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A quote from C S Lewis' "Last Battle" (Chronicles of Narnia)

January 10, 2019

 Priya read this lovely passage from The Last Battle at Cy's Memorial Service  that captures the promise of our faith in Christ:

“All their life in this world and all their adventures had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.” 

Cy, my obstetrician

January 11, 2019

One Sunday morning in 1984, at Herbertpur Christian Hospital, Cy started induction of labor for the birth of our third child. Despite being a surgeon he was an excellent obstetrician, an all-rounder in all medical fields, really, much needed at this remote mission hospital. In his usual practical style, he scheduled a Sunday birth when he would be free of the numerous out-patients who flocked to see him. I was always amazed that the shy rural women who refused to see a male doctor were so comfortable having medical care with Cy, a tribute to his awesome communication and treatment skills . It was a very hot September day. With the usual power cut there was no fan to move the sultry air around. But I didn't notice the discomfort because of Cy's bright smile, warmth and gentleness. Yvonne, an ever present help and midwife herself, added her ready humor to lighten my mood at a vulnerable time. Labor didn't start all morning, it grew hotter and muggier by the hour. The formidable labor room nurse, Sister Charles, left for lunch with the admonition that she must be informed immediately if labor progressed. My husband, Syd, went home to be with our two daughters, ages 6 and 2. Suddenly, everything fast-forwarded, the baby descended and was ready to be delivered. Cy rushed in, pushing his arms through the sterile gown, while telling me, "Don't push, I need to get things ready." It was an impossible command for me at that stage but Cy's calm voice actually worked! Within a few minutes, our son was born, my easiest, most relaxed, least traumatic delivery, all in the very basic environment of a small mission hospital delivery room with the kindest, exceptionally thoughtful, and caring surgeon/obstetrician who excelled at everything he undertook. This was to be the start of a life-long journey with our three children with Cy and Yvonne extending the same care, hospitality, generosity, thoughtfulness and personal touches as each grew up. Thank you, Cy, I'm lucky indeed to have such a precious memory in my heart. 

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