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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, SHIRLEY Adams, 69 years old, born on February 23, 1944, and passed away on March 23, 2013. We will remember her forever.

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May 17, 2017

My Mama was my BEST FRIEND,and my HERO.She was the strongest,and smartest woman I know.She put her FAMILY first,ALWAYS.My MAMA was my FATHER also.She worked two jobs,so she could take care of her children.We had a hot home cooked meal every evening.She paid all the bills by herself.Sometimes she had no money left.But she ALWAYS done it.To make sure her children had a place to live,and had food to eat.It didn't matter if she had to go without something or not.She put us First ALWAYS.MY MAMA was the greatest woman in the world to me.There was nothing that I didn't talk to her about.She never JUDGED,OR THOUGHT LESS OF ME.I was the youngest daughter,and I was sick,with heart disease.I had to undergo open heart surgery when I was years old,and I can remember being in the hospital.Every memory I had of being in the hospital included my Mama.She was there with me every moment.When I had my children,I didn't raise them,my MAMA did.And she loved them,just the same as if they were hers.My two sons Loved her just as much.My MAMA went above,and beyond at being a Grandma to those boys.She spoiled me as a grown woman,up until the day God called her home.When she died,I honestly didn't want to go on without her.It felt like I had died also,and they forgot to bury me.I didn't know how to live without her,and really still don't.Its like I'm just going through the motions.I miss her so much and I can't wait till the day God wants me to go home with her.Until then.YOUR FOREVER ON MY MIND AND IN MY HEART.


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