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"She walks upon the path at the break of dawn.
When she reaches the sea, her shattered shell will be gone.
The soul within her will then bloom to life,
Darkness leaving, becoming a warm light.

The wind blows through her long golden hair,
Although no one sees her, she is always there
Sadness is upon her as seen in her deep green eyes
Its time, she knows, to say her goodbyes

Don't forget me, she says, for I am always here.
My love for you is very dear.
When I leave, my smile will shine bright
and I will prevent darkness from entering your life."

Written By Lisa Mehta (Cripps) 

This memorial website was created by her three children, Dr. Michael Mehta, Tammy Vieira and Lisa Cripps, in memory of  Sally Mehta (born Sarah Ethel Mackay).  

Sally was born on March 2, 1942 in Ottawa, Ontario and passed away on May 19, 1991 in Toronto, Ontario. We invite our friends and family to join us in celebrating our mother's life and bring joyous memories to those who loved and knew her.

As this year marks the twentieth anniversary of our mother's death, we welcome your photographs, videos stories and any history you can tell us so that we can all know more about the beautiful woman that touched all our lives.

May 19
May 19
Hi mom, Mama as a mama who is now 57 years old, I know some of your struggles especially after my car accident 8 years ago I know feeling sad and alone, scared and lost at times in a normal person, s world, I know pain each and every day I still can't walk or stand long But I also know kindness, help I need, and support in a loving way from my little sister and family at times. I hoped if you could decide again you would have stayed got some help. I wish you were here still so I could call you, visit with you see the smile on your face. I love you and miss you everyday not a moment at all goes by but, I get very busy life good friends to help and continue your teachings but when one finger hurts the whole hand does right? Lisa writing a brilliant trilogy and Michael he's amazing at everything he does. You, d be proud of your grandson too he's kind like me and smart and a beautiful human being. We did good please visit him in his dreams I can't wait to see if he's more like us. Big hugs and kisses to you today and everyday.
March 2
March 2
Hi, there,,thinking of all the things I want to tell you ask your advice on decisions I need to make my dreams and aspirations say hi to Father Webber for me
May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023
Hi mom , it's yourittle Tam not soo little anymore I love you I miss you I feel you near me watch over my family we need you in our corner always
March 2, 2023
March 2, 2023
Just wanted to say Happy birthday Mom, I hope that you and Donna are showing Teri the ropes miss you all say hi to grandma and cousins aunts and uncles family and friends
I'm sure you are the one they named Joy with your beautiful smile and charisma everything will be grand and loving
Miss your hugs and kisses too
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
Aunt Sally
I miss you so much, you were always so kind to me. I will always remember you taking me places and we had so many laughs I do miss your sense of humor

May 18, 2022
May 18, 2022
hi mom its just me i want to tell you i miss you love you and understand the sadness you felt the hopelessness how frightened you must have been i,m sorry i was soo selfish and only cared about myself. i should,ve been a better daughter and big sister and posititve role model . I can,t take away the past the future is promised to us and i feel some good may happen i,m hopeful for my marriage and our loving son whose namesake is after our big brother Michael who brings me great joy . may God hold you in his arms for me i love you now forever and always . say hi to Terri and grandma
March 2, 2022
March 2, 2022
To our mom though she walks lightly spying on all God,s glory She has the voice of an angel and a heart of gold open to everyone her head held high she looks down from heaven and smiles at her children and family and hugs them at night and wipes tears from her eyes, she thinks I left them too soon but they are forever missed happy birthday mama your little Tam
May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
Hi wow soo thirty years ago today I'm sad but hopeful for life I will have some JamocaAlmond icecream and celebrate with
Memories photo some stories . I wish I could hear your sweet voice feel your touch and hear your laughter .

I will light a candle sang last night I've never been to me and tie a yellow ri bon around the ole oak tree and some Anne Murray.
Love youi mss you. Today and everyday
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Hi mom it's a beautiful Mother,s Day my little boy is turning 18 he,s a good boy kind hearted and really smart he has Lisa,s dimples too. His aunty loves him uncle too .He,s got Joe's strength and courage and my heart I'm soo proud of him please continue to watch over him and us and leaving signs always I miss your voice and your essence I was happy when you were around now always sad I chat with dad often he's well and encouraging me to do better and get you mom .
April 8, 2021
April 8, 2021
Dear mom it's spring again the birds are in their nest the sun is shining the skies are bright and clear with the feeling of Hope and perseverance I miss you I love you don't forget to come and visit me anytime I can't wait till I get my caterpillars and watch them turn into butterflies and then send them up to the skies to you the angels are all around me I feel them they remind me of times when you would sing songs in my ear and draw bumblebees on our bodies and jump outside in the snow when we were sick such a great mom you were so sad you had to leave us I really wish you had found a way to get in touch with me and and talk so that we could have figured this out I would have been by your side in a heartbeat if I had known how sad you are inside I love you very much and I miss your smile and some days I forget what your voice sounds like and other days I remember exact sounds you make I've been singing a lot lately my voice is gone since the car accident something happened in my throat I don't have enough breath so I can't sing as well as I did at one time but it still brings me peace when I hear Janice Ian and saying bright lights and promises the other day you would have really liked it it would have been proud of me Lisa sings like an Angel and someday she sounds like you she's doing really really well in her life I'm very very proud of her and Michael too Michael mouse is doing great him and Kathy have built such a wonderful life for themselves and and the bird Kendra you would have liked her too all right bye for now until next time peace Mama
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
I want to plant some flowers for you mallow rose in pink I miss you every day and feel you at night .when I sing I know sometimes the words are yours .I love you mom tears today perhaps not tomorrow
March 14, 2020
March 14, 2020
I’m still having a hard time believing she’s gone. But she’s not. She’s well represented by Tammy and Lisa. Michael too but I rarely see him. I wonder if there are Doritos in heaven. And Sally if you see this - look after my mother. You two are probably stirring up the you know what so don’t get yourselves kicked out of heaven! 
Love , Teri.
December 24, 2018
December 24, 2018
Mom. Lisa sent me her utube video of the movie Joe made for all of us and put Barbara Streisand on It. It was great seeing you again I miss your voice and hugs whenever I see a teapot I remember your collection. We have all grown up and love one another you did a great job being mom and friend sometimes. Please continue to guide us and send beautiful memories. MERRY Christmas mom we love you sooo much and we know you love us too
May 18, 2018
May 18, 2018
Hi mom I miss you I'm scared Lisa told me I,m going to be ok I truly hope so .I,m getting a needle to freeze the severe pain in my brain on my occipital and a chemical in my back a procedure called rhyzotomy to block the nerves .You know as well as me I hate needles .So you need to be there ok I need to feel like your by my side not just wish. I,m not good at math so I don't know how long it's been you away but it seems like yesterday I saw you I can still hear your voice and enjoy the songs you put in my head some I've never sang so it's neat. my child says I was 51 now 20 I guess I've regressed somewhat. I SAW YOUR LITTLE GIRL ,Terri it was nice how's Donna .?
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
Hi mom. PLEASE TAKE GOOD CARE OF Cheryl she loves you we will miss her soo much. I wish I knew her better but I guess we do she's a Mackay loving spirited and family. We all gave our vices we use but all we need is love.. Mom keep watch over our family. We are all struggling a bit and need you near by not just the light flickering but feeling your warmth
March 2, 2018
March 2, 2018
Dear Aunt Sally and family, I think of her often. She comes to me in dreams and gives me strength to make decisions or see myself in a different light when she reminds me I am like her. Her humour and hugs are missed but never forgotten. Much love to my cousins on this day and every day xo
March 2, 2018
March 2, 2018
To my dear Auntie,
I still dream of you often. In my dreams you are still with us. You will always be remembered for your generosity, kindness and understanding by so many of your nieces and nephews. You were gifted with such a wonderful sense of humour. My mom and I still laugh about some of the funny things you used to say and do. Till we meet again dear aunt. With Love Always, Kathy
March 2, 2018
March 2, 2018
Hi mom the snow has fallen on your birthday today I love you each and everyday I miss you and I cry today with that loss although I feel you nearby all the time helping me through this horriffic experience and I know you would tell me be strong and you can do this baby . Bless you and may the Lord keep you .
March 1, 2018
Tomorrow would be the day of your birth mom and I still miss you dearly. I can't help but be sad even today. It's like every time there is your birthday, the date of your passing or every special occasion, I feel there is a deep hole left inside me and it will never be filled again. I keep your memories and cherish them all but still, I miss your smile, laughter, and mischief. Love you always. Lisa
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
hi mom I miss you today and every day .Your smile your touch your voice your laugh . I want you to know that I.m happy healthy in love ❤ and a great mom and teacher
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
this is a special day for all our family new and old My son.Michael is getting confirmed I was a bit worried about it being the day joy left my body butt.its God.s wish today to have my sister and her loving husband by my side my father and his wife Becky my husband.Joe and I will help him to develop a relationship with the Lord and try to fulfill our promise at Baptism .I regret the pillar of my life our brother Michael can.t be there I hope he comes to visit soon .I have to work today a few tears made it to the surface already and a lump in my throat trying not to cry .mom we miss you and hope you are smiling down maybe you could visit me tonight it would be nice as it.s been awhile I love you mommy
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
Dear Aunt Sally,
  If I could cross the span of time and bring you back with me, I'd do my best so you would stay, if my wish could only be.You brought so many through times of need, we have lost your caring touch. Without you here the sun has dimmed, we are missing you that much.
                                   Love Always,Cheryl
May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016
Hi mom I know we talked the other night by candle but,I do want to ket you know a few things I miss you very much I.m happy in love with my husband,Joe it.s been sixteen years June 10 and as you know we gave a beautiful child named Michael he's the love of my life he brings me joy and laughter. I now know why you say it.s a love like no other although I couldn't have more my heart yearned for daily your touch your words watching him with you as he grows uo I miss those moments but,I know he is special to you and you watch over him I feel your presence in my home it brings me a great deal of peace so don.t worry I will be fine hugs Tammy you middle one
May 7, 2016
May 7, 2016
Hi all I.m having a conversation with my mom using a candle the light flickers bright for yes responses and no flicker or one for no answers I asked questions and got some good answers she misses us all she wishes everyone well and Lisa and Michael her children her heart aches to hold them again and wished that she was here but back in the past .
May 6, 2016
May 6, 2016
Hi mom Teri is a great friend that I miss I hope to reconnect with and laugh and share fun memories with again you can do it give her my email or text me 905-409-4653:
May 6, 2016
Hugs Teri. You are always with us as a sister. 

On another note: This year I believe mom would have been very happy that her grandson, Michael, is getting confirmed on May 19th. Therefore, I will be leaving my usual seclusion at home (as I never want to be around anyone on the day of mom's death). I usually paint that day!  Mothers Day, Her Birthday and Christmas are also hard. This year, as its my dearest Michael's Confirmation, I am attending and believe mom would be very pleased. Its a very special day. For those that didn't realize it, mom was very religious although she never preached about it and had a lot of fun at times as well as a lot of tears. Mom was a very complex woman with a heart bigger than most people. She was supportive always and asked for very little. I remember when she took her winter coat off one day when we were downtown as a teenager and she gave it to a lady who had nothing on the street. She hugged her and quietly left. She never bragged about her kindness. In Barbadoes when she stayed there, she was at the hospital, cuddling and taking care of sick children as a volunteer. That was the side of mom most never knew about. She also had the voice of an angel when she sang. I will always love my mother and miss her smile but know she is always in my heart and that can never be gone. Lisa
May 6, 2016
May 6, 2016
Sally you probably already know that your friend Donna from the old Harbour Square days left to see you about 2 yrs ago. No doubt you two are getting up to all sorts of stuff of which not many would approve. I would hope there wold be fun stuff to do up there amongst all that flying around playing harps thing. I know I haven't written at a lll really but my thoughts have been with you, Sally, and now I'm thinking of both of you. I don't think I ever did say thank you for giving me two of the best loyal girlfriends a girl could ever want as lifelong buddies. I don't see them much but I know they're always there. Most of the time I'm just too depressed to initiate calling. They are both ladies in the true sense of the words as were/are you! Miss you....Teri
May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015
I,m going to do something different this year instead being sad and alone I,m going to enjoy my day with my family and go for ice cream Baskin Robins her favourite, jamoca almond fudge . We will enjoy this together and look at the flowers of Spring all around . Miss you mom hugs
May 10, 2015
May 10, 2015
This is a special day for moms and as far I can tell everyday is mother,s Day every moment is precious when you have a child or children and no one showed this more than you mom I love you for all the hugs and kisses and the times we shared you are sorrily missed
March 8, 2015
March 8, 2015
hi mom I,m reminded of you today, I remember every Friday we would all go out to Baskin Robins and have Jamoca Almond Fudge ice cream so today I,m going out with my family and buying ice cream too love ya always
May 19, 2014
Mom, I miss you not only today but all the time. I think about you regularly and when something funny happens I think of how you would react. I was told recently I have some of your mannerisms and mischief. The twinkle in the eyes is one comment I get when I am up to being naughty. lol Love you!
May 12, 2014
May 12, 2014
Sally--I really wish you were here to kick me in the butt. I'd say that's an example of good parenting. I've since learned to kick my own a$%. Your daughters have been there for me. Don't talk every day but I know they're around. Guess what? I'm going to be a comedian and am moving to California in the fall. AND, don't laugh. But I'm going to be 50 in August. I miss you lots. In your physical absence I've been able to reflect on the influence you had on me.
May 11, 2014
May 11, 2014
Hi today I enjoyed thinking about my mom .She always made every occasion special .On our birthday she would tell us all about how we were born and how happy it made her feel to have children luckily she had three and touched the hearts of many others big or small.
July 14, 2013
July 14, 2013
Hi mom I too face adversity waitIng for results I need your hope light and prayers I know you will do your best to help me I love you mom do your magic you too Lisa my sweet little sister hugs to all
May 19, 2013
We Miss and Love you Mom! Every year doesnt change the fact that you are no longer physically with us...Our love for you is the same no matter how many years apart we have been. Love Lisa
February 20, 2013
February 20, 2013
Heya Sally, you didn't happen to be greeted by a cute female rabbit named Bunkie did you? She was my baby and went to heaven at the age of 13--give or take a year... when you get this message, my mother needs a good kick in the asterick the way only you know how. Actually you might enlist help from the big guy(s) love ya always, Teri
December 14, 2012
December 14, 2012
Hi mom, Merry Christmas ,We all think of you during the holiday seasons I remember the doll you bought for me The Saranella and the Zaph collection doll that looked like Lisa Christmases were happy times .
August 23, 2012
August 23, 2012
Hi mom, you sure have your work cut out for you, please help Shannnon and Bev learn the ropes up there .Teach them not to be afraid anymore and above all else show them God's true light and unconditional love.
miss you hugs
May 30, 2012
She was gramma Mackay's special baby and my mom's little sister. Although they were so different they were the same in many ways. Aunt Sally never missed an opportunity to tease my mom. Like the time in Barbados when my mom and her where getting ready to go shopping and your mom came out of the bedroom with a small bikini, heels and purse and pretended she would wear this. What a hoot!
May 19, 2012
May 19, 2012
Aunt Sally was a Beautiful Women, she would be very proud of the men and women her children have become. She loved life itself but her children were her life.
May 19, 2012
Thinking a lot about my mother Sally today.
I pay tribute to mom by painting something extra special with her in mind every year Although it is not easy with my knee injury and not having the ability to paint straight I do this in her memory. I miss you mom. You were my light and creative muse as a child. You would be proud that dad has continued what you begain. Love Lisa
May 19, 2012
May 19, 2012
Hi mom i miss your smile today i look out into the world with your eyes I see the beauty in everything I feel the peace all around me and my psychic powers are on in full today . I channel the voices of the animals around me and i smile for you today last night I wept for you and lit a candle and today I celebrate your life with bravery and incite .
March 8, 2012
March 8, 2012
My mom taught me to see the beauty in everything .her kindness rubbed offf on me and my sister ,Lisa and my my big brother, Michael each of us have the gift of gab and the pride to share with all who willl listen. I miss her personal isms and her smile . I shed a tear last night and the lights flickered,i said , hi mom and felt comforted .
May 20, 2011
May 20, 2011
Although I haven't known Aunt Sally, I'm sure she was a wonderful person who brought 3 beautiful kids into this world, and am fortunate to have gotten associated with you Lisa.... we truly are family :)
May 20, 2011
May 20, 2011
"Aunt Sally was such a wonderful and caring person,
and to see how many lives she impacted in such a positive way is no real surprise to me. Rest in peace
my dear aunt, I will always carry you in my heart"
May 19, 2011
May 19, 2011
Aunt Sally was so much fun. I loved going for visits when I was passing through Toronto. She always made me laugh. I miss her and send my love and hugs to the family.
May 19, 2011
May 19, 2011
My Aunt Sally was a dynamo - quick witted with a twinkle in her eye, a spring in her step and a smile that could brighten a room or charm anyone. We always shared a special bond for so many reasons, including many people thinking I was her daughter t
May 19, 2011
May 19, 2011
My memories of Aunt Sally are vague. Whenever I think back I think of Dolly I was only 16 when she passed. What I do remember was always thinking that she was glamorous and how everyone would comment on how beautiful she is and was. She
May 19, 2011
Our mother always celebrated life to the fullest and taught us no matter what happens that we must live on. She is forever in our hearts and our memories of her will last an eternity. _Lisa
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May 19
May 19
Hi mom, Mama as a mama who is now 57 years old, I know some of your struggles especially after my car accident 8 years ago I know feeling sad and alone, scared and lost at times in a normal person, s world, I know pain each and every day I still can't walk or stand long But I also know kindness, help I need, and support in a loving way from my little sister and family at times. I hoped if you could decide again you would have stayed got some help. I wish you were here still so I could call you, visit with you see the smile on your face. I love you and miss you everyday not a moment at all goes by but, I get very busy life good friends to help and continue your teachings but when one finger hurts the whole hand does right? Lisa writing a brilliant trilogy and Michael he's amazing at everything he does. You, d be proud of your grandson too he's kind like me and smart and a beautiful human being. We did good please visit him in his dreams I can't wait to see if he's more like us. Big hugs and kisses to you today and everyday.
March 2
March 2
Hi, there,,thinking of all the things I want to tell you ask your advice on decisions I need to make my dreams and aspirations say hi to Father Webber for me
May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023
Hi mom , it's yourittle Tam not soo little anymore I love you I miss you I feel you near me watch over my family we need you in our corner always
Recent stories

Miss you

March 2, 2021
Hey mom remember on our  birthdays you would always tell us a story of our birth I long to hear your voice telling us the stories of our birth and aspiring to be just like you and hear the story of your birth from your lips a story of Grandma and you growing up your horse Pearl and when you met dad and fell in love got married and had us .I feel you are near when the Sunshine's the rain falls birds çomeby and butterflies .I know you never really left our sides for good that you visit us and still guide us . Miss you mommy your little Tam 

Sally - the Hy's Days - from James Brady

“Sally was one of the most gracious and kind people I ever knew.  To think that she put up with Pete Purcell for all those years and finally terminated him from Hy’s when she HAD to, although they remained the best of friends and Pete always thought the world of her.  Sally was universally respected by both clients and staff – and made a positive impression on everyone. “




when we got sick

May 22, 2011

When we ever got sick my mom ,would worry but, smile and I remember one specific occasion Lisa and I ,Tammy were sick I was about 16  and my mom said, there was only one thing to do  . lLisa looked up into mom,s green eyes with wonder and we both said  "what "' she opened the back door to her bedroom which faced the backyard and look she said," God is here it is snowing" and without another second gone by our mom jumped into the snow in her night gown . It made us laugh soo hard we forgot we were sick . Bev i wish she could jump for you too. I,m sure she is .

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