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1st B'day

December 27, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday sweet nephew!

Don’t weep at my grave,
For I am not there,
I’ve a date with a butterfly
To dance in the air.
I’ll be singing in the Sunshine,
Wild and free,
laying tag with the wind,
While I’m waiting for thee.

March 20, 2012
It's time to say goodbye
and we don't understand why
today is the day we lay
our little man to rest
everyone knows he was the best
he was our miracle our dream come true
and we are here to comfort you
though today we say goodbye
just remember he never really dies
for in our hearts his spirit lies
if he could talk I know he'd say
mommy daddy please don't cry
for I am not gone im flying high
im that brand new twinkle in the sky
I know one day I'll see you again
and until then
hold your heads up high
and just remember imp standing by
for im the light of the moon
and the sunlight in the sky
so please be strong and it won't be long
till we're together again
love your little man

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