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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Sean Luketina, 23, born on July 1, 1960 and passed away on June 30, 1984. We will remember him forever.

July 1
July 1
Happy Birthday, Sean!!
You have not been forgotten. You would not believe the craziness going on in the world right now.
You will never be forgotten!!
July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Sean...The big 60 you would have been. I didn't and would never forget your birthday! Things are really, really crazy in America and it's not the America you knew and gave your life for! God bless you for giving your life to this country. I know I will see you again one day. <3
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020
Hello Sean, 36 years ago you died. Time sure has passed by really fast. I think about you every single day. There is something in each day that always reminds me of you. You would not believe the crap that is going on today in this country... You would be so angry and disappointed with American leaders and politicians. I can't believe you lost your life defending this country. Still, I know you would do it all over again because you loved your country. Thank you for visiting me in my dreams <3
June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019
Sean, Today marks 35 years that you left us, to be with God. Time has passed so fast! I think about you nearly every day. In the short time that I knew and loved you, you made such deep impressions on me that have lasted my entire life. Your words, your way of thinking... Your memory will live forever in my heart, mind, and soul. Thank you for being a part of my life Sean. <3
December 28, 2018
December 28, 2018
Hello all,
I have written an article on Sean, Harry Shaw, and the events that went down the day Sean got hit in Grenada and have published it in the Paraglide (Fall Edition), at

and also in, T
I hope you enjoy it. I onlky had one decent picture of Sean when I published the article and still only have 2 or 3. If you have a better pic than what i put in the article, send it to me. I am on facebook at moon mullins on the 82nd signal bn page.
Cheers to Sean, You are not forgotten Assault Trooper!
August 28, 2018
August 28, 2018
Lisa Terronez, can you get in touch with me, please? The medical university on Grenada (St. George's University) would like to invite 2 of Sean's family members to participate in memorial services Oct 23-26, 2018. There were 19 servicemen killed in Grenada and 17 families have been given invitations but we have no way to get in touch with Sean's family. My name is Anne, ph# 314.956.5025. Email is Thank you so much!
May 28, 2016
May 28, 2016
SPL... You are not forgotten. <3 I uploaded new photos of you that your sister Shannon was kind enough to send me. Memorial Day weekend '83 will always be so very special. Thank you my love.
May 27, 2016
May 27, 2016
I loved my friend, he was a helluva man. I was in the Marine Corps in DC and met Sean through his sister Heather. I will remember him wild on motorcycle, or doing back flips into his apt complex pool at Bragg. My last visit with him was in the hospital at Walter Reed, but I will remember the ass kicking name taking bar dancing laughing man he was. Memorial Day reminds me annually of Sean
October 11, 2015
October 11, 2015
Sean, So happy these days... Your beautiful sister Shannon and I have connected through one of your brothers Todd Harris. Technology today is amazing and just think we were a part of this transition being in the Tele-Communication's field... You would love it! ;-) Anyway, I sure do miss you. I never forgot your face, when Shannon gave me your pictures it was just like that one day when you walked into the PX, the same big, beautiful smile.Thank you for loving me. I <3 u.
April 21, 2015
April 21, 2015
Hello Lisa. I was a brand new LPN assigned to Walter Reed Army Medical Center Surgical ICU in December 1983. Sean was one of my first patients; if not my first. Today I was telling my mom about him. About how his First Sergeant and Commander came in and awarded him the purple heart and promoted him to SGT. They pinned his stripes to his pillow. Very emotional for me now. I hope all is well with you. God bless!
May 26, 2014
May 26, 2014
Thinking of you my friend, Rest in Peace. Until we meet again
May 26, 2014
May 26, 2014
It's Memorial Day Weekend dear. Thirty one years ago we spent this weekend together. You rode your bike from Bragg to Gordon. It was our last weekend together. I still miss you very much. I know that we will be together very soon. So many years have passed. I love you. <3
December 25, 2013
December 25, 2013
Thinking of Sean merry Christmas to all who keep his memory alive. God speed my friend, until we meet again. May you rest in peace
November 20, 2012
November 20, 2012
Hi Lisa, I served with Sean in the 82nd signal battalion, I was his radio repairman, I think of Sean everyday, not one day goes by that he doesn't enter my mind. Thank you for allowing me to speak of Sean.
June 26, 2012
June 26, 2012
I'm sorry. I hope you know this. I finally spoke to your father....I miss you. I don't live in the past.....I just have my regrets. Sean, you made me realize that there are wonderful men on earth. You were one of them. I am a different person because of you. You are the most courageous man that I have ever known. It will be 29 yrs since you passed. However you are still alive in my heart.

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Recent Tributes
July 1
July 1
Happy Birthday, Sean!!
You have not been forgotten. You would not believe the craziness going on in the world right now.
You will never be forgotten!!
July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Sean...The big 60 you would have been. I didn't and would never forget your birthday! Things are really, really crazy in America and it's not the America you knew and gave your life for! God bless you for giving your life to this country. I know I will see you again one day. <3
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020
Hello Sean, 36 years ago you died. Time sure has passed by really fast. I think about you every single day. There is something in each day that always reminds me of you. You would not believe the crap that is going on today in this country... You would be so angry and disappointed with American leaders and politicians. I can't believe you lost your life defending this country. Still, I know you would do it all over again because you loved your country. Thank you for visiting me in my dreams <3
Recent stories

Looking for relatives of Sean Luketina

August 25, 2018

I am the daughter of a soldier KIA in Grenada in 1983. I am looking for relatives of Sean Luketina. The medical school on Grendada is inviting 2 family members per soldier KIA to Grenada Oct 23-26 to participate in memorial services. I want to make sure every family gets their invitation.  Please, if you know of the whereabout of any of Sgt Luketina's loved ones contact me at, 314.956.5025 or FB "Anna Maria". Extremely time sensitive!  Thank you, Anne Lucas

remembering Sean

February 8, 2013
I served with Sean in the signal battallion and when I was deployed to the Sinia in 1983 I would call back to Ft Bragg on the tac sat and get Sean to call my future wife on the phone he would then use Rwi to allow us to talk of course Sean had to listen in. I will never forget him he was a friend My wife and I made a group to Washington in 2008 and when we went Arrington well all I'll say is that the grass got watered that day where I sat and sat it was like I couldn't leave and Yes he will forever be missed.

basic trng ft. gordon 1979

January 18, 2013

Sean and i were bunk buddies. I have pics of us playing cards in those old wooden barracks,as soon as i find how to do it i will post them.

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