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missing you

February 14, 2014
Sissy you were the best anyone could ask were so funny an such a clown ,especially dancing to watermellon crawl .I always got so tickled at you.we had our bad times ,but we had more good .I miss you so much sometimes I can't stand it.I dream of you often,I'm always trying to get you to call me but you don't,and it hurts so much the other note I dreamed of you I dreamed I was hoping you would call me ,I waited an I waited and then one day you came with a friend to see me but you wouldn't stay I begged an begged you i,I woke up screaming Kay Kay Kay ,an when I did wake up I realized it was just a dream .if I could only tell you one more time that I love you with my heart an soul.I know there will come a day when I will see you again ,until then I will never forget you and will always love you........your sister jan

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