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March 2
March 2
Thinking of you Soph on your 20th (earthly) Birthday, Forever 12 yrs old in our minds (taken way too soon) with so many of your loved ones wondering what you would be up to at 20 yrs of age on this crazy earth... I'm sure you'd be thriving and loving life. I'm reassured from scripture that you are in Heaven and that has to be better than dealing with many of the trials on this earth and I pray that we will see each other again and that you will be reunited with your mom, dad, brother and all of your family members who long to see you and hold you once more, that is my prayer for them as my heart aches for all that they have gone through in losing you. You (and your family) are thought of often and you are never forgotten about.
March 2
March 2
. I can't believe you are 20yo today Soph! Like Shyenne, I also wonder why you would look like.... your crazy personality.... and the joy you brought to so many people! But you are with your cousin Angel Nicole who will be 17yo on the 24th!!! And also you are with Grammy and Boppy Reed .. your grandpa Mase.... but still ... You are so missed here! I love you Soph!!
March 2
Happy 20th birthday beautiful, I can’t believe it’s been this long. Part of me wonders what you’d look like now or if we would still have been so close. Sometimes I wish I could say sorry for not talking like we did when we was kids. Miss you lots
March 2, 2023
March 2, 2023
. Happy Heavenly 19th birthday Sophie! I would love to see what you look like now ...I know you are beautiful! We all miss and love you so much! Hugs for you and gram and grampy Reed.   
March 2, 2023
March 2, 2023
Happy heavenly birthday Soph. You're beautiful soul will always be remembered.
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
Wow Sophie I can't believe it's been 6 years since you were taken from us in such a horrific way... You are so missed!We would love to know how your cool personality had developed even further... What color would your hair be... What would be your disposition?? I think of you so much Soph.... And miss you... It just breaks my heart everytime... BUT we will see each other one day .. I love you honey and until then.... Fly high I love you, Great-aunt Viv
March 2, 2022
March 2, 2022
. Happy 18th heavenly birthday Sophie! ...It doesn't seem possible! You are missed so very much...I would love to know what you would look like ... what color would your hair be.....what more unique things to your personality would have developed? Your first date .the prom...being a senior ..It's so sad you missing all those things but you are blessed being with Jesus....and all our family...and your cousin Angel Nicole who will have her 15th heavenly birthday March 24 . .. Love you! And we WILL see each other again one day! Fly High sweetie .... Love,Great-aunt Viv
March 2, 2022
March 2, 2022
Happy, what would be your 18th Birthday Soph! I wonder if earthly birthdays are celebrated in Heaven? If they are, I imagine them to be the most beautiful celebration. I know your mom, dad and brother are still hurting terribly from losing you 6 years ago! It seems so unfair. But trusting in God and His promise is the only Hope we all have.
Your family and loved ones miss you so much. I pray that God allows you to give them heavenly signs, that knowing Jesus as savior will be the assurance that we all see you again. Peace and comfort to them all. 'Til we meet again Sophia, love from all of us.
January 2, 2022
January 2, 2022
I know you’ll never see this but I’ve been missing you extra here lately a lot of years have went by but yet it still doesn’t seem real, I hope one day to come see you love you always ❤️
July 10, 2021
July 10, 2021
  Missing you so much tonight Sophie....Guess it started with me missing gram and grampy then i started thinking of you.... so I always come to your page to feel your presence...I wonder what you would be doing tonight? Saturday night as a 16yo....probably having fun and driving your mom bananas with your beautiful crazy self.....Love you Soph....Miss you...Hugs to you n gram and grampy and my special grandaughter Angel Nicole....Fly high Sophie....Love you,Great Aunt Vivian
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
Wow Sophie I can't believe it's been 5years today since you were so tragically taken from us! And your mom and Gammy and all if us miss you just as much now as then... Probably even more for your mom and dad and siblings. I'll never forget when we saw it on Facebook at 4am because we live in Virginia so didn't know! What a horrible crushing feeling then have to drive 8 hours home. Absolute pain ... But everyone visits you at your beautiful garden your mom keeps up for you. And your writing on the headstone ALWAYS inspires me BECAUSE that is what was IMPORTANT to YOU!!! We love you and miss you so much!! And I know your cousin Shyenne Ailstock REALLY misses you!!! Until we see one another again Sophie I love you!!
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
5 years seems so long ago, but also like it was yesterday when hearing the heartbreaking news of your tragic accident. You are missed dearly Soph, and thought about always! My prayers continue for your momma, dad and brother John and all those who loved you. I know they have such pain and heartache still. May you continue to watch over them and all of us until we meet again in the Lord's kingdom. ❤️
March 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
Happy 17th birthday Sophie! It's hard to believe you are 17. We miss you and love you so much! It would be AWESOME to see what beautiful young lady you would be. and all the shenanigans and stuff you would be doing with the family.  This year now you also have Gram Reed with you. We sure miss her too but so happy you all together. Your cousins Crystal. Lexi. n Shy miss and love you too! . Happy birthday honey! Love, Great-aunt Vivian
March 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
My tribute to you last year stands true with each passing year. As we go day by day carrying on with our daily lives, you're never forgotten about Soph! I know you're missed immensely. Heaven is a much better place and until we meet again, keep shining down on all of us. In the arms of Jesus.
Much love! -Lisa
April 12, 2020
April 12, 2020
Wow Sophie. I can't believe today is 4 years since you were so tragically killed . . We miss you so much. I don't even know what to say. But you are so terribly missed. Your sense of humor. Personality. .spunk... your tall tales you told. Your Gamme Ruthie loves telling about the stories you told . .She misses your guys slumber parties... She had to have her best friend Shadow put to sleep last week so I bet he is right next to you . Your entire family misses you. And you are 16 now! Wonder what you would be doing ?? I hate to say it but so sad your family . All of us were given 2 LIFE sentences and your killer Dev gets out tomorrow after ONLY 4 years!!! That is NOT justice .. I am sorry . Your family first death sentence is not having you anymore and every holiday and birthday missing you. every mile marker for you. And second death sentence is now that he's gonna be free they will be worrying if they will run into him on the streets of Wellsboro. So sad! But God is a God of justice and He is and will be watching after your family. So Sophie. (Blueberry) ... keep on dancing with the angels. Singing in the Angel choir. .. chasing playing with Jasper and Shadow. añd playing pranks on Boppy Reed. Grampy Mase. We love you. Miss you sweetie
April 12, 2020
April 12, 2020
It's Easter day, and we remember how Jesus died for the world and rose from the grave 3 days later to conquer death and is in heaven with God preparing a place for all who believe in Him. Today is also the day we remember when your life, Soph was taken too soon in that terrible accident. My heart still aches for your parents and John as I can't imagine losing one of my babies. You are remembered so often Sophia and I've prayed a lot for your family and loved ones, that God would give them peace and comfort that only He can provide knowing that you're in heaven and will never again hurt or be sick. 'Til we meet again, you are missed on this earth but I pray that you're in the presence of God watching over all of us.
March 2, 2020
March 2, 2020
Today’s your birthday, it hurts you’ll never get to experience getting older. Or getting your license. My heart has been heavy all day. But I know you’re doing good up there. I know angel is happy to have someone. I love you.
March 2, 2020
March 2, 2020
Happy 16th birthday Sophia.. I am so sorry you can't be here with all your family to REALLY celebrate! I know you would be such an amazing beautiful happy go luck person.Ypu were so full of life and fun! But I can bet you are giving your grandpa Tommy Mase and Boppy Reed a run for their money and enjoying your cousin Angel Nicole .It never really gets any easier. Think about you and what you would be doing..It's even tougher.. heartbreaking for your mom and family ..Well happy birthday Sophia and we love you! Also your cousins love you Crystal. .Lexi..and Shy..Until we see each other again .Fly high! Love you,Great aunt Viv and family

March 1, 2020
March 1, 2020
Hey Sophie, I can’t believe your birthday is tomorrow. These past couple weeks have Been so hard. I miss you so freaking much. And I know we couldn’t see each other a lot but we were so close. Tomorrow is gonna be awful. But I know you’re getting taken care of
January 9, 2020
January 9, 2020
. Good morning Sophie... I am not sure why but you have been on my mind SO MUCH the last few days. I actually have tears for you now. . miss you so much! Thinking of all you and your family have and will miss... breaks my heart... You touched SO many people lives.. not to mention my granddaughters Lexi and esp Shyenne .. you left great memories for them.. all of us... I can't believe in a couple months will be your 16th birthday !!! Oh how I wish you were here to celebrate it.. I know your mom and dad.. brother and sister do as well . You are so missed!! But I know you have lit up Heaven with your smile and your beautiful personality... dancing with the Angels! And with my granddaughter, Angel Nicole ( your cousin) and your Grampy Mase and Boppy Reed.. Uncle Cal and Uncle Kendall. So many people with you! I love you so much Sophie! And since you loved Jesus I know you are a blessing to everyone... Love you Blueberry ...
March 2, 2019
March 2, 2019
. Gee Sophie .... 15yo today !!! How we wish you were here with us... but I know you are dancing and having fun in Heaven.  Hugs to you sweetie. I can't say how sad we are but know you are dancing!! Until we see each other again .. ()()
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
I am sorry I missed the two year date yesterday Soph...technical issues.... But believe me you were in my thoughts all day....and your family.It does not seem possible it has been 2 you would be 14yo ~~~~ You have certainly left your special touch on soooo many people-you are missed and loved so very much.I still wonder about the Bible I gave you and if and what you had written in it.We were just starting to talk about Jesus and it was so cool !!! John following in your footsteps as far as Jesus....he liked my post about thanking Jesus for dying for our sins.I knew that would make you smile ... I love n miss you Sophie...Fly my lil granddaughter up there with you,Angel Nicole....     Love,Great-aunt Vivian
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
Miss you so much Sophie you where my favorite cousin.. I remember all our fun times you where taken from us to soon my heart goes out to all our family I love and miss you so much
March 3, 2018
March 3, 2018
Happy birthday would have been 14yo today( March 2,2018) We hope you are having a fun day and doing crazy things with Boppy and Grandpa Mase and cousin Angel Nicole :)  It does not seem possible you would be 14yo...we miss and love you soooooooooo much... Love you, Great aunt Viv
December 23, 2017
December 23, 2017
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Missing you so much Soph.....and I KNOW your friends and family truly are too ~~~~ You were such a beautiful flower while here on earth and left your wonderful fragrance EVERYWHERE YOU WENT AND EVRYONE YOU CAME IN CONTACT WITH...WHAT A BLESSING YOU ARE ~~~~~~~~~~~
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
I love you soph and just want u to know I will never forget you, you were the best friend /cousin I ever wanted
March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017
I love you so much Sophia. I am so glad I had the honor of being your friend. You are such a blessing to everybody's life you knew. I love you beautiful. ❤️❤️

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