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My best friend

January 22
When I moved up here from Florida in the 90's the first 2 people I met was Little Skippy and Ronnie.  They accepted me for who I was and we became friends from that moment.  Although we lost touch with each other we still remain friends.  Ronnie, Little Skippy and myself were known by many as the Three Stooges because we always were around each other on the 4th of July field helping Uncle Johnny out or just walking around talking about our days and what we were up to.  He was more than just a friend he was like a brother and will always remain my brother.  Till we meet again my brother I Love and Deeply Miss You.

My memes

January 14
I moved to Jersey Shore a long time ago, for a few years, I started going to the clubs and met 2 people I call my brother's. Skippy and Ronnie, we went out and drank and danced at the clubs and the Rauchtown in stomping the floor to an Alabama song. It was one night at the VFW I believe that I went on the dance floor to a Micheal Jackson song and had everyone yelling and screeming because I'm an awesome dancer lmfao. Well that night I got nicknamed twinkle toes by Ronnie, Skip and Skip Sr. Anyway every time us 3 would hang out I would be called that name, I of course call Ronnie Mr Stroble lol and that's our joke. I will miss you my brother very much. NOW VIV ...... LOVE YOU

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