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Neighborhood Friends

August 25, 2018

My name is Judy.  I was friends with Sharon, when we were kids, we lived on south 19th street in Milwaukee WI. we had so much fun together.  Walking to McDonalds, walking around Big Boy , going to Southgate just to window shop.  We would go ice skating in the winter at the park not far from where we lived. We just had Fun and Laughed so much.  One day I drove past my moms house and down the block where Sharon lived.  So I googled Sharon the other day.  I was so saddened to see she passed. As I look at all the beautiful pictures, I see Sharon had a great family and wonderful life. Sharon will forever be in my thoughts and prayers.  Sharon is with God and will forever watch over us.  So sorry I didn't take the time to look her up sooner.

Judy Sandli

November 28, 2017

I will forever hold Sharon in my heart.  She was a precious and kind soul and Fred and I loved her dearly.  The moments and laughs we shared doing secretarial work at church and, of course, our wonderful times making music in our worship group.  Will never forget her beautiful voice, her smile, her caring nature.  I loved to make her giggle when I talked in my British accent and became "the Queen".  Such wonderful memories.  I will sing with you again some day Sharon.  Love you.

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