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Her Life

Weekly Letter - October 28, 2013: Yipee, a family doctor

June 14, 2020
Dear Family & Friends

What a beautiful day we had today – just the kind for gardening and that is what I did for several hours.  Putting a garden to rest for the winter is enjoyable too.  My friend Charlotte, had tea with her this morning,  shared four raspberry shoots from her garden which I transplanted.  Now we have three varieties of raspberries to look forward to.  The first planting several years ago, bear twice a year, with the fall crop being larger.  Right now, we get to enjoy enough raspberries for our breakfast about every third day.  This year the thorn less blackberries finished ripening, too.  Found a few today.  Also found some very lovely swiss chard greens for dinner tomorrow and several cabbage heads are coming on.  In the greenhouse, we are about ready to plant some more winter greens, hopefully, they will be able to grow there, out of the cold rain & snow. 

Last week, Rose visited the dentist for a tooth extraction.  It is hard to know how to eat without getting food in that ‘cavern’.  She sympathizes for those who need to have more than one tooth out.  It is not fun!

Hip, hip, Horaay!  We have finally found a family doctor in Parksville.   Recently, a medical Professional office opened up – next to Trillium Lodge.   Now the first doctor has come to serve patrons from that building.  We are thankful to be accepted as patients as over 500 people applied to be put on this doctor- group (MD, NP, Clinical officer, RN) list.   Dr. Marlene van der Weyde comes from Saskatchewan and is a very personable person.   She had set up a practice in Qualicum before but has now come to direct this medical group.   Parksville needs several more such groups!     Friday, we had the ‘blood check’ works and get to have our first appointment, Nov 25.  Hope we stay healthy that long!!  

The chipper gets a work-out most days.  Today, Herb was busy with meetings, so the machine was silent.  I pulled some branches and put them on a higher level so that I can assist him in having branches readily available.  We have about spread out most of what has been chipped.  Today, I about finished up covering the two trails in the garden area  where the water level gets high with chips – Helps us to be able to reach the rest of the garden during the winter when water stands on a lot of the surface.   Our strawberries, fruit trees and some vegetables are on land a bit higher – just a bit, but it does make a difference. 

The Island Campmeeting committee met today. They were laying plans for the May 2014 Campmeeting.  It promises to be filled with special blessings. Herb also joined some members for a Men’s breakfast fellowship. 

So thankful that we were able to listen to a very stirring message from our Pastor Rud regarding the Message in Revelation 2 for the Church at Ephesus, challenging us to be in Love with Jesus each day!

That is a challenge we are praying for you all.       

Lovingly,  Herb & Rose,    Dad & Mom,  Grandma & Grandpa
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