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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Ronald Womack, 34 years old, born on April 15, 1947, and passed away on June 16, 1981. We will remember him forever.
December 21, 2023
December 21, 2023
Merry Christmas, my dear brother. May you forever rest in heavenly peace.
April 15, 2022
April 15, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday, my dear brother. I love and miss you so much.
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019
I will never stop missing you, my brother. My heart still aches and I still cry.
April 15, 2019
April 15, 2019
Happy Birthday my dear brother. I miss and love you so much.
March 30, 2019
March 30, 2019
My dearly beloved brother I will never get over losing you. Thank you for your love and protection.
December 21, 2018
December 21, 2018
Merry Christmas, Ronnie. I miss you and wish you were here.
November 18, 2018
November 18, 2018
I miss you so much. Remember taking me to see the movie, Love Story when I was a kid?
April 15, 2018
April 15, 2018
Happy 71st birthday, Ronnie. I still miss you so much and wish you were here but I know you are in a better place. I pray to one day see you again, until then you are forever in my heart.

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Recent Tributes
December 21, 2023
December 21, 2023
Merry Christmas, my dear brother. May you forever rest in heavenly peace.
April 15, 2022
April 15, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday, my dear brother. I love and miss you so much.
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019
I will never stop missing you, my brother. My heart still aches and I still cry.
Recent stories

Heave Heart

June 17, 2023
Ronnie, I lost the love of my life on 27 Sep 2021 after 36 years.  You would have liked her.  She was very loving and caring, and she was always good to me.  I hope you two get to meet each other in paradise.  I love and miss you always, rest in peace, my dear brother.

The Lord's Prayer

June 16, 2022
Ronnie, remember grandmother getting you to teach me the Lord's Prayer?  I love and miss you, and I pray you are at peace, my dear brother.
June 16, 2021
Ronnie, I miss you more than I can express.  I think of all the times we laughed together and you telling me Mom Mably jokes. I pray you continue to rest in peace.  I love you, dear brother.    

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