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Your Bestfriend . ❤️‍

March 13
Happy birthday nana !! we miss you so much !! Trying to keep the family tight for you !! 
But lord know we need you more then ever !! 
I love you so much !! More than you know !!
I know you see me and watching me but i’m trying my best to keep going without you but im doing  what you told me do and im not gone give up . 
Thank you for everything !! Hopefully I'll see you again . Love your Bestfrind . 
June 21, 2023
One of  my favorite memory of my mother is her scratching and greasing my scalp. It was special because living in a house full it was hard to get one on one time with her. She would tell me about her life as a kid and ask me things that I could only tell her and it was nice just the two of us.  My other favorite memory is my mom’s back porch we have had countless conversations, reminiscing about life and even shed some tears on that porch. She would listen and give you advice whether you liked it or not and always made you feel like you matter. She knew I was this shy,awkward socially challenged kid but never made me feel bad about. She said she was always team Stacey and I will forever be team momma. We never went more than a day or two speaking and we always said  I love you. It was the last thing she said to  me and it rings clearly in my mind every night before I go to sleep. 

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