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This memorial website was created in memory of  Sherry McElroy Royce Krug, 62, born on May 10, 1954 and passed away on February 16, 2017. 

Survived By: Her Children Stefanie, Aric and Andrea And her Grandchildren Austin, Kyle, Kaylee, Justin, Kayla, Kolsen, Caleb and Blaire

February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017
I'm sorry I never got to meet you. RIP
February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017
Although I have little memory of Sherry; she was so warm in her interactions with me through Facebook in the past few years. My love is with all of my family as they grieve for their mother. May she Rest In Peace and may my family find peace with her passing. I love all of you! ❤️
February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017
I will miss you my sweet cousin. Sherry was much older than I growing up. She always treated me like her little doll or child. She was very protective over me. Our families would go on trips together. We went to Yosemite park and Santa Barbara. When I was lost on the beach she was the one that found me. She is in panic mode and her sister Terry for not watching me closer. I remember when she was datin Mike Royce. He was a great guy but I was young and thought he was taking my Sherry away from me. So I would give him the evil eye. Little did he know I adored him and thought he was good for her and was cute. I am sadden because we lost touch right before my Aunt passed away. Then one day I got a message on my phone. I didn't recognize her name and she said Kimmie it's Sherry. She called me and we spoke for an hour catching up. I was upset at her for many things, but mostly because I loved her so much and I judged her like so many for the choices she made. However, once we spoke I forgot about how much I was mad at her. It was my Sherry my best friend, the person as a child I looked up to so much. Then we lost touch again. Then all of a sudden she pops up and asks to be my friend on FB. We spoke occasionally through the messaging. Every time she said I love you Kimmie. I feel for her children, because they didn't get to know the big hearted, sweet person I knew. She loved her cereal. She would eat huge bowls of cereal as tiny as she was. She was so beautiful. When I looke at her kids I see her in them. I see Mike too. I will miss my Sherry and as I type this the tears flow down my face remembering her in my childhood.
February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017
I will always love you....I will always cherish the childhood we had ...You,Terry and me and Kim...always together...You and Kim paired up and Terry and I paired up..we were the ornery ones lol ...we got in trouble a lot for messing with you two...I remember Christmases when Aunt Mary would come through the door with a refrigerator box of presents and would add to the crazy amount under the tree! Those were great Christmases...Terry would make me go to bed early because she believed the faster we went to sleep the faster tomorrow would come! You would come in and help me escape once she was asleep and we would giggle down the hall! I will always love you...I will always be here for your kids...They are the last of my Mama's family...although you picked a pretty great Dad for them so they don't really need me ...but I am here. Rest in peace my beautiful Sherry ...know that you were loved and we are shedding many tears. XOXO
February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017
Your mom was one of a kind....Such a free spirit, and that SMILE.The picture of her in that yellow dress and hat is how I will always remember her.So Beautiful... We really had some good times, laughing, dancing at New Years Eve parties. She could dance..Your mom was the only one I let smoke in my house. :) ( against uncle Steve's wishes) I loved your mom and I love you, Stephie. She was PROUD of her Children..

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February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017
I'm sorry I never got to meet you. RIP
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The Red Karmann Ghia

March 6, 2017

My very best memories of Sherry were during our High School Years. I don’t think I would have had as much fun as I did, until she moved into the neighborhood during the summer before 10th grade.

Thanks to her generosity and that beautiful red Karmann Ghia of hers, many of us learned to drive a stick shift for the first time. Lord, if cars could talk!  After a while, that beautiful car had taken quite a beating from us all. The passenger seat was broken to the point that it rocked back and forth when I sat in it and it   felt like I was sitting in the back seat instead of the front. It was always good for a laugh, but that was just for starters. The antenna was broken, so while Sherry drove, I would hold a wire coat hanger onto the antenna site which was conveniently located close to the passenger window, therefore enabling us to listen to the radio.  Oh, and it had a headlight that pointed to the stars.  OMG, living so close together in the trailer park, we would actually play hide and seek with our cars. I, in my parents new Cordoba and Sherry, in her cute little car that could hide anywhere. She always won because her car could dash in and out of the tiniest of driveways.  With the noise from the engine and the screeching of brakes, I’m amazed we didn’t get in trouble or an accident of some kind. We drove that car everywhere, even thru the desert to visit our friends in  Greenbriar. It was a shortcut from our neighborhood to theirs and in the process, mowing down the Oleander bushes that fenced our neighborhood, made for more laughter. Again, it’s amazing we didn’t get thrown out of the trailer park. Pretty innocent fun in those days! Trust me; there was some not so innocent fun as well!

And then there were the sleep over’s. My sisters and I and several friends spent most of our summer nights at Sherry’s, while her mom worked her butt off serving cocktails on swing shift. What teenager wouldn’t want to hang out in an unsupervised home?  Surprisingly, we never got in trouble. I remember a time when she called and wanted me to come over and I was getting a little bored with summer and I said “I don’t know what you want to do?” She replied “Well, we can smoke cigarettes, eat tuna fish sandwiches and drink iced tea” and I said “OK” as if it was something we weren’t doing everyday already. LOL.

Sherry was very particular about a few things. One was her crushed ice. We would go out of our way to a drive thru on Las Vegas Blvd. (I don’t remember the name) to get her iced tea because the crushed ice was just the way she liked it. The second thing was her mascara.  I have never known anyone who could be so meticulous with her lashes.  While the rest of us were ready to go, it never failed that we were left painstakingly waiting for her to finish the application process. It did payoff however, as it enhanced her beautiful brown eyes to go along with that gorgeous, thick hair.  I can’t mention her eyes without mentioning her hair. What a beauty she was, both inside and out! 

It always amazed me how she could be so determined when she wanted to be. Sherry had a way of talking you into doing things you might not want to do. She was actually very good at it.  I’ll never forget the time she talked me into working her shift, waiting tables at the famous Truckadero truck stop on Blue Diamond Road. I had never been a waitress before and can’t remember why I agreed to such a thing, except that she had that way of convincing me. Squeezing into her tight fitting uniform was a sight in itself and after writing all my orders out in long hand, I pretty much had other waitresses and cooks hating me. I wanted to walk out but didn’t have any transportation; there was no Uber in those days.  As soon as my sister arrived to pick me up, I walked straight out the door leaving behind, my pay for the day. The boss was dating Sherry’s mother at the time and that was how I was able to just show up and take her place for the day. I should have been furious with her but I don’t remember ever being mad at her for anything. Even when she borrowed a piece of clothing, it never came back the same. She always modified clothes to fit her body type and we couldn’t be more opposite in our shapes, she with the big boobs and me with the big butt.

One night, over iced tea, tuna sandwiches and cigarettes, we made a promise to be one another’s Maids of Honor in our weddings someday and we fulfilled that promise. Sherry started out to be a great wife and mother. It was about 10 years after High School that she started having some difficulty and I learned some things about my sweet friend that I never knew. She was seeking counseling and doing her best to   deal with it all. The last time I saw Sherry face to face was our 20th High School Reunion. She looked great but was still going thru some tough times. We lost touch over the years but thankfully Facebook brought us together again and we were able to pick up where we left off, laughing about the old times and catching up on the new. She spoke so lovingly about her children and grandchildren that you would have thought she was near them daily. I know she was very proud of all of you and I wish I knew how things got so bad that she basically abandoned us all, however I do believe that she felt it was the best thing to do at the time. 

Sherry was an old soul; she came from the school of hard knocks due to some of her choices but also some that were made for her and yet she was the most forgiving person I have ever known. I don’t think she had an envious, jealous bone in her body. I don’t remember a time where she spoke badly about someone and if she did, she spoke it to their face as well.

I didn’t realize she suffered from depression but looking back, when she was down, she wrote the most beautiful poetry.  Yes, my memories are from long ago, however we had a phone conversation within this last year and I could still hear her kind heart. I’m grateful that she was able to connect with her family and friends through FB. I’m sure it gave her great joy to watch her grandchildren grow up and I’m sure she also shed many tears at the same time.  I didn’t know she was as ill as she was and was hoping we would arrange to see one another again. Rest in Peace my dear friend and God Bless you all!


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