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 In memory of our loved one, Seth Lenhard Pfizenmaier, forever 19. He was born on August 18, 1997 and, passed away on May 2, 2017. He touched so many in his short life. He was so loved  by so many.  Love you forever Seth❤️❤️

* The  Backround music playing is the song Seth composed himself titled " Octave Rain"

August 18, 2023
August 18, 2023
Happy Heavenly 26th Birthday Seth. I miss you like crazy. Love, Mom
August 18, 2022
August 18, 2022
Happy birthday blessings Seth.
I know that you are in the best place possible.
Just wish I could have been there to greet you years from now.
Looking forward to seeing you again someday.
May 2, 2022
May 2, 2022
It has been another year since your pain here on earth ended. I am hoping that the time you have in eternity is something you will teach me about when I get there. It is with certainty that I know that your musical talents and loving nature are on full display. We miss you everyday but especially today.
Love you son,
August 18, 2021
August 18, 2021
Happy Heavenly Birthday to my baby. I miss you so much. Love you forever, Mom
August 18, 2021
August 18, 2021
It’s your 24th birthday here on earth and we really miss the opportunity to celebrate it with you.
We remember and cherish all of the times we were able to celebrate with you.
Some day we will see you again and have eternity to celebrate so much more.
Love you,
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
Seth, Much has happened in the last 4 years but the love and memories we have for you remain forever. Missing you.
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
Today is four years since we lost you. We miss you like crazy baby boy. Love you forever. Mom
August 18, 2020
August 18, 2020
Happy 23rd Birthday to my baby boy. You are always thought of and forever remembered.
Love, mom
May 2, 2019
May 2, 2019
Remembering you and the good that you brought in to all of our lives.
Still missing you after these two years and trying to understand your presence in heaven.
Love, Dad
May 2, 2019
May 2, 2019
Remembering you today Seth on the second anniversary of your death. You are forever loved and missed. Love, Mom
August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018
Seth, you once said to me that you thought there were different kinds of soul mates and that we were meant to be best friends, soul mated friends I believe is what you called us. We said we'd never find another friend that fit us so perfectly and now as more and more time passes without you I know that we were right. I'll never find someone who gets me like you did and every day I miss you more. I love you Seth and I'll always be your Pequeno.
August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018
Happy Birthday in Heaven my son. It’s so hard to believe you would be 21. I think of you, and miss you every single day. I love you Seth. Love, Mom
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
It’s been a year now since you left us Seth. I still think about you almost every minute of every single day. I miss the way you spoke so gently, and soft. I miss hearing you play the piano so beautifully. My tall handsome son you were so loved, and are so missed. I will love you, and miss you forever. Love, Mom
May 28, 2017
May 28, 2017
A Prayer For Seth
From his memorial program

A light is from our household gone,
a voice we loved is stilled,
a place is vacant in our home
which never can be filled.
God gave us a beautiful boy -
a man who never grew old,
you were always there with a helping hand
help us now to accept His plan.
We miss you now, our hearts are sore,
as time goes by we miss you more,
your loving smile, your gentle face
no one can take our Seth’s place.
May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017
Seth I so well remember those fabulous holiday deserts your Mom made & you devoured so rapidly. Then came the rustling of paper torn off your gift...then another & another. So excited you were!          I see a small boy playing a lively tune very quickly on the old piano.             These are just memories today....they really happened and cannot ever be taken away. Seth you brought joy into my life. My hearing is not very good today but I can still hear the small boy's lively music in my ears. Thank you Seth for being here & the lovely memories you left behind for all of us. Love you always, Nana
May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017
Seth you were more than a friend to me, you were a brother to me. You were there when I need someone the most and I was there when you need someone to talk to. I'm sorry we didn't get to talk much after graduation but I know that you would want me to stay strong until we meet again. I love you brother and I miss you, Godspeed and I'll see you on the other.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
My beautiful son gone much too early. You had so many more things left to do in your life, and such a bright future ahead of you. You touched so many people in your short life. I pray others continue to be touched by your existence.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
Seth, it's been forever since I've even talked to you and I hate myself for not keeping in contact with you. I will never forget helping you learn how to Longboard, or eating your moms meatloaf in the driveway cause we where all starving lol.. we always had cool adventures with griffin.... miss you lots. You will always be a brother to me.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
Seth, you will be missed! I remember you were my B-Day buddy & we talked about it at lunch & sometimes in the hallway, you understood what it was like at Georgetown high school & helped me out so much with Algebra & Biology...  ❤I'm going to miss talking to you..... Fly high ❤
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
Seth I am so glad your life intersected with my life, as well as the lives of my kids. Your impact will live on. You are a beautiful soul.

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August 18, 2023
August 18, 2023
Happy Heavenly 26th Birthday Seth. I miss you like crazy. Love, Mom
August 18, 2022
August 18, 2022
Happy birthday blessings Seth.
I know that you are in the best place possible.
Just wish I could have been there to greet you years from now.
Looking forward to seeing you again someday.
Recent stories

Your Wolverine Birthday

August 18, 2021
Today I am remembering your tenth Birthday. That year you were obsessed with wolverines. You had a stuffed wolverine that you would strap onto your back with a brown leather belt and pretend to be a Dad Wolverine protecting your baby. You asked for a pair of brown underwear so it would appear that you were a Wolverine too. 
   That tenth Birthday you asked for a Birthday party so we gave you one. We invited your friends from church, your cousinsand the neighbor boy. Your sister Amanda decorated a Wolverine cake for you snd everyone had Wolverine fake teeth. You were so excited that we all participated in your Wolverine fantasy. You had many more Birthdays with us but I think that was the happiest one. I miss you every single day Seth. Love you forever… Mom

New Brothers

May 27, 2017

This was the first day Behr and the boys met. You can see the joy on little Seths face . 

All children loved Seth

May 27, 2017

Seth was the favorite of all children. He was kind, patient, and always made time to play with them. Whenever I talked to my grandchildren Seth's name would come up. It would be where is Seth or tell Seth this , or that for me. Little children came knocking at our door looking for Seth as he rode the bus with them, and considered him a friend.

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