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Jr high friends

July 11, 2021
  1. I went to Jr high with Siera, I went to her house often and talked with her mom, who was always grateful when I came around because she considered me a positive influence. I am just sad my family moved away when I was so young. We used to listen to Kwin radio, change outfits, put on makeup, watch MTV music videos, and just be silly. She showed me lots about being a teenage girl that I didn't know because I had a sheltered childhood. She helped me open up a lot by encouraging me. Her mom was always awesome and would cook us food and take us to wherever we wanted to go, the mall, the movies... (if she didn't siera would have a fit) but that's just how she was. She's no longer suffering as I know she has ever since her mom's passing. He needed her more now, he needed to bring her home to mama again. Rest in paradise my old friend ❤️

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