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November 19, 2023
Maria: I doubt you'd remember, or whether Pat who I knew from Newbury and Land O'Pines ever knew, but I was your paperboy in the 70's. I still look at the Asbury Park Press on line from San Francisco and saw that your mother had passed. The swim club never let us Salem Hill-types in, so I don't have any of those stories, but I always liked talking to your mom (and your dad, though he cut more of an imposing figure.) My sympathy to you and your sisters.
November 18, 2023
Rose was such a special  person. She was so loved at the candlwood swim club and we all entrusted her to watch our little darlings.! Always smiling always laughing that is how i will remember  her. Rose raised three wonderful  daughters and a wonderful family filled with love. She will be missed. 

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