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Mazomanie Sickle August 8, 1919 Obituary of Amelia (Olmer) Coldwell

May 14, 2021
Mrs. Samuel Coldwell Relatives and friends were grieved and shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Samuel Coldwell on July 23, 1919. Amelia Olmer was born in Mazomanie, August 1853 and spent her girlhood days here. She married Samuel Coldwell in February 1883. Seven children were born to this union, two died in infancy. Surviving ones are: Mrs. Fred Pfeifer, Will, Mae, and Elsie, all residing at Humphrey, Nebraska; James of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; two step-children Mrs. Fred Borneman, Sioux Falls, SD, and Ralph Coldwell of Sioux City, Iowa. Services were held at St. Francis Catholic Church of Humphrey, Nebraskia, burial in St. Francis Cemetary there. Her husband Samuel Coldwell was a resident of this section many years ago and is an until of M.T. and W.L. Coldwell of Mazomanie. Mr. and Mrs. Sutcliffe of Black Earth, Wisconsin, were among the relatives who attending the funeral.

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