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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, susan draper, 57 years old, born on April 20, 1954, and passed away on August 14, 2011. We will remember her forever.
April 20
April 20
Happy Birthday Sue
You are forever missed
May God look after you say hi to all 
Our family in heaven
Love forever Sharon

April 20
April 20
Hello Aunt Sue,
Happiest of birthdays to you xoxo
I hope today is all about you up in heaven. One day we will meet again and I can’t wait. I wish you were here to meet James, he’s the most content, happy baby I could ever ask for. They say when a baby is born with red marks on their heads or body it means that they were kissed by an angel before they were born so I bet you met him before I did. I love you and I miss you so dearly.
April 20
April 20
Happy Birthday Sue just like to wish you a very happy birthday miss you very, very much. We all know you are in a better place looking down on us and you are in our heart and will never leave us as you always are Looking down on us and I miss you very much. I have a picture of you on my phone. Remind me of you and all the talks we had You will always be a special person to me and always be in my heart. Miss you too and happy birthday. Love you always. Doug
August 14, 2023
August 14, 2023
Hey Sue, I can’t believe it’s been 12 years since the passing think about you every day how I miss you and wish that you were still here but I know and I understand you’re in a better place and I know you’re looking out for us. I look at your picture every day every day actually to my face it to my heart that you are a very special person know I miss and love you very dearly and I know sharon does as well. We both care very much about you until the day we meet again you will always be in my heart and in my thoughts I will never ever forget you people say that but they don’t mean it I say it I do mean it we’re such a wonderful person and I love you for who you are and who you are love always Doug. Xoxo
August 14, 2022
August 14, 2022
Hello my dear sister
SUE you were always there for all of us through good times and bad always to cheer us up we had so many beautiful memories we laughed and cried together we looked out for each other I miss you so much I always had you to talk to your such a thoughtful wonderful sister
Uncle Jimmy is with you all now guess you will protect him under your wing
You are my special angel until we meet again I can hardly wait to see you
Love Sharon

August 14, 2022
August 14, 2022
Hi Sue well Sue in 11 years I’ve been gone I think about you every single day how I miss you wishing that you were still here but knowing and understanding what you went through and I didn’t wanna see you go through that none of us that you’re a big part of my life Sharon and I really miss you especially Sharon who is heartbroken favourite sister is gone and will see her once again as well I we both love you very much you are a special person to us you are always in our hearts and in our thoughts we both know that you are watching over us a special angel that’s what you are . Love you Sue today and forever until we meet again.
April 20, 2022
April 20, 2022
Happy Birthday Sue I truly miss you a lot and I miss talking and visiting you . I think about you every day and when I see your beautiful picture I talk to even though you can’t talk to me I really feel it in my heart ❤️. I will always continue to miss you daily until the day we meet again. Love you Sue today Tomorrow and forever you will be in my prayers and thoughts. Love you Sue. Xoxo
August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021
Sue I think of you every day I miss you a great deal and all the fun and laughter we shared You even managed to get me into Tae Kon Do,remember Roy's lizard we screamed one on the counter and one on the stove
Well Uncle Jimmy Has come to be with you and the rest of the family I bet he reminds you about the doll named Sarah
I miss and love you
August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021
Hi Sister Sue wow spend can years already soon I still can’t believe that you’re gone I miss you so much you taught me a lot I learned a lot from you remember all the good times we had together with Sharon and with Roman if you say that to Sharon and that we both miss you tremendously a lot and how we wish you were still here with us I constantly think about you every day I look at that picture of you can I talk to you every day when I get up in the morning see your picture I said good morning to you knowing that you’re still not here but you’re always in my heart and in my thoughts he will always be remembered by me and by Sharon Love you Sue and I miss you tremendously a lot I know and understand that you are in a Better Pl., I’m not suffering any longer but I will always remember you telling me it again I love you Sue and as I always say to you love you sister Sue I know that you’re looking out for us every day and I thank you for that but you’re always in my heart mind and always will be love you sue .
April 21, 2021
April 21, 2021
Happy Birthday sister Sue I miss you more each day I’m always thinking about you and knowing that you are in a better place . and with your family and your friends . We will meet once again and we can talk about everything that went on down here as well what it is up there I believe the most beautiful place ever that’s in heaven until then my beloved Sue always remember that I will always love you .
April 20, 2021
April 20, 2021
Hi Sue: Time flies so fast. I wish you a wonderful day with your family and you are rmembered here to. Have a great day and keep yours wings flapping
Love You
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Nine years already. Where did they go? I think of you often and what could have been. You are out of all that pain now and flying with brothers, sisters Mom & Dad. and many more relatives. I bet you have your family tree totally completed by now.
We will meet again one day. Just know you are loved and missed down here
Your sis Bev
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Hi Sue I can’t believe it’s been 9 long years sence you been gone . I always Remember you every single day I think of you and when I look at your picture I say to my self that’s my sister sue who I love and miss dearly and always will.but I know in my heart and mind that you are watching over all of us .i miss talking with you and visiting you I miss that a lot but I know that you are in better place and out of all that pain . I love you Sue and miss you . I’m always looking up to you in the sky to see the cloud of you.Love you And always miss you Love you Doug
April 20, 2020
April 20, 2020
Hi Sue just want to say happy birthday do you sue thinking about you miss you very very much more than words can ever say when I see your picture sitting here on the table I look at it and I always say I love you sister Sue and I’ll give you a kiss on the picture thinking of you always miss you a lot happy birthday sweetheart and there’s not a day goes by that I don’t think about you as well happy birthday Sue Love Doug
April 20, 2020
April 20, 2020
Happy Birthday my wonderful sister
I miss you so much
Life will not be the same without you
Not a day goes by I don’t think of you
Love Sharon
August 14, 2019
August 14, 2019
Wow 8 years have gone by always thinking of you all the special moments we shared
I miss and love you so much
One day we will see each other again
August 14, 2019
August 14, 2019
Hi Sue it’s been along 8 years sence you been gone, I truly miss you so much that I think about you daily, you are a special person to me and always will be . I miss spending time with you just to talk to you when ever I needed too. You were always there when I wanted to cost you and just seeing your beautiful smile. Love always xoxo
April 20, 2019
April 20, 2019
Happy Birthday to a wounderfull sister in-law you were , and always will be sue, You will never be forgotten as well as you will always be in my heart , I miss you a lot and always thinking of you, when I look at your picture it brings tears to my eyes but I know that you are in a better place , and one day we will see each other again, Love Always Doug xoxo,
August 14, 2018
August 14, 2018
Sue it’s a long 7 years
You are in my thanks every day
I always think of all the funny things we did together like trying to catch that darn lizard
We had a lot of really good memories
I love and miss you very much
April 20, 2018
April 20, 2018
Happy Birthday dear sister. You are missed and loved by many people and you will never be forgotten. Hope you are enjoying the peace you have now
Love Big Sis
August 14, 2017
August 14, 2017
Hi Sue:. Where have the years gone! 6 years already. You are missed & loved, but I know you are safe with all your family. Must be great to be with Robby & Dan again. You are missed & loved downhere. In everyone's hearts and thoughts everyday
Hugs to all with you
Love & Miss you Sue

June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Hi Sue: I hope you are enjoying your new life with family. You have the best with you brothers, sisters, parents although you are sadly missed down here. I believe we all have something we have to do before we pass on, You did yours and it was kindness and love for others. You are missed and loved
April 20, 2017
April 20, 2017
Happy Birthday Sue: 
You are missed but I find comfort in knowing you have lots of family with you. You must have been surprised when Mom and Danny joined you last year. 
You were truly loved and missed here
April 20, 2017
April 20, 2017
Happy Birthday Sue
You are greatly missed and always in my heart
I love you
August 14, 2016
August 14, 2016
Hi Sue
I know you are safe now and out of pain. You have Mom and our Grandparents and sister and brothers with you all the time. I know grandfather is happy you were his girl. 
I miss you Sue you gave me so much coming back in my life and I know you know the truth now. Love you and miss you.
Your big sis
August 14, 2016
August 14, 2016
Its 5 years today that jesus brought you to heaven to be a angel everyone still wishes you where still here with us we all miss and love you fly high until we meet again love you. Steve
August 14, 2016
August 14, 2016
Hi Sue
5 long years
There's not a day go by I don't think about you
I will always miss you we have alot of cherished memories
I love you my sister
April 20, 2016
April 20, 2016
Happy birthday aunt sue hope you and grandma are ok love you tell grandma I love her
March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016
Hi Sue
Mom is with you now please guide her along the way
I miss both of you so much

Love Sharon
August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015
4 years ago today god took a special lady home with him still thinking of you everyday miss you love till we meet again love steve
August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015
Sorry Sue
For the type o
That should say thank god not good
August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015
Hi Sue
Well its been another year
There's not a day go by that I don't remember you
All the fun and laughter we share
I thank Good for letting me have such a wonderful sister
Always in my thoughts you are my angel
I love you my sister
Until we meet again
August 17, 2014
August 17, 2014
Sue it's been three long years now
I believe you are now safe in God's arms
I love and miss you terribly but you left a lot of good cherished memories
One day we will see each other again
April 20, 2014
April 20, 2014
What a beautiful day? The perfect day for your birthday. I can see all the family that you built the family tree history from celebrating with the most beautiful angel in heaven. I miss you Sue even though our time together was short it was an eternity. You are missed by all and loved by all. Fly honey fly
April 20, 2014
April 20, 2014
Happy birthday aunt sue
Always missed but never forgotten
My mom is thinking and missing you everyday
Hope you have a ausome birthday
Miss you and love you
Nephew Steve hart
April 20, 2014
April 20, 2014
Happy Birthday Sue
wow you would have been the big 60 today
I miss and love you a lot
August 18, 2013
August 18, 2013
Hello my dear sister. I know you are watching over all of us. Sometimes words are spoken and I ask you to help me and you do. You were the bright star in this family and I miss you. Love you honey and keeps those wings flying as we will see you soon
:ove You     Your big sis Bev
August 15, 2013
August 15, 2013
Me again Sue, guess you can only leave so many lines I have alot of cherished memories
Thankyou for being such a great siter
Yes I miss you as if it were yesterday
You cheered everyone up always new the exact words to say I love you my sisyer one day we will meet again
August 15, 2013
August 15, 2013
I hope you enjoyed the beautiful angel that your niece sharon,made for me, I put it in the window with a candle
Theres not one day goes by that I dont think of you, I miss not having you to talk to and helping me with advice
August 14, 2013
August 14, 2013
2 years have gone since you left us always thinking of you miss you everyday wish you were here I miss you love you

Your nephew stephen
April 20, 2013
April 20, 2013
Happy Birthday my dear wonderful sister,
I dont know why you were taken so soon ,
Life will never be the same
I know you told me not to cry but honey I miss you and prey each day for you to come back
If you do have parties in heaven , im sure yours will be good
April 20, 2013
April 20, 2013
hi aunt sue I just want to wish you a happy birthday I miss you and love you i i think of you all the time your nephew stephen
April 20, 2013
April 20, 2013
hi aunt sue, its your birthday today, have a good birthday. We all miss you, your one of the prettiest angels I know and I know your looking down on all of us everyday. have a wonderful birthday and we will be celebrating down here like your celebrating up in heaven. I think of you all the time, I remember going to see you and have pepperoni sticks and fizzy water. love you and miss you.
April 20, 2013
April 20, 2013
You are my special angel
There are days when I know you are putting your wings around me and helping me through ,I have a special candle burning for your birthday
August 14, 2012
August 14, 2012
Sue my dear sister,so how is heaven ,you are an angel now
It's been a year ,I cherish all the good times and bad
The many many memories,
Now god is letting you rest from the pain
August 14, 2012
August 14, 2012
Things aren't the same without you here, so many things that you are missing. I sit here reminiscing. I hope you’re happy where ever you are now and in no pain, I smile thinking of the good times we had chatting on the phone and when you were happy, when you were sad.
Forever you will stay within my heart, I'll never forget.
August 14, 2012
August 14, 2012
You are very much missed Susie you helped us all celebrate the years behind us and now they are the stepping stones of strength, and now they are the joy for the years ahead... looking back you wanted all to be together and soon God will provide his place to us all to come back together for Eternity ..prayers for the family at this time...
August 14, 2012
August 14, 2012
Aunt sue today is one year and I miss you and love you and think of you all the time love you your nephew Steve
August 8, 2012
August 8, 2012
Candle lit by Beverley Reis on 8th August 2012
"How are you doing Sue? I know, you know how we are as I believe you are keeping an eye on us. We all miss you so much you were so special. God gave our family an angel and then took her home. We missed so many years but we will make them up when I get my wings ( no if I get my wings ) I cannot believe a year is near and I miss and love
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Recent Tributes
April 20
April 20
Happy Birthday Sue
You are forever missed
May God look after you say hi to all 
Our family in heaven
Love forever Sharon

April 20
April 20
Hello Aunt Sue,
Happiest of birthdays to you xoxo
I hope today is all about you up in heaven. One day we will meet again and I can’t wait. I wish you were here to meet James, he’s the most content, happy baby I could ever ask for. They say when a baby is born with red marks on their heads or body it means that they were kissed by an angel before they were born so I bet you met him before I did. I love you and I miss you so dearly.
April 20
April 20
Happy Birthday Sue just like to wish you a very happy birthday miss you very, very much. We all know you are in a better place looking down on us and you are in our heart and will never leave us as you always are Looking down on us and I miss you very much. I have a picture of you on my phone. Remind me of you and all the talks we had You will always be a special person to me and always be in my heart. Miss you too and happy birthday. Love you always. Doug
Recent stories

My Sister

April 20, 2012

Hi Sue and Happy Birthday,  I miss you honey.  Life was not fair to us in keeping us apart for so many years, but the time we did have made up for all.  I know you are an angel watching over us and that you will take care of us.  God has his angel but we lost our rose we will see you again and have that big family reunion you wanted. i LOVE MISS YOU AND WILL FOREVER

Roys newt

August 20, 2011
Sue Remember the day you came to My place forlunch break and Roys animal Got out ,we were trying to catch it We were sitting on the stove and screaming like School girls the thing kept sticking it's throat Out at us we were terrified of the dam thing but did eventually catch it we laughed somuch I enjoyed it so much whenyoucame over At luck break we did some really funny silly things Now they are precious memories I love and miss you so much

My Fiend Sue

August 16, 2011


You were a true inspiration to everyone who knew you.  You were a ray of sunshine and I thank God for our special friendship all these years.  I love you and will truly miss you. You are an angel looking over us.  "God I will miss you".

Love you,






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