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Our Beautiful Baby Isabella Born Sleeping

April 25, 2021
Isabella was due to be born 07/05/2021

The early hours of 26th March, my daughter is 34 weeks pregnant with her 1st baby.

My heart stopped and broke when Libby my daughter text me around 3am from her boyfriend's home saying she hadn't felt Bella move since Monday 22nd March after experiencing lots of pain and she felt in her heart that she had passed away. We was both half asleep with me begging her to phone labour ward or even me taking her to hospital. After many hours texting each other i tried to reassure her saying I'm sure it's just because there's not alot of room in there because she's nearly ready to be born. The texts slowed down and thought Libby had gone back to sleep, i to must of gone back to sleep. I was woken when i dreamt Nanna & Grandad holding a baby in heaven. I jumped out of bed and texted Libby again, I'm telling her to be ready in 5 minutes because I'm going to take her to hospital. After many attempts to find babys heart beat then two scans to be told the news.. sorry your baby has passed away. We was told to return back to hospital Sunday 28th so they can induced labour. Isabella was born 29th March 2021 at 1am weighing 4lb 5oz. 

Our hearts are truly broken

We was shown Baby Isabella cord with a true knot and around her small body.

Bellas funeral was 20th April 2021 mourners was given a candle to burn at 6pm and our family released pink balloons at our local beach.

Isabella will be forever missed and loved & never forgotten 

Sleep Tight Baby Girl

Till We Meet Again..

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