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This memorial website was created in memory of Sarra Anne Umstadter.
Sarra was 4 years old when she passed away and gained her Angel baby wings.
Sarra was born on August 21, 1986, passed away on June 25, 1991. 
Daughter to Abbey Sue Hunter (Umstadter), the Late William F Umstadter Sr.
Brothers to the Late William F. Umstadter II (Billy), Tristan S Umstadter and sister Amanda L. Johnson.
Nieces to Allison T. Umstadter,  Harlee and Harper Baker. 
Maternal grandmother Roslyn Baum.   Paternal Grandparents the Late George and Anne Umstadter.
Sarra Anne will be remembered forever. Until we see you again my precious sweet daughter
June 25
June 25
Today is 33 years since I lost you. The awful memory of the day I lost you will be with me forever; I knew your precious soul was released from your body that no longer served you. I know that you are at peace and that comforts me. I know you are with your brother, Grandma Ros who loved you so much and your daddy. Until I see you again my beautiful girl.
June 12
June 12
I miss you my sweet baby girl. I wish you were here with me. I can guarantee we would be so close. Give your brother a kiss and hug.
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Merry Christmas my sweet angel. Mommy misses you dearly. My wish is that you are with your brother and Grandma Ros. My sweetest little girl Mommy loves you.
November 11, 2023
November 11, 2023
I miss you so much Sarra. My little angel in Heaven. I am comforted with knowing you are at peace and your are with Grandma Ros, who loved you so dearly, your big brother Billy, Grandma and Grandpa Umstadter and your daddy. Miss you my little sweet baby girl.
August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023
Happy heavenly birthday my beautiful daughter. Mommy loves you always. Celebrate in Heaven with your big brother Billy and Grandma Ros and your dad. Until I see you again my sweet girl
June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023
My little angel tomorrow will be 32 years since you left us. Losing you the way I lost you was the most life altering time of my life. I feel like an empty shell of who I used to be since you gained your angel wings. I hope you are happy and with your brother and Grandma Ros. She loved you so much. Billy and Tristan were never the same after you passed. Our little family was ripped apart by this tragedy. Moving forward, I know you are no longer suffering my sweet daughter. Mommy loves you so much.
March 12, 2023
March 12, 2023
Dear sweet Sara.
How sad we feel that you had to leave so soon. Fly high little one. You are a true angel. You are with your brother and daddy. Also with my baby. You are missed and we all love you so much. We'll see you in the future! Much love baby. Wendy
March 11, 2023
March 11, 2023
I miss you little girl. You and your brother are always in my thoughts.
I wish I could change how things happened to you. I love you my precious daughter
August 21, 2022
August 21, 2022
My precious little angel, happy heavenly birthday. Until we see each other again, just know, not a moment goes by without you in my thoughts.
June 25, 2022
June 25, 2022
My little angel baby, today is 31 years since you left this Earth and went to Heaven. Please take care of your brother. I love you and wonder what it would have been like to see you grow into a beautiful young woman. You were taken from me too soon. 
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
I miss you my beautiful daughter. today is a difficult day because you and your brother are not here to wish me a happy Mother's Day.  I love you.
I miss you. What was taken from me was watching you grow into a beautiful woman. Life isn't fair. I will see you again my child.
December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021
Merry Heavenly Christmas my beautiful girl. I miss you so much.
I hope you are dancing in Heaven with your brother Billy. Please watch over him. He needs your love through this transition into Heaven.
I love you more than words, until I see you again my beautiful daughter,
August 21, 2021
August 21, 2021
Happy Heavenly birthday my little angel.
Please take care of your brother Billy.
I love you and wait for the day we see each other again my little darling
I love you so much. See you in my dreams my little girl
June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021
My beautiful baby girl, it is hard to believe today is 30 years since you left us and received your angel baby wings. I miss you every day and wish I had the chance to see you grow into a beautiful woman. I pray that you are with your big brother Billy and please take care of him for me.
I love you with every ounce of my heart and soul.
Until we meet again my beautiful angel baby.
One more thing, please watch over your brother Tristan and sister Amanda, they need you now more than ever.
Love Mom
May 23, 2021
May 23, 2021
I miss you dear sister and wish we grew up together so we could've shared so many memories.I know God had to take you for a bigger plan but you are forever missed.I know that you,bill and dad are together smiling down on us.Just like bill i live for you each day and strive to be better for you.I wish i had the opportunity to chase boys away and protect you like a brother.Until we meet again i will keep your memory strong.I love you so much sarra!!
May 22, 2021
May 22, 2021
I pray you are with your brother Sarra, the only way I can make it through this tragedy is knowing that your brother joined you and you are happy in Heaven together. I love you my little darling. Give Billy a big kiss for me and know I love and miss you both so much.
August 21, 2020
August 21, 2020
Happy Birthday my sweet baby in Heaven. You’re in my thoughts everyday my precious daughter. Miss you so much
August 21, 2020
August 21, 2020
HAPPY BIRTHDAY beautiful baby! You are one of Heaven's most beautiful angels! We miss you but know that you are happy. Have a very happy Heavenly birthday!!
August 21, 2019
August 21, 2019
Happy birthday my beautiful girl. I miss you always ❤️ Love mommy
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019
Dear beautiful little Sara,
I tried to send you a message on the 25th, but for some reason I couldn't use this site. I miss you and think of you so often. Went to visit your grave the other day. You have a beautiful new stone. I love you baby girl. Make sure you see my boy and hubby, they are with you now.
Love you, Wendy Buck
June 25, 2019
June 25, 2019
To my beautiful daughter, today is 28 years since you left the physical world and became an angel in Heaven. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you and your sweet angelic face . Your brothers miss you dearly. Please keep them safe until we meet again my sweet daughter ❤️❤️❤️
August 21, 2017
August 21, 2017
Dear precious Sara, I remember th first time mommie brought you to my house. You were so beautiful! We were so sad when the angels took you home. Daddy is with you now. You are with him and my previous baby also. You are so missed. See you soon!! Love you!.
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
I miss you. I feel you everywhere, I know you are happy with grandma Ros with you! Til we meet again my little angel
August 22, 2016
August 22, 2016
Dear precious beautiful baby, we all miss you so much. Even tho you are in a better place now, there is a hole in our hearts and lives from missing you. We don't know why you had to leave so early but we will see you again! Love you, Aunt Wendy
August 21, 2016
August 21, 2016
To my precious angel in Heaven, I miss you but I know you are happy with Grandma Ros. Today I ask of you to watch over me and help me through this rough patch. Your brothers can't lose me. So what I ask my darling daughter, my cat scan I will have hopefully next week, please have good news for me. I love you. I miss you. My darling. We will see eachother again some day but hopefully not anytime soon as you are already in my prayers and my thoughts.
June 24, 2015
June 24, 2015
I love you little angel, miss you everyday, I will see you again some day
September 4, 2013
September 4, 2013
Dear beautiful little Sarra,
You never had a chance after that dumb hospital hurt you! You are missed everyday. You are flying high with the angels now and with our son! You don't hurt any more! We will see you again! LOVE YOU!! Wendy Buck
August 21, 2013
August 21, 2013
Happy Birthday my little angel, mommy misses you so much..
August 3, 2011
August 3, 2011
Little girl, miss you so much, your little fingers your little toes, your laugh your smile. Forever precious to me. Your watching over me my little angel, See you in Heaven
August 3, 2011
August 3, 2011
You were born on a soft summer day like a swift wind you stole my heart with the first breath you made, gazing into your blue eyes for the first time is a moment in my life I will never forget.

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Recent Tributes
June 25
June 25
Today is 33 years since I lost you. The awful memory of the day I lost you will be with me forever; I knew your precious soul was released from your body that no longer served you. I know that you are at peace and that comforts me. I know you are with your brother, Grandma Ros who loved you so much and your daddy. Until I see you again my beautiful girl.
June 12
June 12
I miss you my sweet baby girl. I wish you were here with me. I can guarantee we would be so close. Give your brother a kiss and hug.
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Merry Christmas my sweet angel. Mommy misses you dearly. My wish is that you are with your brother and Grandma Ros. My sweetest little girl Mommy loves you.
Her Life
June 5, 2021
Sarra was born on a soft warm summer day August 21, 1986.  We were so excited to finally meet our precious little girl. Sarra was so beautiful, like an angel sent from Heaven. 
Sarra was a little red head just like me.
It became very apparent as Sarra turned one year old that she had strabismus "lazy eye."
Bill Sr. and I brought her to a pediatric ophthalmologist Dr. Simon, per recommendations of her pediatrician.  Our goal was to help her vision and lead a normal life with no visual problems.
On January 7th, 1987,
Dr. Simon attempted to correct Sarra's lazy eye at Childs Hospital in Albany, the nurse anesthesiologist, Dr. Sussman, in which Sarra happened to be her very first case, administered too much anesthesia.  That was the day our lives would change forever. Sarra suffered for three years. She fought until the very end.  
Jesus needed an Angel, and released her from her body.  Sarra gained her wings and was finally able to fly like the Angel that she was. Myself, Bill Sr. as well as Billy and Tristan never recovered from this tragedy. Time has made the pain of her loss more manageable, but the pain of it all will always be there.
She is not alone anymore, Billy II, Sarra's brother and Dad are with her as well as Grandma Ros. I will carry you always with me my sweet girl.

Recent stories
June 25, 2018

Sweet baby girl, another year is passing and we miss you now more than ever! Uncle Hank joined you last week and I hope you are together now. I miss him so much but hope he has found you and my baby. Love you!

June 24, 2018

I miss you my daughter. Wish everyday for a sign from you that you are okay. Your brothers miss you dearly. Please be with them during this very difficult time. Until we see each other again someday my darling daughter, I will miss you each and every day.

August 21, 2015
Sarra Anne was born on a soft warm summer day on August 21, 1986.
She was welcomed by her brothers Tristan, Billy, her mommy Abbey and Daddy Bill.
She was the little girl I always wanted. She was so petite and adorable. She looked just like me as a baby.  At one year old it was obvious Sarra had a lazy eye. 
 We opted to patch her  eye according to recommendations of her pediatric opthamologist. It was then recommended by her doctor to do surgery. When she was 16 months old, we opted for surgery. He was the professional therefore, we trusted him.
I kissed her sweet cheek before she was whisked away into surgery.
How would we know that would be the last time I would ever see my daughter awake again. The doctors made grave mistakes that day. They left my daughter with profound brain damage. She passed away at 4 years old. That was too much suffering for her and my family. My only regret is that I was there everyday at hospital for three months, lost my soul then. My beautiful sons suffered with not only losing their sister, but losing their mom too. I was never the same after this. But I loved my sons so dearly, but something was missing in me and still. So that day on January 7, 1988,  Dr. Simon destroyed an entire family, not just my daughter. 
This is the memory I will never ever be able to overcome. Pain is there everyday. I put  a smile on my face because I know my daughter would never want to see me hurt or cry. Today is her birthday. Sarra would be 29 years old today. I have not been able to complete this section of her memorial until today. I can not explain it, but my daughter Sarra is here with me as I write this, pushing me on. My love for her is immense, I know she watches over her brothers Billy and Tristan and her nieces Harlee and Allison. Sarra has pushed me on when I didn't think I could. She is my little Angel. I love you.

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