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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Shaun Blundell, 16 years old, born on December 7, 1977, and passed away on August 14, 1994. We will remember him forever.
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
I remember the day u passed brother! It felt like it my childhood days where gone forever! I'll always remember you Shaun, and we'll catch up on things when i see you in heaven! I love you brother!
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
thinking of you daily .. not and never far from my heart ... I just want to say I miss not having u around ,, I miss all the special time that we never had .. I miss that I had never had your children as my grand kids .. I would so luv them .. Can't wait to see you again .. I know than I will have forever peace and luv <3

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August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
I remember the day u passed brother! It felt like it my childhood days where gone forever! I'll always remember you Shaun, and we'll catch up on things when i see you in heaven! I love you brother!
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
thinking of you daily .. not and never far from my heart ... I just want to say I miss not having u around ,, I miss all the special time that we never had .. I miss that I had never had your children as my grand kids .. I would so luv them .. Can't wait to see you again .. I know than I will have forever peace and luv <3
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May 7, 2017

Me & Shaun grew up together! Back in the day we all where inseparable! It was me my brother Will Shaun's brother Randy and all of ours adoptive brother Josh Kent! Man we got in alot of trouble back then but looking back on it, it was the times of our lives!!! I'll never forget u Shaun!! I love u brother! I will see u on the other side!!

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