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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Stacie Hance, 36 years old, born on September 25, 1967, and passed away on September 1, 2004. We will remember her forever.
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
I never got to meet you but I heard amazing stories about you you sound like an amazing person I wish you was here with us today so you can see how much mom has come you would be so proud of her we love you bunches
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
i dont know how mini times ive tryed to take my own life just to be with you agen its so hard not to have you here i wish i was hafe the mom you alwas was to us i love you tell i see you a gen pls watch over all your grand babys
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
mom i wish you was still here i miss you more then word can say.... this year hits me realy hard i was thing about you and realized you was 36 and i was 17 when you died that the same age as your grand daughter abby and i its been a hard 19 year with out you but you i love you 100% t.t.t.t your one and only baby girl heather hance  R.I.P SWEET
June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017
This flower is for you. I love you more than I can say.
June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017
This rose is for you. I love you more than I can say.
June 11, 2017
June 11, 2017
I miss you so much. Every day I wish u were here. U were and still are my best friend. I love u mostesly.

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Recent Tributes
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
I never got to meet you but I heard amazing stories about you you sound like an amazing person I wish you was here with us today so you can see how much mom has come you would be so proud of her we love you bunches
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
i dont know how mini times ive tryed to take my own life just to be with you agen its so hard not to have you here i wish i was hafe the mom you alwas was to us i love you tell i see you a gen pls watch over all your grand babys
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
mom i wish you was still here i miss you more then word can say.... this year hits me realy hard i was thing about you and realized you was 36 and i was 17 when you died that the same age as your grand daughter abby and i its been a hard 19 year with out you but you i love you 100% t.t.t.t your one and only baby girl heather hance  R.I.P SWEET
Recent stories

working mom

September 1, 2023
mom i never got to tell you i much i looked up to you i know you worked your ass off for us kids when we moved to denton tx i was coming back from staying the year with my dad and you was so exsided to see me i was just as happy to see you i know you worked 2 jobs and had to come home to alot of crap i pulled like a pizza cuter stuck in the wall above michaels head lol a fork in michaels foot chris's shirt riped to shit be cuse i got pissed off he tuned off my radieo me throwing knifes at chris omg if i could just tell you how sorry i em for putting you thew all that shit i would a 1000 times i love you and im so sorry 


September 1, 2023
one day we lived on the duplex in O.R i loved i remember me and michael go to the building in the frunt of the duplex and picking flowers for you and you told use we couldent do that but im shure we went back and got all of em lol i also remember takeing a dog that me and michael thought was abused by the owner so we brouht him home and when you pulled in moris was chasing lucky the dalmatian aroun the duplex you was not happy with that tell you got out and started busting out laghing that a cat was chasing a big dod i think thats when animals started adoping me lol just to let you know im 36 and tell this day i still get in trubel for bringing strays home lol i still dont care lol THE END

Bed time memories

May 25, 2019
  • I remember my mom singing usd to sleep at night she had the prettiest voice. She song dawn
  • 2.funny face
  • 3.bed time story
  • 4 servicer from reba. That was her song to use kids after she got in the Rec..

I also remember the day she got hit by that Chevy truck and the day she died but most of all I remember she always sead to make shere you make lots pf memorys wile you can be cuse one day thats all you'll have boy I boy she was right...  Any ways ttyl R.I.P LOVE YOUR 1 AND ONLY BABY 


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