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"Golden Threads of Sunshine"

November 12, 2019
For our dear Sheilah and her wonderful, loving family, I would like to reshare a letter I had written for her 75th Birthday: 
"Golden Threads of Sunshine" 
When we first met, I knew you simply as the mother of my new college roommate! Little did I know how much more I would discover as time went on! Your ability to encourage and empower others showed up time and time again and became the words that will always embody who you are for me! 
From countless sleepovers at Samoset Drive… to being asked my 18-year-old opinion on politics… to inviting me to meet Ronald Reagan… your interest in my opinions and my life were very encouraging and empowering!  
As time progressed, I would get to know you more. During my college days at UNH, I would get to know you as an extremely supportive and caring woman. Although I had many priceless memories during my years at UNH, somehow I will never forget having that case of Tab arrive every time it was finals week!!  Thank you!! 
During the 1980 Olympics, I would also get to know you as an extremely FUN woman as we all shared that unforgettable moment in history when the U.S. Hockey team won gold!! I don’t think your home office was ever the same!! 
Over the decades to come, I would also get to know you as a fellow Leo… loyal and proud… through and through!! I am very proud to share being a Leo with you! You are a wonderful role model for woman everywhere! 
Fast forward through graduations (and, yes, I am responsible for myself that day!)… through showers… and weddings… and funerals. These priceless moments have woven you deeply into the tapestry of my life!!  And for that I am very grateful!!! 
You are golden threads of sunshine, encouragement and empowerment Sheilah!  You are an angel and a blessing and I am very honored to have you in my life! 
Happy, Happy 75th Birthday!!! 
Love always and forever, 
Lynn Piper 

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