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January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
Mummy Opemiposi,the news of your death was received with great shock. You are so loving and kindhearted.You are a woman with a large ❤️, you touched my lifein a way that I will never forget you. Aunty Sandra,may the Lord Almighty God grant you eternal rest.
January 7, 2023
January 7, 2023
Aunty Funke, I was able to meet you when you came to Ireland for sometime. You took me as a son. Bought me stuffs and you are always checking up on me. I will miss your kindness and your love, I will miss your happy smile, memories that time cannot erase. To lose you brings such sadness, but know that you live on, in my heart and in my memory, shines the guiding light you shone. So sleep now softly, angel, on your eternal rest.
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Aunty Funke, Words fail me when I heard of your passing.
I had the opportunity to have met you in Dublin- very energetic, happy and loving; 
the little time I encountered you in Dublin will forever be in my heart.
I know you have gone to rest.
The lord will strengthen the family.
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Hmmmmmm! I can call her Aunty Sandra, as much as it comes as a shock to me of your passing, I'm content with knowing that you found eternal salvation in Christ Jesus. With tears in my eyes , a heavy and tired heart I say Adieu Aunty Sandra . Till we meet at heaven's gate and share eternity together as sons and daughters of the most high.... REST IN PEACE!!!
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Funke ooh why??? We were colleagues in the Bank. Can’t believe this!! May your beautiful soul Rest In Peace. Ebele
Barr. Emmanuel ERAKPOTOBOR
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Funke Oladele (nee Oladimeji) was a year behind me at secondary school - St. John's College, Jos - in the 1970s. Popularly known then as 'FUNKE OLASTIC', she was a vibrant and irrepressible girl, so full of life. She was friendly and very hardworking. Here in Lagos, she occasionally joined us in the Old Students Association. Her sudden death has come as most shocking indeed, especially as we never heard of her ill-health or any such mishap. Well, the Lord gives and the Lord takes as He pleases. Our prayer is that the Almighty God would give us, her friends and family the fortitude to bear this very irreparable loss. Sun re o..FUNKE OLASTIC!

By: Barr. Emmanuel ERAKPOTOBOR, xSJC 1977
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Sister Sandra , your humility was remarkable and your smile infectious.
I pray the Lord surrounds your family and loved ones with the peace and comfort the world cannot give.Rest in Peace God’s faithful witness
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Dear Aunty Funke …
Words cannot describe the feelings, saw you few months ago and you were still smiling.
I believe that you have gone to rest in a wonderful place.
We all miss you !
Felicia Onibon
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Rest in Perfect Peace, my dear sister. My deep condolences to every member of the family. Our faith and trust in You assures us of God's faithfulness. Therefore, it is well Mummy and Daddy, it is well with Opemiposi, it is well with the entire family in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Tinu Odugbemi
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
May the good Lord comfort and strengthen every member of the family, all friends and associates in Jesus name. Sister Sandra was a loving, lovely, lively woman - very friendly and quite accommodating. She has left a yawning gap in many groups and lives. Rest on dear sister ❤️
Stella Francis
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
What a life of impact. May her legacies live on. I pray God comfort all her loved ones
Revd Ladi Oyelude
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Precious in the sight of God is the death of His Saints. May God console and comfort the family and all the loved ones left behind in Jesus name.
Yemi Amure
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Usher Sandra, continue to rest in the bosom of God Almighty. l pray that you continue ushering with the Angel's in heaven. Good night, sister and co-worker in God's earthly vineyard. Yemi Amure
Ayo Olaoye
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
To live is Christ,and to die is gain!
Onome Oyedele
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Rest in peace ma, our God Lord will comfort the entire family in Jesus name Amen.
Kenny Amore
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
A good woman has gone home to rest. May GOD comfort all her loved ones and our Church Family in Jesus' mighty name.
Juliet Adam
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Goodnight Big Mama. God grant you eternal rest.
Comfort Olu Eyitayo
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
May God rest your soul sister Sandra and comfort all the loved ones left behind. Goodnight, dear daughter of Zion, till we meet to part no more. Eyitayo
Gladys Keji
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Rest on in the bosom of the Lord, Funke
Abosede Ogundowole
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Goodnight Sister . Sleep on till we meet on the resurrection morning. God will console the Family left behind and grant them the fortitude to bear the loss in Jesus name
Gbemisola Rufai
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
lt is well dear Funke good night sleep well in the Lord. We love you but God love you most. Adieu Adieu Adieu Gbemisola Rufai
Bolatito Adeonojobi
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Good night Sandra the Lord will comfort the family left.Rest in peace till resurrection day.
Adekemi Ogunleye
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Goodnight Aunt Sandra. Till we meet on resurrection morning
Prof Olaide Adedokun(Nee Alao)
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Good night Sandra, dear Sister and friend. Rest in Perfect Peace .
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
Sandra, The news of your passing on to glory a few days ago came to me as a rude shock.
Really so sad but God knows about it all.
You will be fondly remembered for your kindness, love, generosity and beautiful smile.
May your kind soul Rest in Perfect Peace in Jesus name. Amen
My Heart-felt condolences to your lovely daughter, mum, siblings, family, friends and loved ones.
It is well in Jesus name. Amen
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
My dear Sandra, this hurts so bad. I can't wrap my head round your loss. You were a beautiful soul. I will miss you so much my dear friend. I pray the Lord strengthens your family. Rest in perfect peace .
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
Aunty Funke, This is the hardest thing I have had to do. I have struggled with the right words as it is hard to say goodbye. I believed we still had time but I am comforted that you are no longer in pain.
You were a very important part of my childhood, always there….. the best big sister, your infectious laughter and non judgmental manner.
I am sooo happy that we spoke but wish we had more time as we had so much to catch up on.

May the winds of heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear how much we love and miss you and wish that you were here

Goodnight Aunty Funky xxx
January 4, 2023
Aunty Funke,
Though I did not have the opportunity to meet you physically but we did speak and exchanged messages via telephone and with the little I knew about you, you are a loving and kind hearted person and it’s a shame I didn’t get to meet with you before your sudden demise.
In consolation, I know you’re resting with the lord and you are a gain to the Angels. Sleep tight sis.
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
What sad news, you left us too soon, however, you left your mark on the sand of time, and our loss is heaven's gain. Rest in perfect peace of the Lord dear colleague till we meet on the last day.   
  By Erelu Vera Ndanusa
Niger State 100women
Ajoke Ayisat Afolabi Foundation
January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
You were a gift from God, Wherever a beautiful soul has been there is a trail of beautiful memories. To live is Christ and to die is gain. – Philippians 1:21
 From Mrs. Foluke Ademokun Executive Coordinator Ajoke Ayisat Afolabi Foundation
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
It's sad writing this tribute of a very energetic and active woman.

The news of your demise came as a shock to us .
You will forever be missed . May God Almighty comfort all you have left behind.

Good-bye Aunty Funke.

Ijeoma Ladele
100WLG,Oyo State.
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
My dear Sis, I am still in shock and short of words. You are loving, kind, generous, ready to share what you have with everyone around you. I pray that the Lord comforts all members of your family, friends and your precious daughter Ope.
Sleep on dearly beloved sister, till we meet on the resurrection morning.
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023

December 30, 2022

What can we say to this, the Lord gives, the Lord takes, glory be to His Holy Name, He knows the very best. Darling Sis, it is not how long u live, but how well. U lived to impact your generation, your good deeds & kind heart live after u! U'll remain evergreen in the hearts of those who love u! U're not dead, but asleep, we shall meet to part no more in the resurrection morning. Sleep on in the bossom of your Maker! May God console the family & friends left behind in Jesus Name!

January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
A gentle soul, compassionate, hard-working, beautiful and selfless. We met for the first time during the visit of the National Executives of 100 Women Lobby Group to Ogun State. What an amazing woman!!!. We love you, but God loves you more. Rest on Sis
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
To my darling sister,

Words are inadequate to describe how much you will be missed. Memories of my childhood are filled with images of the love and life we shared - forcing us to finish our food before you gave us our meat :-), me being little bride at your wedding and us sharing sweets in the car afterwards, you sneaking us out during our Christmas Day parties for sharwarma at 1004, even your sense of fashion and those wonderful belts you used to rock in the 80s!! - I will miss you Sis, especially your infectious laugh.

You were love, and you always showed it to all those you met. The pain of your passing is a heavy load, but I trust God knows your purpose. Rest well my Aunty Funkus.

All my love,

Your Blackie xxx
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
It's really sad to hear of your demise though I have never met you in person. Being a state coordinator myself of 100 WLG, I feel the pain of your departure as a sister united together in a cause.
May your soul find rest and comfort from above rest upon your family left behind including the 100 women Lobby Group family.

Adieu sister.

Tariere Egbegi, Esq
Bayelsa state chapter
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
My dear big sis

Don’t even know what to say, thought we still had time, thought you would be around for a while yet to hear my good news but you had to go and rest. I understand.
You were my biological Aunty but raised as our first born so my big sister. I have so many memories to hold on to at least. I still blame you for me not liking certain foods as you forced me to eat them :).
I will miss you but know God loves you more hence why he wanted you free to rest and so I am comforted a little.
Till we meet again xx
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
Iya, as we fondly call ourselves. All your colleagues at 100 Women Lobby Group, Lagos State Chapter, where you were our Lagos State Chapter Coordinator while l served as your Secretary, the Lagos Women2030 Group and all your other Civil Society colleagues will greatly miss you. I was contemplating how we will plan 2023 International Women's Day, as we did a few years ago, alas, man proposes, God disposes. We ,your colleagues will continue where you stopped. May God console all your loved ones and your colleagues in the NGO sector. Good night Iya. We love you.
January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023
Dear Sandra, when I was expecting to say happy new year I got the shock of my life hearing about your sudden death. Unbelievable!!! May you find eternal rest with your creator. Adieu my sister. You will be forever missed on our Lagoswomen2030. Go well! Sleep well!!
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Aunty Sandra, I appreciate all your efforts to enhance the projects and activities of 100 Women Lobby Group. Also your perseverance and dedication to ensure good results are obtained in the societal work will never be forgotten. The great concern you showed to ensure credible results are obtained from advocacies and activities carried out will forever leave a unique mark on the Sand Stones of Time. Rest in Peace. May the Perpetual Light of God forever Shine on your Path. The good path you showed will forever be in our hearts.
January 1, 2023
OMG: Where do l start from? Sandra's demise remains a dream!!! Not only was Usher Sandra Oladele one of the best Ushers l had the cherished privilege of working with, but was also truly a passionate woman. She was extremely dedicated to the work of God as an Usher at Shepherdhill Baptist Church, Lagos, where she served until her call to glory. Her last assignment was as the Chairperson of the Committee of the successful 2022 Ushers Day Anniversary. The Ushers Board has lost an amazing and energetic human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Sandra (Mama Opemipo) have lost a dear friend and an inspiring and a visionary Church worker. We love you Sandra but God loves you more. Rest on in the bosom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ till the resurrection morning. Emeritus Chief Usher: Brother Yemi Amure and family.
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Dear Sandra with the beautiful smile. I remember the days we would chat on the 8th floor corridor. I remember when we met and you were gisting me about your business. I remember when we talked on phone once in a while even when we didn't see face to face and the conversations weren't awkward. May the good God comfort your family in Jesus name. Rest well.
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Tribute to the memory of Sandra Funke Oladele
This is a tough assignment in this circumstance but remembering that “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.” (1Thessalonians‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬)
my heart rejoices that eternity is forever! Live on Funke!
Late Funke cannot be described in a few words written on the pages of any paper. However, because good things are like gold and diamond sought after by those with sense of value, our presence here today confirms that a page is now missing in our book.
Our Funke is no more. She left us quietly to be with her creator in the comfort of her home after a protracted illness. She fought the battle well, but heaven won !
She was special in many ways, quiet, elegant and unassuming. 
We are consoled by your commitment and devotion to things of God.
Sleep on till we meet to part no more.
A death is a reminder to all of us that our lives are finite, therefore live that people may speak well of you at thy grave. The just needs no memorial, for his deeds are his monument.
Ayo Olaoye
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Words fail me. I am still in shock. When I start writing I stop to check again if this is real. Sandra Adefunke Oladele God knows why you came, why you lived through you path, your experiences, your love for God and your helping heart. As a banker, you diligently carried out your duties and managed sensitive section of sector in seamless manners. When you delved into Social Development work, you were quick to learn the ropes and contributed quietly to the development of Nigerian Women and Girls. You became the Lagos State Coordinator of 100 Women Lobby Group which you managed with utmost dedication. My friend and sister I will miss you. I thank God for you live on. Christ never fails. Your daughter, your legacy will live to remind us of you. Our Okemesi Princess always full of smiles, bold, confident and intelligent. You live on in my heart, my entire family will miss you but we all console ourselves with the fact that you are in the Lord, active in church with absolute dependence on God. Rest in Perfect Peace and may the Lord console and comfort your beloved family and friends in the name of Jesus. Amen.
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
My darling Sandra, your death to me is still a shock and it saddens my heart so bad. But God knows best, Gone too soon but never forgotten, forever you will remain. Rest on till resurrection day.
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Dear Aunt Funky,
I will miss you sorely.
God rest your sweet soul.
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants.
Psalm 116:15.
Dear Funkẹ, it is so sad we will not be seeing you physically anymore but we are consoled that you are in bosom of The LORD Who loves you more.
Take your deserved rest until the glad resurrection morning.
Good night my aburo.
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Aunty Sandra, am deeply saddened by this loss. Your passing has left a void in our lives that can never be filled.

I will always remember the countless moments of laughter, your wisdom, experience, and kindness were a constant source of inspiration and guidance for me.

You were not just a senior colleague, but a sister to me. Your generosity, compassion, and sense of humor made every day at work a joy.

You will be greatly missed, but your memory and the lessons you taught will live on forever.

Rest in peace
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
I was shocked when I heard of your demise
Rest in the bosom of your creator.
The good Lord will console and comfort family and friends.
Adieu Sandra.
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