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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Shirley Kearns, 79 years old, born on January 23, 1935, and passed away on July 2, 2014. We will remember her forever.
January 23
January 23
I can't believe you would've been 89 today. I want to find your stone at the cemetery and leave some flowers. I promise you I will find your stone. In a few weeks I'm going to Florida and I haven't been there since I went with you. I think of you often Nana and I love you so much.

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January 23
January 23
I can't believe you would've been 89 today. I want to find your stone at the cemetery and leave some flowers. I promise you I will find your stone. In a few weeks I'm going to Florida and I haven't been there since I went with you. I think of you often Nana and I love you so much.
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