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Nic's Tribute to Grandma Shirley

April 5, 2015

Shirley Weinstein passed away Wed March 18th 2015. She is remembered by her four sons, their wives, 8 grandchildren, two great grandchildren and undoubtedly countless others.

Shirley was a character and everyone who met her had a funny story to tell. Many people remember her time as president and outstanding member of the Jewish organization ORT.

She was also an incredibly kind hearted and accepting person. She was unique in that peoples race, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity was important to her only in so much as it helped her understand who the person really was. She unconditionally loved her family and spread joy to everyone around her.

It is with heavy hearts that we bid her farewell and on to her next adventure. If there is such a place as Heaven, Shirley is there were her beloved husband Phil wearing very large jewelry, gucci shoes and playing the host of the party. 

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