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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Santos Gutierrez, 58 years old, born on May 12, 1923, and passed away on May 14, 1981. We will remember her forever.
August 9, 2020
August 9, 2020
My mother was my world for 16 years of my life god needed her too soon which was a great honor but I wasn't ready for her to leave me, even though she has been gone too long I still need her and I wish she were here with me, I was still a kid when god took her, I didn't get to do the things that mom and daughter do when were grown, I never got to take her to doctor's appt., to the stores or anywhere she would want to go but at least I can say I spent 16 years with her and she dress me combed my hair made my clothes, she loved to sew and knit she was actually a mother that was at home for me and father, always cooked breakfast, lunch and supper were always ready, even when my dad got home late at night she would get up and warm up his food and sit there with him while he ate my mom was a saint I guess that's why god needed her too soon....while I write this I am crying like a baby cause all my memories are all coming into my head, I miss you mommy with all my heart and soul, my heart hurts cause you are not here with me, I miss both my mommy and papi they were my world now I'm alone, I have no one to call me their daughter(Mija) anymore.....

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August 9, 2020
August 9, 2020
My mother was my world for 16 years of my life god needed her too soon which was a great honor but I wasn't ready for her to leave me, even though she has been gone too long I still need her and I wish she were here with me, I was still a kid when god took her, I didn't get to do the things that mom and daughter do when were grown, I never got to take her to doctor's appt., to the stores or anywhere she would want to go but at least I can say I spent 16 years with her and she dress me combed my hair made my clothes, she loved to sew and knit she was actually a mother that was at home for me and father, always cooked breakfast, lunch and supper were always ready, even when my dad got home late at night she would get up and warm up his food and sit there with him while he ate my mom was a saint I guess that's why god needed her too soon....while I write this I am crying like a baby cause all my memories are all coming into my head, I miss you mommy with all my heart and soul, my heart hurts cause you are not here with me, I miss both my mommy and papi they were my world now I'm alone, I have no one to call me their daughter(Mija) anymore.....
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