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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Sandra Klein, 69 years old, born on September 20, 1941, and passed away on June 10, 2011. We will remember her forever.

Please take a moment and visit her late husband Gerald B Klein
June 10
June 10
Once again, we pause and take a moment to remember how kind and caring you were. In fact, we have paused over 7600 times since this site was created. Again, what a testament to the kind of person you were. I hope you and Gerry are riding the heavens with the top down enjoying the breeze.
June 10
June 10
On this "fall" June day here in Michigan I am thinking of you. Just cleaned out a closet and came across my Mah Jong set. Good memories of fun times. Miss your smile. Hope you are having a heavenly life. Pray for me and watch over Sheri and Jerry. I know they miss you terribly. Hugs.
June 10
June 10
Happy Heaven Birthday, Mom.  I miss your voice every single day; time doesn’t heal the need for that. I am certain you and Aunt Carol and your other treasured friends and family are having a lovely time with the Lord.  So many people still tell me what a wonderful and kind person you were.  Love you X a million. 
September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023
Special day for you my forever friend. Still miss you so much. Every time I see an add for Coldwater Creek, or attend a craft show!!! Happy Burthday in Heaven San.
September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023
Just wanted to drop in and say hello. Although gone, you are certainly not forgotten. We speak of you often - your warmth, laughter, and kindness. Sheri found some additional pictures of you - will post them for all to share.
September 20, 2022
September 20, 2022
Each year, I come to this site to write a new, loving tribute. I'm currently sitting at my kitchen table and I'm at a loss; a loss of how to put into words my feelings or thoughts. You once sat across from me, here, wearing your morning "moomoo" working on a crossword puzzle.  I would give anything to have another day with you. You were my calm in the storm, a patient ear to my worries and lived with such a joy which radiated from you.

Knowing you are in heaven with your parents, Aunt Carol and friends and other family, is the only thing that keeps me from falling over.  Here's to you....hoping you are playing bridge, laughing daily and once in a while, looking down on me.
September 20, 2022
September 20, 2022
Happy Birthday. I've added a few more photos of you for all to remember just how caring and loving you were to your family. We all miss you very much.
September 20, 2022
September 20, 2022
I can not believe that today you would have been 81 and me at 84. Time is just passing us both to quickly. I do miss you and your so very calm sweet personality. Club members still talk about you especially when the gals are playing mahjong. The golf guys still use your hand made golf bag for drawing for prizes. You maybe gone from us but definitely not forgotten. Love you!
September 20, 2022
September 20, 2022
Happy 81st! WOW! We'd be celebrating BIG time if you were here. Hoping you are watching down over us from above. Miss you..
June 10, 2022
June 10, 2022

I uploaded a small video of myself, Sheri, and her Mom and Dad. This was taken while at dinner in Scottsdale. I apologize for not knowing the name of the restaurant (I'm sure Sheri would know it). It was a pleasant evening and another fond memory.
June 10, 2021
June 10, 2021
Sigh, it's now been 10 years since God took you from us. You touched so many lives. I miss your smile. I miss your craftiness. Each time I attempt some sort of craft I always hold the finished result against what your high standards would be. And then I smile. Time marches on, we are all getting older with new aches and pains every day; new challenges (COVID) but we forge ahead. Hoping you are happy in Heaven. Love you and miss you....
September 21, 2020
September 21, 2020
Thinking of you on what would have been your 79th birthday. Hard to believe it’s been 9+ years. Doesn’t it go bye in the blink of an eye. Time stands still for those who remember you’re warmth and kindness.
September 20, 2020
September 20, 2020
Hi San,

Hard to believe 9 years have gone by. I miss you every day. Such a fighter! Your two beautiful children I know miss your "mothering". Life goes on but every now and then I abruptly stop and pause recalling a memory we shared.
Until we meet again you will always have a special place in my heart.
September 20, 2020
September 20, 2020
It’s been 9 years since you left us. I truly miss you. I pray that you keep me in your thoughts and that you and my dear wife are looking down upon our family and keeping everyone safe. Yes, there are times when I talk to you and wish that you are still here so that I can hear your voice. Forever missed.
Your brother, Michael.
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
Hard to believe that its been 9 years already since you left me, your family and many friends. Hopefully you and Carol are enjoying some fine wine along with family and many of your friends that have chosen to join you. You are missed every day and here back on earth, some of you old friends still talk about you as a kind sweet person that was loved by many. God Bless!
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020

The years pass, but the sentiment remains the same; I miss you dearly, each and every day. I know Aunt Carol is with you now and you two are laughing it up, as you did when on the phone. She was the sister you never had. Love you both very much.
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
It’s been 9 years since you left us. I miss talking to you but now you have my true love, Carol, to be with. I love you both and I’m sure your reminiscing about the times together. Love you sis.
September 20, 2019
September 20, 2019
So, some may think this is crazy; one of my favorite movies is Coco. About a little boy who learns that remembering our loved ones after they are gone is vital to their everlasting spirit.

I hope you know that your family still thinks of you. Today and every day. You are still the matriarch of this family. Thinking of you...
June 10, 2019
June 10, 2019
I came across photos of your vacation to Iceland, Great Britain, and Scotland (I think). Here are just a few photos of you for all of us to remember the good times. Still miss you...
June 10, 2019
June 10, 2019
Eight years you’ve been gone and the void still never fully heals. We’ll be visiting FMB soon and I’ll think of you at one of your favorite views..going over the causeway to the beach. So beautiful and peaceful. Similar to my memories of you.
Love you bunches, xoxo.
September 20, 2018
September 20, 2018
Sandra, Your son in law (Jack) was very kind to add many new pictures bringing back fun memories of you and family, celebrating your 77th birthday. I just enjoyed living through many good times of our marriage, as well as some very cute pictures of you when you were a small tot. We all miss you and will always remember to celebrate your special day in September. Love you, Gerry
September 20, 2018
September 20, 2018
Happy Birthday,
I thought it would be appropriate to share a few more of your photos with the family. I hope you can look upon them and smile as we do. Love you.
September 20, 2018
September 20, 2018
Happy Birthday, Mom!
I realize writing messages on this tribute site is silly, as you can't read them. Still...feels good to acknowledge it in some manner. I picture you up in Heaven with your parents, our Candlewood neighbors, playing bridge and eating chocolate covered raisins. And smiling...always smiling. 
Love you bunches---
September 20, 2017
September 20, 2017
Hi San,

I know you've been watching over me and shaking your head.... I really can't remember when I've been so blessed. Things happen for a reason, and I look to you to tell me "Tricia you are crazy!" I think of you from time to time, and also Sheri. Please continue to guide me and nudge me from time to time... Hugs forever.
September 20, 2017
September 20, 2017
I still miss my sister and think about her. Great sister, wife, mother and friend to everyone.
September 20, 2017
September 20, 2017
I still miss my sister and think about her. Great sister, wife, mother and friend to everyone.
June 12, 2017
June 12, 2017
Dear Sis,
I didn't forget you but I was away. I still think of you and wish that you were here to talk with me about life and family. You are always in my thoughts. I miss you.
June 12, 2017
June 12, 2017
As others have said, time is too short. I still remember your smile, your laugh and your witty humor. Our house has not been the same since your departure. Still thinking of you and what you're doing now. I wonder if it is as beautiful as we all hope.
June 11, 2017
June 11, 2017
So sorry, dear, that I missed sending you my love by one day. However, as you know you have been with me ever since your passing. Time just continues to move too fast and sooner than later I will be with you. Until then, I "touch" you almost every day as I pass through the guest room. Love and miss you!
June 10, 2017
June 10, 2017
Remember, this is the way we always answered the phone when we knew it was each other! 
Hope you stop in once in a while and know I'm thinking of you. Missing you always.....Love you bunches!!
September 20, 2016
September 20, 2016
Five years, and I miss you still. Been staying in touch with Sheri, but you already know that I'm sure. Will drink to our friendship tonight with a glass of wine. Happy Birthday to an incredible woman. Hugs, Tricia
June 10, 2016
June 10, 2016
Hey Sis,
Can't believe that it's been 5 years already. I miss those talks that we had.
June 10, 2016
June 10, 2016
Hard to believe that it's been five years ago that Sandra left us at such a young age. Her kindness and the love of family and friends lives on with all of us who had the privilege of knowing her. I do miss her grace and love that so eloquently surrounded her. Love you always!
September 20, 2015
September 20, 2015
It's hard to let a forever friend go. You are with me on the golf course, in quiet moments..... I know you are watching over us all from above.
Miss you so much... Happy birthday my sweet, loving, kind and generous friend. I learned a lot from you.
September 20, 2015
September 20, 2015
Happy Birthday, Mom!!

So many times I want to pick up the phone and call you--- for a questions I have, an opinion I need, an ear to listen to my ranting or to just say "Mother.....Daughter."

As always, Jack and I will be releasing a Wish lantern into the evening sky; keep your eye out for it! Hope you're having some champagne or a glass of wine, you know I will.  Love you bunches--
September 20, 2015
September 20, 2015
Hi Mom,

As Sheri mentioned, we lit a Wish Lantern in your honor tonight. I uploaded the video for all to see, hopefully you too.

Love, Jackie
June 11, 2015
June 11, 2015
Hi Mom,
Four years....why does it continue to hurt so?  I realize how lucky I was to have you for 41 years, however, I find myself always needing to run things or situations by you for your advice. Hoping you may let me know the answers in your own way, soon.
I know this may seem silly, but once in a while I will take out your beloved "moo-moo" and hold it tight, remembering you in it and wishing you still were. 
Still missing and loving you terribly-----
June 10, 2015
June 10, 2015
It had been 4 years and I still miss her. You will always be remembered sis.
June 10, 2015
June 10, 2015
It's hard to believe that it's been four years since you have left me. While I have met a very sweet young lady with your same name, I sometimes believe that you sent her to me just to keep me in the straight and narrow. Love forever!
June 10, 2015
June 10, 2015
Another year has passed since you left and we think of you often. I can still picture you shuffling around in the morning working on your cross-word puzzles. Funny, she was a wiz at cross-words but failed miserably at Sudoku :) Still missing you...
June 10, 2015
June 10, 2015
Well dear friend, you are still with us every Mon. night at Mah-jongg.
 There's a big gold star on your set, we call it "Sandy" and it travels from house to house each week. We even yell at you when you keep us from getting any jokers....cut it out ok?
I'm keeping your wine glass full and your seat warmed up!!
June 10, 2015
June 10, 2015
It's been 4 years and although I try it's difficult to remember the sound of your voice. There's been many changes over the years that I wish I could tell you about. Every time something great happens or every year when your birthday or Mother's Day rolls around I still have to urge to pickup the phone and want to call until I realize I can't. I am lucky because I have so many wonderful memories and every time I walk on a beach I think of you. I still think about you every day and I know that even though I cannot physically say it I know you are my angel looking down upon me helping and guiding me to be the best I can be and can see every good moment. I love you forever!
September 21, 2014
September 21, 2014
Dearest Sandra, another year has past since you left us and while our thoughts are with you evey day we find peace that you are in a happy place with family and friends, that have passed, celebrating your special day. Anya and Maverick have now joined you giving you some enjoyment. Get your frisbee out and play with them.
I do so much miss your love and gentleness and I promise you that we will again let you visit your favorite place, the bridge to Fort Myers Beach. All my love, forever!
September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014
Hello my friend,
I wanted you to know how much I still think of you, miss you, and how you are still a part of my life. I love seeing the photos John is posting..... makes me miss you more but keeps you alive in my heart in so many ways.

I'm wondering if you are riding that pony you always wanted as a kid, and never got......

Happy, happy day to you.
September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014
Hello Cousin

I just wanted you to know that you are still missed. I think of you often, and remember only the good. Isn't that the way it is suppose to be!
September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014
Happy Birthday Mom,

We are thinking of you on this day. I posted some more photos of you and the family. It is nice that you saved them for so many years and now we have them to share with all.

If you see Anya playing with another, don't be alarmed. His name is Maverick and you will love him as his personality is infectious...just like yours.
September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014
"Motherrrr??" " It's Daughter!"
Ahhh loved how we started our phone conversations, lol.
Happy Birthday to you! I bet you will be having a glass or two of wine with many others later tonight. Missing you always and every day! Please keep a lookout for your wish lantern, to be released again into the night sky. Love you--
September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014
Well Sis, you are always on my mind. I miss those infrequent chats which I now wish were more frequent. I wiah that we could have those holiday calls which we always made to each other. I miss you very much.
June 10, 2014
June 10, 2014
Dearest Sandra, It does not seem like three years sense you left me for a better place to continue your journey. While so many celebrate this day as the day you had peace, I do miss and think about you very day as I continue with my journey only to find you some day and share that glass of wine that we did so much while you were here with me. Love you always.
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Recent Tributes
June 10
June 10
Once again, we pause and take a moment to remember how kind and caring you were. In fact, we have paused over 7600 times since this site was created. Again, what a testament to the kind of person you were. I hope you and Gerry are riding the heavens with the top down enjoying the breeze.
June 10
June 10
On this "fall" June day here in Michigan I am thinking of you. Just cleaned out a closet and came across my Mah Jong set. Good memories of fun times. Miss your smile. Hope you are having a heavenly life. Pray for me and watch over Sheri and Jerry. I know they miss you terribly. Hugs.
June 10
June 10
Happy Heaven Birthday, Mom.  I miss your voice every single day; time doesn’t heal the need for that. I am certain you and Aunt Carol and your other treasured friends and family are having a lovely time with the Lord.  So many people still tell me what a wonderful and kind person you were.  Love you X a million. 
Recent stories

Drinks at the JW in Arizona 2011

September 21, 2012

The family enjoying drinks at the JW Marriott in Arizona April 29th, 2011 

Just 5 weeks before she left us. 

A different side

June 10, 2012

Sheri shared a story with me the other day about her Mom that I found interesting.  Apparently, Sheri was "acting up" at NIU and Sandy sent her a letter letting her know of her disapproval. I forgot that Sandy could at times be a spit-fire and although usually quiet and reserved she was not afraid to be a Mom when needed.
Sheri kept the letter and recently found it in the attic as it brought back memories for both of us. 

I mostly knew Sandy as a warm and loving Mother-n-law who was always kind to me and Ashley. There were those "moments" when she had enough and would muster the words stifle to Gerry and occassionally Sheri. It's memories like this, both good and bad, that remind us all that she was a women much more wonderfully complex than most knew.   

A Loving Life

December 29, 2011


"San", as I called her, was the real deal.  Genuine.  Honest,  Loyal.  Quitely devout.  We shared many things in common:  Mah Jong, crafts, shopping, golf (?!) and each other's company.  We had a lot of the same interests:  politics, kids, grandkids..  She truly loved her family, each and every one of them..  She loved having company, was a gracious Hostess, excellent cook, and fussed over everyone and every thing!!

Through her battles with cancer, she said little about being afraid.  Her Faith was unwavering and this, I think, sustained her and always gave her hope.

Our favorite thing to do was walk the Fort Myers Beach together.  Sometimes we would just absorb the comfortable silence between us and listen to the wind, and the waves, while feeling the sand between our toes.  It seemed to be a time of rejuventation...  Perhaps it was the warmth of the sun or the soothing sounds...  But we always felt relaxed and calmed afterwards.  I cherish these special times.

San would do anything for you.  it was often quite a chore to find something YOU could do for her.  She didn't just remember your birthday, she made you a beautiful card.  Her talents for crafting were legendary...  I've kept all of the things she made me.  They were all very personal and beautifully made.

She wasn't much for the limelight and often downplayed her style.  But I knew inside was a vibrant soul with much to offer.  You need only ask.  I remember when she took me for a fitting for her dress for Sheri's wedding.  She wouldn't tell me anything about it, or let me help her try it on.  She made me wait for the "whole effect."  It blew me away.  I told her then and there that I'd never seen her look so elegant, so beautiful.  She just radiated and glowed and I knew she was looking forward to seeing Sheri as a bride....  It was her dream for her little girl....  She knew then of her breast cancer, but chose not to tell the family until after the wedding.  It's just who she was.

She lived a purposeful life and held fast to her family, faith and friends.  She never spoke harshly about anyone.  If I could sum up her philosophy on life it would be:  to live simply, love wholeheartedly, care deeply and have faith that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

I miss her every day, especially at Christmas.  She loved everything Christmas...I collected angels and she liked snowmen.  We often exchanged gifts adding to our collections.

I wish she were still here, I wish I could see her again....  and one day hopefully, we will walk the beach of eternity together one day.




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