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My Beautiful Mother In Law

September 10, 2021
My lasting memories of Abiye are simple: a passionate figure of love and strength, whose support and love of her family and friends would never diminish, even when times were tough. I wish we could have done for you, as much as you did for us. How blessed I am and how fortunate I’ve been. That you are my Mother in Law.

One of my fondest memories of Abiye, is when she would let Meaziye sneak out of the house on Saturday afternoons so I could take her out somewhere, usually to “Peacock” for amacchiato. Meshiye would have surely kicked my butt and chased me away, if he had caught me sniffing around their house. After all she was his precious 21 year old little daughter.

Abiyeye thank for being the most loving and caring Mother In Law a man can ever ask for. Your kind and giving soul will dearly be missed, but the resonance of your comforting laughter will keep us going. I will love you forever.

A Loving Mother

September 10, 2021
by T Addis
Abiyiye was a loving, funny mother to all. I have been blessed with her loving kindness and have so many treasured memories. 
After HS, we used to go hang out at their place  or meet up there for outings. Abiye would always welcome us with her warm smile and feed us with 'gursha' all the time. There was always 'quanta' hanging in the back kitchen and we used to indulge in them w/o asking permission and Meaza would say, "Ere quantawen cheresut," and Abiye always responds, "Deg aderegu, yiblu." 
And some days, we would solicite for her car so we can go hang out at Bole Road. We would be pleading with her promising we will get back early and put gas in the car (which never happend). She finally  gives in and sends us out jokingly telling us, "መጥኔ እናንተን የሚያገባ፥ መልክ የላችሁ ፀባይ የላችሁ፥ ቆማችሁ ነው የምትቀሩት". 
I saw her for a brief moment when I went back home 4yrs ago and she gave me the same warm reception. 
As hard as her passing is hard to fathom,  these treasured memories will carry us thru her loss. 
I pray for her loving memories with God's grace to bring comfort to all the family and friends
Abiyiye, you will always be in my heart. I love you

Motherly Instinct

September 10, 2021
by L G
One time, when I was walking alone from school to home, two guys from my neighborhood stopped me and started hassling me, pulling my bag and pushing me to intimidate me. At that same moment, my friend’s mom, Etiye Sara, was driving by, and seeing that I had a Nazareth School uniform on, she stopped her car which made the guys stop. God must have sent her.  She offered me a ride to my home. She didn’t even know I was her daughter’s classmate. She just gave me a sign to get in the car and asked where I’m going? She happened to pass by my house everyday, which I knew but she didn’t. Because the incident was too shocking for me I didn’t say much, just a soft thank you and got off the car when we got home.

Needless to say I was very disturbed by the incident and I told my mom about the unfortunate encounter crying. My mom managed to hunt down and find out where both boys lived and told their parents. After few days, both boys came to our house and apologized.

The protective instincts of two mothers saved me. I never got to thank Etiye Sara in person but I’ve always treasured the encounter in my heart. I just knew she was someone special who knew how to help someone in need of rescue without making a big scene, as calmly as possible. I have told the story many times before but now I know it is more meaningful than ever.

May her kind and caring soul Rest In Peace.

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