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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Sandra Oladele. We will remember her forever.
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Hmmmmmm, IWM Funke Oladele, is hard for me to believe you’re no more, your death came as a rude shock to IW District 912, Nigeria, especially IWC of Ogba which is your home club few days ago but who are we to question the Almighty, He giveth & taketh, our consolation is that on the resurrection day we shall meet to part no more. Sleep Beloved. Your humanitarian services in adding values to the lives of the less privileged on this planet earth will speak for you. May God console the family and friends that’s left behind. Adieu Sister.
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
My dearest Sandra, news of your demise hit me like a rock! How could such a wonderful, easy going, kindhearted and dynamic personality, just pass on so suddenly?
God knows best why you were called home now. You worked so hard and served God and humanity with great dedication and commitment as a passionate advocate for gender rights and equity.
Rest on, my dear, in perfect peace in the bosom of the Lord. May the Almighty God comfort your
family and friends as they mourn your irreplaceable loss. Amen!
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Sister Sandra, I remember your beautiful smile. That, I shall miss. I remember your zeal to serve your Lord as an usher. Am sure He will tell you Welcome My Faithful Daughter. You will be greatly missed.
ADIEU SISTER!! Your Work Here Is DONE!!
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
What can we say to this, the Lord gives, the Lord takes, glory be to His Holy Name, He knows the very best. Darling Sis, it is not how long u live, but how well. U lived to impact your generation, your good deeds & kind heart live after u! U'll remain evergreen in the hearts of those who love u! U're not dead, but asleep, we shall meet to participate no more in the resurrection morning. Sleep on in the bossom of your Maker! May God console the family & friends left behind in Jesus Name!
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Erelu my beloved sister and friend,
i didn't know you will leave so quick. Thank you for being there always. You were a good friend and sister. You were very frank, trustworthy and sweet.
On behalf of my family, i send my deepest condolences to her daughter, family and those who loved her.
I will miss you dearly. You will forever be in my heart.
Rest well, Erelu Sandy.
Love always, "Sis"
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
"Sweet Mama" as I fondly call you. It is well, It is well. So sad to see you go and will miss you. God be with you till we meet again.
Rest on Mama.
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
I only worked with you in Edo for a few weeks......the bond and friendliness was amazing and your down to earth attitudes was great......never knew it will be the last
Rest on sister.......God is faithful
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Funke, got the shocking news yesterday, still trying to come to terms with the fact that you are no longer with us. I am shocked beyond words. Your beautiful infectious smiles and sweet memories will linger on with me. God has a reason for everything and who are we to question him. In everything He said we should give thanks to him. I know you are in a beautiful place resting with your Lord. Sleep well my darling friend.
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Afunky!!! That's how we used to call ourselves. It's so sad that you have to leave this earthly body so soon. We will miss your infectious smile and lovely ambience. But we are assured of our eternal reign at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the soul of the departed rest in peace and may the Almighty God comfort family, friends and colleagues. Rest on dear friend.
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Funke, words fail me ! I’m still in shock and can’t come to terms with the fact that you’re no longer here with us.
A very simple, helpful, and ever loving sister...your infectious smile was one in a million!

Rest In Peace dear sister
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
My dear Sandra Oladele, you were beautiful in and out, loyal and always ready to serve, though it's sad to know you will no longer be with us on this side of eternity, I know you are in a better place, rest in peace my ever dutiful deputy chief usher.
Mrs Folasayo Oladosu
Chief Usher, Shepherdhill Baptist Church.
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
You where a a dearest and trusted friend Funke  It’s always amassing and fun to be around you. My visit to you at the hospital will be an everlasting memory as it showed the real you, that even in pain you make me cry and thereafter you created humour that each time I remember what you said I smile regardless the fact that you are gone.
We prayed together but God knows best.
Sleep well my dearest friend
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Funke, it is with great shock I heard of your demise yesterday. You were truly an embodiment of humility, kindness and love. You love genuinely those whom you meet. I am so heart-broken! Your passing was untimely and sudden! May GOD comfort your bereaved families and loved ones left behind. No one saw this coming... It is well. Rest on beautiful soul ---inside out!
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Dear Sandra. Oh so painful to know you're no longer with us. You were so friendly and loving. I can't forget your kindness and friendship. I'll miss you my friend. Sleep on until we all meet again to sing a new song in heaven. Rest in peace
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
Sandra,it is with a heavy heart that i am writing this tribute, it is so sad that you have to leave so soon,but who are we to query your maker who has called you home to be with Him,Olorun Oba Aseyitohun, you came,you saw and you conquered. You have fought a good fight, rest in peace ore mi. May the Lord comfort all the families and friends that you left behind Amen. Adieu ore till we meet at Jesus feet on the resurrection morning. Good night and good bye
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
Dearest Aunt Sandra you’re special, you’re precious and you’re dear! Our thoughts of you and love for you grow stronger every day! We visited you on Christmas day with the promise that we would come again, alas! No words can truly express the heartache I'm feeling, Aunt Sandra, life indeed has thought me to say "IT IS WELL". Typing this is hard but I understand God knows best. I pray God keep you safe in heaven, until we meet once again in the kingdom of heaven where no pain we will feel.
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
It's so sad! But we take solace in that we shall meet on the Glorious morn to part no more. Goodnite Angel.
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
Forever in our hearts.Rest in peace. We surely miss you. Goodbye
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
To my friend and sister, the curtain is drawn!! I will miss you dearly. You fought the good fight. Faithful, loyal, committed and Trustworthy. You had a generous spirit and did what you could to support causes you believed in. You were a woman of courage and strong conviction on matters that "mattered", exhibiting fearlessness and a strong unput downable spirit!!
You have gone to rest my dear friend. Yoi will be remembered for your love and loyalty to those you loved.
I will miss you dearly my "Funk Sandy" as I always called you!
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
Dear Funke where do l begin our friendship had come a long way and l believe we have become sisters for the good things we shared together for the bonding for the love and the care. I did not believe when l first heard about your demise yesterday but l had to face the reality of your death. When we spoke on the 26th December few days ago l never knew that would be the last. Huuuuuuuum my dear friend and sister l can only wish you a perfect and peaceful resting place in Heaven for God giveth and taketh who are we but just mortals. Sleep well my beautiful and lovable dear friend. Rest peacefully in the Bossom of your Lord. Adieu; Dear Funke. Your loving friend Gbemisola Rufai.
December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
An amazing sister. loved and served all without hesitation
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Recent Tributes
January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
Mummy Opemiposi,the news of your death was received with great shock. You are so loving and kindhearted.You are a woman with a large ❤️, you touched my lifein a way that I will never forget you. Aunty Sandra,may the Lord Almighty God grant you eternal rest.
January 7, 2023
January 7, 2023
Aunty Funke, I was able to meet you when you came to Ireland for sometime. You took me as a son. Bought me stuffs and you are always checking up on me. I will miss your kindness and your love, I will miss your happy smile, memories that time cannot erase. To lose you brings such sadness, but know that you live on, in my heart and in my memory, shines the guiding light you shone. So sleep now softly, angel, on your eternal rest.
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Aunty Funke, Words fail me when I heard of your passing.
I had the opportunity to have met you in Dublin- very energetic, happy and loving; 
the little time I encountered you in Dublin will forever be in my heart.
I know you have gone to rest.
The lord will strengthen the family.
Her Life


January 4, 2023
Sandra Adefunke was born on 28th August 1962 to Parents - her Father was Baba Chief Michael Oladimeji of Aponlese  ruling house in Okemesi Ekiti , and her Mother was  Mama Evangelist Maria Oladimeji . She started her primary school at st Michael’s school Okemesi , at an early age and later followed her follow her senior sister to Jos in January 1972  where she continued her education primary and secondary school at St John’s college, Jos where she was raised by her sister and the husband; Deacon Talabi Oluyemi and Deaconess Florence Tinuade Agbelusi. 

She proceeded to the University of Maiduguri to study for a Bachelor of Arts in English Language, and later transferred to the University of Ibadan, where she graduated before proceeding for her NYSC program. She  later obtained a Masters of Arts in Mass Communications from University of Lagos. 

She had a 25years career in banking at Afribank (later renamed Mainstreet Bank), where she served exemplarily in various departments of the Bank and rose to become a Management staff.

Upon retirement, she incorporated “Upper Reach Ltd” to serve with NGO’s working with disadvantaged women and children. 

She was an active member of Shepherd Hill Baptist Church where she served as Ushering Leader. She was the Past President of Inner Wheel Ogba 2019/2020. She served as the Lagos Chapter Co-ordinator of the 100 Lobbying Group.

She was extremely dedicated to the work of God as an Usher at Shepherdhill Baptist Church, Lagos, where she served until her call to glory. Her last assignment was as the Chairperson of the Committee of the successful 2022 Ushers Day Anniversary. The Ushers Board has lost an amazing and energetic member. 

She had such a wonderful, easy going, and dynamic personality, and was kindhearted. Despite the many challenges of life, she was a great believer and shared her faith and hope in God without any compromise. 

She will always be remembered for the countless moments of laughter, wisdom, experience, and kindness which were a constant source of inspiration and guidance to people around her. 

Her generosity, compassion, and sense of humor made every moment with her a joyful and memorable time.

She is survived by her daughter Opemiposi, a loving family and many people who loved her.

She will be greatly missed but her memory and the lessons she shared will live on forever in the hearts of those she crossed paths with on her life journey.

Recent stories

My Dear Mother

January 28, 2023
by Elizabeth Jolayemi on behalf of Opemiposi
on behalf of Opemiposi
The name of my mother is Sandra Oladele she is 60 years old . She is now dead but I know that she went to be with Jesus but she still loves me and wants the best for me. I would like to say something about my mother . My mother is hardworking, she is kind, lovingfearless. Sometimes she beats me but I know is out of love and she is the precious gift to me and I love her. When I heard that my mother was dead, I started crying because no daughter would wish or want their mother to die.  I love my mother and miss her. 
 Good bye mummy I love you

My Sister- An Eulogy

January 28, 2023
Exactly a month ago, I lost you - Adefunke Sandra, my dear older sister. It’s taken this long to write because I kept hoping you’d pop over and tell me it’s an elaborate joke.

You were an amazing sister who simply loved me for who I am. You taught me so much. So many of my “firsts” were shared with you. My first pair of heels at 12, my first make up kit at 13, my first pair of skinny jeans - so tight I always had to lie down to put it on. You took me to my first day at boarding school, my first and subsequent concerts - Kool & The Gang, Shalamar …….. You snuck me into “Aiye” and then feigned ignorance when I couldn’t sleep with the lights off for weeks.

The 10 yrs+ age gap meant nothing to us. We shared too many experiences and escapades. We enjoyed hours of family gossip and endless witty conversations. We shared a lot of confidences - mainly your scandalous ones but I’ve sworn to take it to the grave.

I remember the many parties that you snuck out to. Then at early morning devotion where we all had to recite bible verses, I would have crammed a long verse (effico that I am) delivered with Popsie nodding with pride. When asked, you’d usually quote John 11:35 “Jesus wept”. It never failed to crack us up as Popsie’s veins will be throbbing in annoyance whilst Mumsie would give you serious side eye of “to be continued”.

You were beautiful, fabulous, wickedly funny and fearless. I remember you once threw a party for your 21st birthday that blocked the roads leading to the Estate, we then had to put the house back in order before the parents returned at 9am. Neighbors came to report you yet you remained adamant that it was a party for a “few” friends. Sis, you truly were a legend.

We shared a love of music, dancing, fashion and makeup. I’ll never forget your wedding; I did a smoky eye makeup thinking it was fabulous. Pictures came out and I looked like a panda. I asked why you didn’t stop me, you said, “You felt amazing so why should I burst your bubble”.

You also permitted me to sew a backless dress for the After Party. I had to spend the night avoiding awon parents so they wouldn’t see my age inappropriate aso ebi. You always supported my schemes and endeavors. I remember when I started my entrepreneurship at 16, I’d bring all manners of knickknacks to your office and you’ll coerce your colleagues into patronising me.

The last few months were brutal but you approached it with your fierce spirit. Thank you for the last night I spent praying with you. Little did I know that I was ushering you towards the Heavenly Gates. I know that you will have customised your garments in Heaven, and ensured that the crown matches your shoes, my fashionista Sis.

It’s now beginning to dawn on me that you’re gone. It really hurts to think that I simply do not have an older sister anymore. Thank you for the posse of loyal friends that are willing to make your loss easier to bear.

Thank you for trusting me to take care of your affairs. I hope I have made you proud with my decisions so far.

Thank you for the love and support you blessed me with. I can’t put into words how much you are missed. Rest on Sis, till we meet again.


January 5, 2023
All women above 40years should have a mammogram done once a year
All women below 40years with a family history of breast cancer should have an ultrasound scan of breast done yearly
All women should do self breast examination monthly
All sexually active women should have a pap smear done bi-annually
Everyone should have hepatitis B vaccine
All girls between 11 and 16years should have HPV vaccine
All boys between 11 and 16 years should have gardasil 9 HPV vaccine
All men above 40years should have PSA done annually
Everyone above 50years should have colonoscopy done every decade and stool occult blood test annually 
Everyone who loses weight unintentionally should have a CT scan of the abdomen done
Every smoker should do chest CT scan annually
Everyone should eat lots of vegetables and fruits, sleep adequately and drink 3 litres of water daily

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