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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Sharon Bruce, 61 years old, born on June 23, 1950, and passed away on June 5, 2012. We will remember her forever.

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Her Life
July 3, 2019

well my mom was born june 23rd 1950 she was child 14 her dad passed away just months after and my grandmother never remarried in those days man we had some strong woman i tell ya, the older kids would help with the younger ones but think about this my grandma was a single woman of 14 there was no welfare no foodstamps no free lunch at school i couldnt imagine but my mom turned out to also be a strong independent woman just like all the rest mom bein the youngest i use to always feel sorry for her i guess i felt like how could grandma really take care of or even have enough time to give them all attention and love but seeing my mom and all my aunts and uncles show she made time for each and did an awsome. Job well my mom had some party moments in her life in which i felt she deserved she had no luck with men and even learned how to defend herself quite well after fighting her 1st husband my mom had a heart of gold but also didnt let noone take advantage of her .she raised us with the help of family when isoos young all of us cousins were more like brother and sister they kept us close and i loved it we had respect for our parents ,aunts,uncles and most importantly our grandma Bruce i sure wish times were still that way but there is now only 1 living out of 14 and the glue that kept us all close has been gone for along time i just wish my little girl could of enjoyed bein close to family like i was but my strong mother taught me good enough will make do with how things are because times has changed so much but my mom sure got taken to soon i wish kyah could of spent more than her first yr with her but at least she got a yr but she will be raised knowing how special her naw naw was and how strong of a woman she was i will definitely keep her memory alive rest easy momma and enjoy the family love and miss u

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