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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Ta'Vion Curlin, 1 year old, born on September 7, 2010, and passed away on May 7, 2012. We will remember him forever.
May 8
I couldn’t bare to write this yesterday because it doesn’t still seem real. 12 years without seeing you or hearing the noises you use to make. I wished we had more time with you but God needed you more. I love you and continue to rest peacefully my Tae boo.
September 7, 2023
September 7, 2023
Happy Birthday baby. You are truly missed. Love you butterball
February 22, 2022
February 22, 2022
There’s not an day goes by that I don’t think about you. I love and miss you so much
September 8, 2021
September 8, 2021
You taught me the meaning of loving unconditionally. Your entrance into this world was an experience that I wouldn’t wish on no one, but I also would do all over again to be blessed with you. Watching you go through everything that you went through not only gives me strength, but also the will to face anything. The light that shines through you was enough to cast out any darkness that sought to overshadow our toughest days. Giving you back was one of the toughest things I have ever had to do, but wanting you here would’ve been too selfish of me; especially knowing you would have suffered. So I hold onto your memories and the love that continues to grow even in your absence. Although the pain does not lessen as each year passes, I know that one day I’ll see you again. Until then continue to watch over us. Love always, Mom.
September 8, 2021
September 8, 2021
Love and miss you much taffer til I see you again fly high
September 7, 2021
September 7, 2021
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAE! Another year has passed and another year that we celebrate your birth. We still down here rocking for you and we love and miss you. We’re going have a nice little party in your name . Love you always

September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
I love and miss you so much. My butterball I think about you all the time. Until we meet again
September 7, 2020
September 7, 2020
Tay..another year was indeed a blessing to know you and to see that smile on your face, oh how much fun i can imagine you are having now, fly high handsome angel and ocontinue to look over your siblings..a big birthday hug to you...
September 7, 2020
September 7, 2020
Happy Birthday my son, another year of honoring you on your birthday. Wow hard to believe you are now 10 years old. Well today we have a special day planned for you in your honor. I love you son and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t carry you with me. Sit back and relax and let our ancestors shower you with love from above, and we shower you with love from below.
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020

Today makes it an unbelievable 8 years since you went home to be with our Ancestors. A lot has changed since that day when I had to say goodbye. That day often replays in my head. Simply said, I miss you Tae! It seems to hit even harder on today off all days. I cried and said your name over and over again. Then I got that feeling of reassurance that you’re are happy, and that you are in good health. Please continue to watch over us, and your memory will never fade. You will always be remembered, as the one who fought for his life and was loved by everyone.
September 19, 2018
September 19, 2018
Hey baby another year has gone by without you here with me, and my heart aches so much. I love you butterball
September 7, 2018
September 7, 2018
Hey Tae,
Another year passed and just wanted to come by and say Happy Birthday Son! I miss you but I know you’re up there with family enjoying yourself. And I also feel your presence, and I get the feeling of peace . We going to throw a party for you tomorrow in celebration of you. Love you Always
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
5 years still feel like the first day. I love you and miss you my angel. There's nothing I wouldn't give to have you back, but you're at peace now so I'll take comfort in knowing that.
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
Tae day my boy, can't believe it's been 5 long years since you went home to be with the most high and our ancestors. Still today my son it hurts to not have you here physically. I know it's selfish but I'm human and I want my son here. It's so hard, but I have to keep pushing and keeping your memory alive. Your siblings are growing and they know you and ask about you. Until I join you in next life I will hold you down on this one. I love you
September 7, 2016
September 7, 2016
Happy Birthday tafer love you man alway my light
May 7, 2016
May 7, 2016
Another year gone baby and it still hasn't gotten any easier, but I've learn to deal with it. Just know that I miss your smile, your noises, and even the early morning wake ups. I love you baby. Continue to sleep peacefully.
May 7, 2016
May 7, 2016
These years continue to roll by and son it never gets easier. There's not a day that we don't miss you and think of you deeply. But we will continue to celebrate you memory and love you. Until we meet again rest in paradise my son. Daddy loves you
September 7, 2015
September 7, 2015
Happy Bday Tae, today marks your 5th bday an d i know you up there partying with your grandma's, aunt, an s uncle's. But down here we gone hold you down and pay tribute to you. We gone party as if you physically here with us. We love you and miss you
September 7, 2015
September 7, 2015
Happy 5th Birthday my butterball!! I love you so much my angel. Until we meet again kisses
September 7, 2015
September 7, 2015
Happy 5th Birthday my angel. Continue to sleep peacefully and know that we will always love you.
May 7, 2015
May 7, 2015
Hey Tae, it's been 3 long years. It seems like just yesterday that you went on to a better place. But there is not a single day that you don't cross my mind. Your sisters and brothers are keeping your memory alive and we will always do so as a family. It's a painful day especially for me and your mom. But we will try our best to honor you with smiles and stories of the strongest soldier I know. That's you!!! I love you and I miss you and I will see you when I get there but until then you are in my thoughts and forever in my heart.
May 7, 2015
May 7, 2015
Hi my handsome butterball, It's been 3 years since I've held you in my arm. I miss you so much. Baby boy I hold you in my heart. I love you to the moon and back. Until we meet again
September 7, 2014
September 7, 2014
Happy 4th Birthday!!!! I love and miss you so much. Rest peacefully my angel.
September 7, 2014
September 7, 2014
Happy Birthday son, today is your day and I know you having a VIP Birthday party up in heaven right now. Today we will honor your memory and celebrate for you. As you probably already know, there is not a day that we don't miss you or think of you. We love you
Rest In Paradise
August 28, 2014
August 28, 2014
Hey baby, your birthday is coming up soon and I wanted to let you know that not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I miss your smile, laugh, noises, but most of all I miss you. I know you're in a better place so I can't wish for you to be back here going through so much. I'll see you again one day. I love you
May 7, 2014
May 7, 2014
Hey baby, just wanted you to know that even though I don't come on here often I love and miss you. I will celebrate this day in your memory and continue to make you proud.
May 7, 2014
May 7, 2014
My butterball it's been two years since I held you in my arms. I miss you so much.I can't say that I'm not going to cry today because I know I am.Even though I shed alot of tears I know you are okay, you suffer no more. I love you Tae baby! Until we meet again
May 6, 2014
May 6, 2014
Hey tae its your granny just want you to now that i love and miss you. Tomorrow is your day and we gone have a day just for you wish you was here wish us but not gone complain just thank god for all the time we had with you. Love you and continue to rest in HEAVEN
March 7, 2014
March 7, 2014
My butterball I miss you so so much. Tonight I'm looking at your pictures. My heart aches I miss you dearly, but I know you're okay. You're auntie soldier there are not enough words to say how deeply I love you .Until we meet again hugs and kisses my angel
February 23, 2014
February 23, 2014
Hi baby, just wanted to say I love you and miss you dearly my little butterball
February 21, 2014
February 21, 2014
Hey Tae Day i know its been too long since i been on here, but rest assure you are always in thought. We think about you all the time and still have a lot of your things........Being honest it breaks me down to the core a lot not have you here with us, the way things happen seem so unreal and unfair. asking why a lot in my head, feeling anger, hate, regret and constant pain. Wishing i could rewind time and did something different. Sometimes Tae i just don't know, i really need you to help me keep moving and stay positive. Life is crazy and unpredictable and i will never understand this world we live in. But i promise you I'm going to live my life right, so i can one day be reunited with you and my momma. I love you Tae and continue to watch over us. we miss you
February 21, 2014
February 21, 2014
Hey baby, mommy hasn't been here in awhile but I never stop thinking or talking about you. You were such a joy to have around and we really miss that. I know you are enjoying being in a special place with both your granny's and I'm glad that you are with them since you can't be with us. It's coming up on 2 years and it's definitely not getting easier but we are coming together and helping each other get through it. I know some of our strength is coming from you and I'm thankful for that. Continue to watch over us and I look forward to seeing you again one day. I love you.
February 21, 2014
February 21, 2014
My butterball auntie loves you so much,there's not a day goes by that I don't think about you.You are forever in my heart.I'm sending you everlasting hugs and kisses.I LOVE YOU TAE
September 7, 2013
September 7, 2013
Happy birthday my love! You will forever be one of my greatest gifts and I'm so glad to be your mother. I love you!
September 7, 2013
September 7, 2013
Happy birthday TaVion Deshun Curlin. I love and miss you so bad. You turnt 3 today. Wish you were here with us. Pj talks about you all the time. He misses you like crazy this is your day so we are cooking a dinner for you remember granny loves you and misses you and will never forget you. You are the sunshine of my life love you Tae. Rest in Paradise sweetheart. Enjoy your day Tae
September 7, 2013
September 7, 2013
Happy 3rd Birthday my Tae boo! I know your having a big party in heaven without us. we all love and miss you so bad. I look at the pictures of you everyday and wish I could hold you once again. You were such an inspiration to me how hard you fought until the bitter end. I love you and I will continue to keep your memory alive. HBD Tae Boo!
September 7, 2013
September 7, 2013
Happy third birthday Tae!! I remember the day you were born and how excitied your family was. I loved seeing your pictures on Facebook and hearing about all the things you do! Hope you are celebrating your third birthday in style in Heaven with granny! You truly are an angel!
September 7, 2013
September 7, 2013
Happy Birthday Tae i miss you so much, it sucks so much but i know u are in a better place living it up. Have a blessed day up there and plz continue to look after us. I love u
September 5, 2013
September 5, 2013
Well baby I haven't been on here in awhile but I definitely wanted to wish you a early Happy Birthday! Its hard to believe saturday is the big 3 and you're not here with us, but I'm sure you're going to have the best party in heaven. I love you and miss you so much. PJ talks about you all the time and even calls your little brother your name lol. I'm sure he'll help us tell him and your..
September 5, 2013
September 5, 2013
Sister stories of you. Thats right you're going to have a little sister. I wouldn't be surprised if she looks like you just like Dori does. Continue to watch over us Tae. We're a work in progress but I know we'll be ok especially with you as our special angel to guide us. I love you baby and can't wait to see you again.
September 1, 2013
September 1, 2013
Hey Tae, in few more days we celebrate the day that you came into our lives and changed them forever. The lesson that you have taught us all still remains. I miss you so much baby. There is not a day that goes bye that I don't. I would love to have you stick your tongue out at me or make those loud noises. I love you Tae I know granny pinches your cheeks probably everyday.
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May 8
I couldn’t bare to write this yesterday because it doesn’t still seem real. 12 years without seeing you or hearing the noises you use to make. I wished we had more time with you but God needed you more. I love you and continue to rest peacefully my Tae boo.
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First birthday

February 21, 2014
We celebrated his first birthday and even though he spent most of the time sleep we all had a great time. When he was born it didn't look like he was going to reach 1 but by the grace of God he made it to 1 and past that.

mornings with Tae

May 21, 2012

Tae baby I remember every morning around 2 you would always wake me up by kicking me in my back. When I wouldn't answer you would start cooing louder and louder. finally I would roll over and you would latch on to my face. Before I knew it I had a face full of drool ewwwww I know right, but I would give anything to have that happen one more time.

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