31, 2022
May 31, 2022
I feel as though I barely knew Ron, but he was always so kind and willing to share his time and expertise. He made a great impression on me and the others who were lucky enough to meet hime. The first time I remember meeting Ron, I took his Ski Biomechanics course through BVSD Lifelong Learning. I learned quite a lot in that in that course, despite hanging out with a rowdy bunch at the back of the room. Ron didn't seem to mind a bit, he was so passionate about sharing the physics of skiing. From then on he always seemed to remember me...I'd run into him at the Gold Hill pancake breakfast that he biked to, he'd help out the ski school at Eldora, and every now and then I'd see in the lift line and get to ski a few fun runs with him. We will miss you Ron, thank you for bringing such kindness to the world.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
I had the opportunity to share a house with Ron circa 1969. Ron enjoyed rock music and fiddling with the stereo equipment, since he was undoubtedly smarter that the people who made it.
I best remember Ron's pink and white 55 Ford, known as" Forouk's Fabulously F'ed up Fifty Five Ford".
Ron moved on to ski and teach in Aspen . I reconnected with Ron years later when he was coaching CU B team racers. We raced together on the "Gonzo Ski Team" in the Eldora "Industrial League" where, with the help of some pretty fast "ringers", we captured first place from some of Boulder's best known ski companies. Ron has joined our (sadly) growing Gonzo Honor Roll.
Having lost track of Ron over the years, I was enthralled with his articles in Skiing History Magazine. He truly understood the central "Chi" of the turn.
I am sad I never got back in touch with my former roommate. We always think there will be, time until there isn't.
May heaven be steep and deep.
December 8, 2021
December 8, 2021
In the late 1980s, Ron worked at IBM Research in Yorktown Heights, NY. As a mechanical engineer and robotics expert, and coach to the Aspen ski team (if I recall correctly), he had delved deep into the biomechanics of skiing. To him, skiing was a system of physics, mechanics and physiology that made sense, instead of a bag of tricks. Ron took immense pleasure in explaining it all to his fellow engineers -- and (no small feat) to their non-technical partners! First in class room sessions, but soon he took a bunch of us for Wednesday evening lessons on a local hill. He had devised "crazy exercises" that, on easy and safe slopes, made us feel what skiing on a steep slope should feel like. Our skiing suddenly improved by several levels! Black slopes became doable and safe! Ron also took the time to personally go out with me and buy a pair of excellent skis.
Ron's lessons endured through the decades: I was able to teach my sons, nephews and nieces to be good and safe skiers, using Ron's techniques.
Ron left IBM Yorktown to return back to Boulder CO, and eventually turned his avocation into his job: a celebrated skiing photographer, writer (several books, many articles), coach, coach's coach. In doing so, he influenced many, with enduring contributions ... and taught us all to enjoy skiing more by skiing better. It is actually a joy to pick up his books and read them again.
My wife Heidi and I had the pleasure of visiting Ron and Dee in Boulder -- seems like a lifetime ago now. Our deepest condolences to Dee.
We will remember Ron fondly, whenever we are on the slopes!
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
Julia and I were stunned to hear of Ron's accident. It was truly an honor to spend time skiing and cycling with Ron who was such an influence on my skiing. If I have ever helped you with your skiing, then, I can say, that Ron was helping you as well.

In contrast to the technical content of his books, Ron also had a very “right-brained” passion and enjoyment of hurtling down the slope and “feeling” skiing.
December 6, 2021
December 6, 2021
Ron LeMaster was a great ski technician, author, coach and friend. We attended CU at the same time.  We shared a table at the CU Ski Team Ski Ball just a few short weeks ago. Most recently we rode up Trail Ridge Road, Coal Creek Canyon and Lee Hill together on our bikes. He was a powerful climber. His amazing ski photography is in my home gym. His books are in my library. He even built a bike rack for me that's in my garage. My kids were ski racers and studied his photographs and analysis of skiing. Ron's legacy in the ski world will live on. He will be missed.
December 5, 2021
December 5, 2021
Ron was one-in-a-million. If you met him once you never forgot him...and he never forgot you! That great grin, the self deprecating sense of humor, the boundless enthusiasm... We are all better for having known Ron. RIP

Your memory lives on in our hearts,
December 5, 2021
December 5, 2021
Ron was not just a best friend, but an inspiration and guiding light. His never ending curiosity and attention to detail in our shared ski world was infectious. He was always there and delighted when we would see a new angle to an old problem. No idea was dismissed. His mind was always open and moving carefully and tenaciously forward. Just as the light of the moon can find a way to the forest floor, Ron could always navigate a path to understanding just about anything, and thankfully, he could render any idea into terms that could be understood. I will miss our times together thinking and solving. He has planted many seeds. May they continue to grow.
December 4, 2021
December 4, 2021
I am so very sad to hear about Ron's passing. I knew Ron not from his skiing but because he was married to one of my most beloved teachers, Dee (nee Barrows). I so enjoyed getting to know Ron over the years. After I moved to Illinois (Ron and Dee threw me a going-away party), a favorite treat on trips back to Colorado was meeting Ron and Dee for dinner in Boulder. I am stunned by this loss, and my heart aches for Dee and their daughter, Alex. Rest in Peace, Ron. You were a dear and special person!

Always, Leona
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Dave Schuiling, PSIA-AASI Education Director (

“He was also a kind and generous person willing to drop everything to chat about skiing efficiency, mechanics, and methodology.... For me and so many others in the industry, he was an amazing mentor and friend. … Let’s all make some turns for Ron in his memory. Our hearts go out to his family.”
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Steve Porino, NBC commentator and Ski Racing contributor (

“I could’ve talked for hours with Ron about the inner workings of ski racing and the physics behind it all. In fact, I did.. Mostly, I listened, and I will miss that honor dearly.”

Many of visual and graphic explanations that made their way onto the screen at NBC were the work of “Ron’s fine mind.”
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Henry Bremers December 3, 2021 (

I attended a number of Ron’s presentations for instructors at Eldora where we had enlightening discussions about skiing. I had the privilege of skiing with him at a Vail PSIA clinic. I still have an autographed copy of Ultimate Skiing. He will be missed.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Darlene Nolting December 1, 2021 (

Ron LeMaster, a life well lived!! Such a huge loss to our Alpine Ski Racing Community. He will be remembered with such fondness and passion for our sport. RIP. Sending much love to his family.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Jeff Shelton December 1, 2021 (

I will always be grateful for Mr. LeMaster’s sequenced photography. Being able to evaluate and analyze motion, inertia, balance and line through his contribution have directly influenced the success and joy I have enjoyed in ski racing and skiing in general. The value of the conversation between professionals and enthusiasts alike , that his work engendered will solidify his memory and legacy. I only wish I had the chance to meet him and thank him in person. Rest in peace.

December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Walt Evans December 1, 2021 (

I’m very sad to learn about Ron passing, but very grateful to have known and worked with him,

December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Trevor Wagner December 1, 2021 (

Huge loss to the alpine racing community. I will miss the long technical discussions with Ron, either on the hill or in the lodge…Ron always had time to talk about his passion.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
We got to know Ron through our work on the Far West Development Initiative, the realization of which could never have happened without all of Ron's incredible images and videos! For this, the entire ski community owes Ron an enormous debt of gratitude.

Ron was a generous and kind soul. This is an unspeakable loss. Ron's legacy and spirit will live on in this and his many books.

We will miss you. xxoo M+M

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