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May 26, 2023
Well I feel there's enough miles between us now that I can share the real truth to this story without any repercussions from you. Remember when mom gave me the keys to her Pinto and she told me to take you to the gym cause you wanted to work out but mom didn't want you driving her car in fear you would crash it. Welll, while you were doing your thing in the gym I decided to take a little cruz. I went to turn around in one of those parking stalls that have the wooden beams dividing the stalls. We'll, when backing out I hit said beam and damaged mom's car. I didn't tell her you did it. I just didn't say you didnt. Welll, that's not the kicker. All these years she always thought it was you who damaged her car and i finally confessed to her (when I felt safe enough that she wouldn't hit me) the truth. But we never told you cause you would of forever held it over our heads. I'm truly sorry.....sorry mom its time he knew.

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