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This memorial website was created in the memory of our precious daughter, Tahlia, who was born on June 25, 2007 and passed away on December 17, 2009.   She touched the lives of all those who knew her and is missed more than words can say.  She was the happiest, most beautiful and bravest little girl in the world.  We will always love her and will remember her forever.

My Butterfly

I long to feel the soft weight of you to welcome you home,

with kisses on silky round cheeks.

Instead, my arms ache with the weight of your absence,

the empty places that were meant for you to grow into.

My love for you will last an eternity.

My hopes and dreams now carried

on the fragile wings of each butterfly passing

compelling me to pause, to savour each moment,

each flutter in my heart -

your wings.

June 27
June 27
My beautiful angel. Happy birthday ❤️ I remember the day you came into my world as if it was yesterday. You were my everything ... You still are my everything. So many birthdays now missed and yet the world keeps moving on as if nothing ever happened. But you did happen ... You brightened this world with your first breath and my world went dark when you took your last. My love for you will never lessen, the pain of losing you and what could have, should have been, will also never lessen ... It is with me every hour of every day, a constant presence in my life, a nightmare that I can never wake from, but at the same time the pain is also a reminder of a love that will NEVER die, that you were here, and knowing you, even for the short time you were here, was, and will always be, the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you and miss you so much my beautiful baby girl ... although I guess now I should say my beautiful young lady ... 17 years old ... where have those years gone ... Xxxx
June 25
June 25
17 years ago today.. the world.. my world.. changed forever... I have tried very, very hard today to think quietly of that day without the swirling noise going on around me.. the absolute joy you brought me.... you still bring me - little hands, little fingers, little warm feet... and now... so long after, in these fading years all that remains are these memories .. I am trying to imagine you as a teenager.. smarter than I ever was, strongly determined, with your mother's golden locks and the warmth of her smile, you - loving every part of your life with that bright energy that made you a beautiful butter-Y girl... That is all there is now... Sitting here alone.. all I can wish is the thought of what a birthday today would have been like for you.. for us.. the things that we have had taken horribly away.. your mum is right.. it is treading water - endlessly.. and it is very, very, very exhausting... all my love.. wherever you are .. the happiest of birthday memories you bring and the bitterest memory of that other day that came and tore us all apart... I hope that You, Honey, Nan and Moet are all together - at peace.. no more pain and waiting for us to join you.. happy birthday Bubbygirl.. yours now and until soon... your Darro...xxxx 
December 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
Hi baby girl...I really don't know what to say today. It's like ground hog day again and again and again. The absolute pain I feel at your loss is indescribable. I still can't process or understand why you had to go through so much and why mummy and Daddy had to lose you. I try to keep going and keep a happy face but to be honest it's so exhausting. All my hopes and dreams for my life vanished the day you had to leave us and, I, just like your dad, am just treading water until the day we can be together again. I love you and miss you so so much. Mum Xxxx
December 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
Beautiful little Butter-y girl... yes, it has been 14 very long years .. and this horrible anniversary each year only brings back the bad memories of 'that day' so many years ago. It remains as clear as a memory can be..I sit in the darkness of what this life has become thinking it should have been me and absolutely not you.. never you... as I am growing older I can only draw comfort from the fact we will be together soon.. the days ahead are fewer than the days behind and with Honey now with you.. the world is just that ever more lonelier.. Tahlia.. there will never ever be enough words to express how much you are missed and especially at this time of the year.. it is even so much more harder as everywhere I look I see my little girl in the eyes of other children... with all my love my beautiful daughter.. your Darro misses you and Honey so much... xxx 
June 25, 2023
June 25, 2023
Another year passes, making the distance of memory faint.. the sounds of laughter echo whilst the smells of things still familiar - ache.. Today, to picture a 16 year old Tahlia is the only thing that remains.. when imagination is all that is left to replace a life that we have lost... and.. in turn.. our own lives that we have also lost for things we have never had the joy and magic of experiencing as Parents. This year, you and Honey are together . .I can only imagine where.. I still hope and want more than ever to join you both so as to end this never ending dark ache.. time has fashioned me in to someone I don't recognise anymore.. all I have is a memory that remains of being Tahlia's Darro.. Happy birthday butter-y girl.. I hope and believe that you and Honey (woof woof) are together and one day, we will also all be together once more... missing you today as the memories of your smiles come flooding back... the ahead time is now certainly less and that is comfort and my hope .. not long now .. makes the days go fast.. ... my love always.. Happy Birthday... your Darro....  
June 25, 2023
June 25, 2023
Sweet 16 today! How can that be? All those special days that I have missed, it just never gets easier. I can only imagine what you would be like now if you were still here but I'm sure you would have been beautiful, kind, cheeky and smart. We would have had a fabulous party to celebrate your special day, with all the family around and all your friends, lots of presents and a beautiful cake. I can see it all in my mind .... but it also hurts so much that I will never have the chance to actually experience it with you for real...
Not a day goes by without thinking of you my beautiful girl. I love you so so much and on this very special day I hope you know how much you were wanted and loved. Happy birthday my beautiful Angel. Xxxx
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
In the silence I hear the footsteps of a little girl, running fast through her life with her woof woof beside her..just like that Boxing Day in those Gardens so long ago.. no cares.. no pain... no horrible medical problem.. Another Christmas to forget even as i run to the other side of the world this time to feel numb.. Most of the pieces are whole again with only the cruelty of having to wait for it to be complete with the slow movement of time... the house is so much emptier now... no paws prints on my window.. just thoughts and images, songs of laughter resonating in the night's air... I do believe.. and this is the constant... the road is tiring most days now.. I am tired most days now..  I know there is less ahead than what is behind... my love to you both.. I grieve again this year for loosing you again when Honey left to be with you.. together waiting... soon... your Darro... love... S. xxx A promise I will keep my beautiful butter-y girl..
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
Another year since you have been gone but the images in my mind are still as if it was yesterday and the pain in my heart is as strong as it was the day I lost you. I, like your dad, have to believe that we will be together again one day and that finally my heart will be whole again. I miss you with every ounce of my being my beautiful girl and my love for you is neverending. Xxxx
June 26, 2022
June 26, 2022
Time has changed nothing in how I feel with every year that passes. All I can say is that you are never far from my thoughts and the pain of losing you is never far from my heart. I wish so much we could be celebrating your 15th birthday together...I love you more than anything else in this world xxxx
June 25, 2022
June 25, 2022
Today is just that much more harder now that Honey is not here any more... the silence of this house is too much and it deafens me with its emptiness... I need to believe that you took him home and he is now with you.. as it was meant to be... as so it should.. My little girl all grown up is something I try an imagine.. this birthday, as a teenager, is as special as that first day we held you.. I try and pretend the pain of your loss is gone... it has changed.. in many ways it has.. it is a lot crueler as each birthday drags me back.. deeper in to is cruel and it has been a companion for too long.. on this special day... I haven't thought of anything else.. just you and Honey... your woof woof with his sister on her birthday... I promise you so very much that I will see you again...I promise myself that.. A very happy birthday to you and give Honey a big hug from me.. I miss you both more than a few words on here will ever express... my love.. my soul.. my thoughts forever.. your Darro.. xxx 
December 19, 2021
December 19, 2021
Sometimes Bubby-girl the words are just not enough.. a particularly hard anniversary that caught me off guard with how much it hurt... maybe it was that full moon as I walked home Friday night after work where I could hear your words ' moon as you and I were under it ...back home all those years ago..' yes, it went over and over in my head... what your mum said... it is really never any easier.. just, we have somehow learned to live with it... especially now at Christmas with triggers everywhere and kids all around me in night work... even your very strong Darro feels your loss greatly.. in my heart today, tomorrow and beyond as I love you thiiiiiissss much... from Honey and I at this hard time of the year.. xx Darro - your dad.. 
December 17, 2021
December 17, 2021
Today, as it is every year since you have gone, is such a stark reminder of what we lost. It never gets easier, the pain never lessens. Every detail of that day flashes through my mind like a slide show that never ends. But one other thing never changes either...the eternal love I hold in my heart for you xxx
June 26, 2021
June 26, 2021
Happy 14th birthday my angel. My love for you never fades nor diminishes. You are my heart and soul and I miss you every single day. Xxxx
June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021
Bubbygirl... I know that wherever you are... you are safe.. you have no pain and you are at peace... 14 years today since you entered this cold world and you brought a light in to me that sill burns bright. As your mum says, each passing year doesn't make it any easier.. We have both just learned to live with the pain of not being able to hold on to you. Yes, I know that you are near, I feel your presence when I am at my lowest. I close my eyes and still see those cheeky bubby eyes and hear ' way Darro and you asking for 'share' as you try and make me eat ice cream..' Today isn't easy... the two days a year never are... for a short time you have sent me an angel to get me through .. with her empathy and her sensitive soul the day is a little easier... and as crazy as she is to Darro ..thank you for that... So Happy birthday Bubbygirl.. As your poor old dog Honey is snoring his tired old head off as I write this, I know he misses you terribly but I also know that he will be with you soon.. for me.. guess I just have to wait a little longer.. My love always and THIS MUCH - arms stretched wide.. your Darro.. XXXX
June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021
Could I have another moment?
Another kiss, another smile,
One more chance to watch you sleep
Or just to sit awhile.

Ours to keep, or so we thought.
We found we were mistaken.
Like most of those who've lost a child,
We felt we were forsaken.

When I watch your life play through my mind,
I can't believe I failed to see
The silhouette of angel wings
There to set you free.

I no longer feel so angry.
You were Spirit's all along, you see.
Our time will come to be with you
To share eternity.

Darro... xxx
December 18, 2020
December 18, 2020
Darling never gets easier. My love for you only gets stronger and deeper with every passing year but the pain of losing you never really eases. I miss you so much....
December 17, 2020
December 17, 2020
My beautiful little Bubbygirl. How this is still a day to dread.... There is some comfort knowing that as each year passes the time grows shorter where we will be with you again..Yes it is still not easy to relive that day and time seems to almost stop as the minutes pass by at the time of your passing. As much as you had to go, I have come to realise after many years of darkness, hurt, you have never actually left - have you. All my love.. Daro and your very old, half blind, half deaf and tired old Woof Woof aka Honey... xxx See you soon beautiful Bubbygirl.
June 25, 2020
June 25, 2020
Happy 13th birthday my darling Angel. I can only imagine how beautiful you would have been at 13. Its so unfair that we have missed out on so many milestones heart aches for you every single day. I hope you know how much I love and miss you. The day you were born was the happiest day of my life. I love you so much Tahlia....happy happy birthday my beautiful girl...all my love forever ... Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxx
June 25, 2020
June 25, 2020
Another birthday reminder today Bubbygirl... it is funny how Honey (woof woof) has been staring at your photos today... he can see more than me maybe! Yes, another year.. but one more closer to you... has it got easier.. yes, does it change anything - only the pain.. you learn to live with it, that it is your normal.... not a day and sometimes hours go by and I do not think of you.. the nights are the hardest but guess you already know that... today would be a 13... I try and picture it.. happy birthday Butter-Y girl... love always and forever Darro and Honey.. xxxxxx
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2019
Oh what a beautiful page - loved seeing the cheeky photos and sparkle in these photos - big hugs Tahlia - your 10 and daddy has your in his heart always!
December 17, 2019
December 17, 2019
My darling girl...time has not made it easier for me, in fact it gets harder as I watch your cousins grow and see how much we have, and are, missing out on. God I miss you!! How can 10 years have passed yet I can still recollect all those days in hospital as if it were yesterday. My only consolation is the belief that we will be together again one day. I love you so very very much. Xxxxxxx
December 17, 2019
December 17, 2019
Bubbygirl.... 10 very long, long years.... where not one day goes by and you are not missed .. you know that.... it 'hasn't' and it 'isn't' easy still, but there is a peace to life now... yes, it is the knowing that the time is coming when we will be together again... less years ahead then there are now behind... that brings sooo much comfort... I look for you in the morning light when Honey and I walk... or under the night sky when a star shines a little bit brighter... I thank you for letting me know that you are there.... that you have always been there.... I am not sure that I would have made it this far if there was nothing... but I know that there is so much more to come because of you and that beautiful soul that shines so brightly through the years... We are here and although you are missed so very much... and loved more and more as time passes..... I know that we will be together - all of us - again soon... in my thoughts especially tonight.... yes, this next week is not easy, hasn't been since you left... you know why... but we will get through it... love always Darro and your Woof Woof - Honey... xxxxx
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019
Happy birthday my angel. I miss you just as much today as when you had to leave us. You know how I feel ... I love you so very much. Thinking of you on your birthday and always ❤️♥️♥️ All my love forever... mummy xxxxx
June 25, 2019
June 25, 2019
Bubbygirl... not a single day every passes... yes, it gets a little harder on this day and that other one... you are missed and loved by so many people even after all of this time... that will never change... it all still remains a bad nightmare made bearable only by the passing of time.... Hoping you are having a very Happy Birthday and know as you do, that Honey and I miss you very much... xx Love Honey and Darro... My beautiful Butter-Y Girl.. xx
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas Butter-Y-girl.... xxx love and miss you .. especially today..
December 18, 2018
December 18, 2018
I love you so much...I miss you so much...
December 17, 2018
December 17, 2018
Beautiful butterfly girl.... here we are - yet another year - memories of a day that I try hard to forget ... although the distance of time grows wider, the gap is shrinking when I know that I will see you again soon. In a world full of bright light, your memory burns brighter still and is as vivid as if you were still here.. holding my hand... my hand in yours... Little girl - you know how much you are loved and I know you know how much you are missed. But, I also know that you remain here always.. until that day when we are all together again... Tonight I smile a proud smile knowing how beautiful my little girl is and in Her memory I am a better person for it.... We love you now and always... Honey & Darro.... See you soon.... xxxxxxx
June 26, 2018
June 26, 2018
Happy happy birthday my darling girl. Another year older and another year without you. It's so unfair that we have missed so much together but one thing that will never change is the never ending love I have for you and how much I miss you. Sending millions of kisses and cuddles to you darling. Tons of love. Mummy xxxxxx
June 25, 2018
June 25, 2018
Bubby girl.... I can only imagine what a happy, smiling gorgeous little girl would be doing tonight as she runs around the house tormenting her Woof Woof and wanting 'share' from the freezer.... where have these years gone... too fast and some days they do not go fast enough... today another birthday and another year since I knew what true happiness meant.. Not a day passes without you being in my thoughts and in my memories - some days it is ok and some days - it still hurts like hell .... As you turn eleven all I can do is imagine of what you would have been like... a young girl whose smile would light up a room and by now, a young little lady whose mind would be growing as she discovered so many things .... tonight I simply say.. Happy Birthday Bubby Girl... Your Woof Woof knows when you are around and I sense you have been a lot lately. That gives me comfort in that you are watching over me. I will see you soon - I know I will. Until then another very Happy Birthday beautiful Butter-Y girl. Love always Woof and Darro. xxx
December 17, 2017
December 17, 2017
Bubbygirl.... There are no amount of words or tears, even today, that can change what we lived thorough. Some memories are meant to remain bitter, some sweet and some even - painfully recurring. In amongst all of the years, pain changes and becomes something that is like a companion to replace you not being here to hold. In that pain, is strength and a knowing. A knowing that you remain and what you have become is something more wonderful that this mere world could have ever contained.

For now, I look back over these memorial adds and I can see that no matter the time that passes,. one thing never changes and that is the love that Mummy and Darro have for you. If anything, we love you more now and with each passing moment of time - some more still.

Thank you. I cannot imagine my life have ever having been without you touching it and remaining the most important person in it still - even today.

A smile tonight knowing that my little girl.. our little girl... has become white light and sits with her fairy wings looking down on us, with her family with her there alongside, keeping us safe until the time that we are all together again.

Love you thiiiiis <------------------------> much and then some still ...always Darro and Woof (who knows when you are near....) xxxx
December 16, 2017
December 16, 2017
My darling beautiful girl. Another year, another anniversary...and it still feels like it all happened just yesterday. I love you so much and miss you terribly...its still a nightmare that i can never wake up from. I just hope that you are at peace and know how much you are still loved. Love you forever xxxxx
June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017
Happy 10th birthday my precious little girl. I love you just as much as the day you were born and miss you so very very much. Sending you the biggest cuddles and kisses. Love Mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017
Beautiful Bubby-girl... I won't pretend to say that this day is any easier than years gone by at this time... Trying to picture in my thoughts as to what a happy little girl you would have grown to with her strong personality running the day... is hard... Yes, I know that you are there and with me in dark moments... Honey reminds me when you visit... the signs.. the black bird when I need to see her most... the butterfly on the cold morning.. yes, it is you.. I know it is... 10 years ago you entered this world and my world changed forever... i have never known such great happiness since.. Yes I smile, laugh and enjoy life but it is not the same... Today is a day when all the memories of you coming flooding back like a ocean...i find it hard to breath trying to sort them in my head.. I know that where you are there is no more pain... no more fear.. no more cold and you are surrounded by light and love... What keeps me going today is my knowledge that I will see you again... You are my flesh and my blood and i carry you deep in my soul... that forever makes me proud to love you and tell the world of my gorgeous daughter Tahlia.... Happy Birthday and with your Nans up there with you, I know that you are safe... My wishes, my heart and my love until I see you again... Honey (woof, woof) and your Darro... xxxxx
December 17, 2016
December 17, 2016
xx time for peace... xx love Darro and woof woof
December 16, 2016
December 16, 2016
Hello darling. Well it's that time of year again. Time passing really hasn't changed the feelings of grief of losing you and unfortunately today brings back a collage of memories that I try to keep buried as best I can. I know you wouldn't want me to still be so sad but I can't help it. I just miss you and the life and family I so desperately wanted so very much. But my sweetheart, as I'm sure you know, we come from a long line of strong line of strong women and I will continue to keep trying to move forward with you always by my side. I love you so much my angel and miss you terribly. I hope you can feel my love surrounding you always. Mummy xxxxxxx
June 25, 2016
June 25, 2016
Happy 9th birthday my beautiful darling girl. The day you came into the world was the most incredible and wonderful day of my life and will always be cause for celebrating - and even though my heart is breaking that you aren't here for me to shower you in gifts and parties and lots and lots of kisses and cuddles, my love for you and the memories of the time we were lucky enough to have had together haven't diminished in any way over time and only grow. Gosh I wish I could see what you looked like now .. I bet you are so incredibly beautiful - both in body and in soul. You were, and always will be, an inspiration to me. Your strength and beautiful happy caring personality is a reminder to keep moving forward, even in the darkest of days. Daddy and I were so blessed to have been your parents and, as he has said before, we will see you again one day. Feel my kisses ... feel my cuddles ... and feel my love darling. I am sending them to you a billion trillion times over and will do forever. I hope you like the special charm I bought for your bracelet. Happy Birthday my precious angel. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
June 25, 2016
June 25, 2016
Beautiful Bubbygirl.. today we celebrate your 9th Birthday.... It is so hard to believe that the years have passed this quickly but they have and we cannot control that. It brings comfort knowing that with each year the time we will be together again is lessening and in that there is comfort. As you walk with Mummy and I, you see that our lives are now so different and we have changed as people.. but the one thing that will always remain, never changed and never erased... is our love for our daughter. Our pride in her courage and the strength that we draw from her memory in our moments of deepest darkness..... Yes, it hurts... but pain changes in time and the agony is replaced by a ripple across a heart's stream of memories that are far better than any sadness. It is only time now that separates us and time is going where we want it... so beautiful Butter-Y girl.. up there with Nan and Grandma Muriel.. may you be running amuck and causing havoc amongst the other Angles with your infectious laugh and glowing smile. May Heaven's fields continue to be your green hills to run, chase clouds and feel the warmth of no pain or fear... God gave you to us and one day God will lead us back to you... There is NO doubt as to that. In my heart I love you as much now as that first day you came in to this world. You are my soul.. you are my focus and you continue to be my destiny... from Woof Woof and Darro - have a very happy 9th Birthday ... love now and for eternity and I will see you soon... xxxxxxxxxxxxx
January 11, 2016
January 11, 2016
I just stumbled upon this site and I was reading what you wrote. I wish I would have had the pleasure to have known your precious little angel. She looks like a happy little girl and absolutely beautiful. My prayers are with you and your family. God Bless!
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
Hello my darling ... another year gone .. its still so surreal. Even though you are never far from my mind, its this time of year that brings back the strongest memories and pain and my heart aches so much that you aren't here. Its been a strange year, as you probably know .. but the best thing is that mummy and daddy are better and talking again. Did you have something to do with that? I'm sure you did and I thank you. Hopefully 2016 will finally be the year where we can both find some peace and happiness in our lives. I wish you were here so much . to watch you grow up and see you turn into the beautiful person I know you would have been. I look at all your cousins and it hurts that they wont know you ... but maybe they do. Lauren, Elena and Lochie talk about you from time to time .. Anyway my angel, know that you were and always will be loved so much by mummy and daddy and that one day we will see each other again. I love you so much baby girl. Whenever the song "Like I'm Gonna Lose You" comes on I think of you and our life when we were all a happy family. I just wish I could have held you for so much longer xxx
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015

another year...and another day passes where I can only hold you close in my memory... but you never leave my heart. You always come with me during my day and in those few moments of sadness when i reflect in on a dark night, I reach out and cling to you.

Today is a good day.. no more pain.. no more sadness... your memory and the spirit presence you give in just being with me, is strong enough to carry me through.. .. I know you are there. I know you have always been there.... I will hold you soon.... I love you now and for always and Woof says he does too - but - as you talk to him when I am asleep - I guess you already know.... love you for eternity and beyond - your Darro.... xxxxxx

Also, please look after mummy.. she needs some extra hugs every now and again.. help her find peace .. help her to ease the pain and turn it in to a warm memory knowing she will also hold you again once more.. she is a good mummy and she loves you very much - as you know... x
November 8, 2015
November 8, 2015
Hey little girl... you have been in my thoughts a lot lately... with everything that has happened these past few weeks, I know you have been with me when I have needed you the most.. always I love you and I will see you again one day... love always Honey & Darro.. xxxx
June 25, 2015
June 25, 2015
Hey beautiful little girl.... I can only imagine what today would have been like as you would have been a bundle of laughter and smiles turning eight.. of course, not to mention a very smart young girl on her way to be all grown up.

Although the years are stretching, nothing inside has blurred my memories of my beautiful little bubby girl and how happy she makes me to this day., I am more proud than ever to be her Darro....

Yes, time is moving so fast but nothing replaces my love for you as I know that I will absolutely see you again....  I hope those angel wings are celebrating in a place where there is no pain and now Nan is with you then I am at peace FINALLY knowing this... love always.... your Darro & Honey.. We'll see you again soon... xxxxx
June 25, 2015
June 25, 2015
Hey beautiful little girl.... I can only imagine what today would have been like as you would have been a bundle of laughter and smiles turning eight.. of course, not to mention a very smart young girl on her way to be all grown up.

Although the years are stretching, nothing inside has blurred my memories of my beautiful little bubby girl and how happy she makes me to this day., I am more proud than ever to be her Darro....

Yes, time is moving so fast but nothing replaces my love for you as I know that I will absolutely see you again....  I hope those angel wings are celebrating in a place where there is no pain and now Nan is with you then I am at peace FINALLY knowing this... love always.... your Darro & Honey.. We'll see you again soon... xxxxx
June 25, 2015
June 25, 2015
Another birthday I couldn't share with you but my love for you remains as strong as when I first laid eyes on you .. and even before that. You were and always will be everything to me my darling girl ... I love you Tahlia and miss you so very very much. Happy birthday sweetheart ... the day you came into this world was the very best day of my life ... so it is a day to be celebrated .. but it is just so hard and bittersweet to do that when you're not here. Lots of people are thinking of you and sending their love to you today ... i hope you can feel mummy's arms around you, wrapping you up with love today and always.
December 17, 2014
December 17, 2014
Bubbygirl, it is so hard to accept the time that has passed in these past five years but not a single day goes by when you are not in my thoughts and I always now and forever carry you in my heart. As life now starts to be bright again with a promise of things to come... I know that you and Nan are together watching down on your Darro.... I think that I am starting to finally find peace and with you always with me, I know that I am one step closer to. I will never stop loving you my beautiful Bubbygirl.. Love always your Darro and your woof woof ... xxxxxxxxx
December 17, 2014
December 17, 2014
Mummy misses you just as much today as I did 5 years ago and I love you just as much today as I did the moment I knew you were growing inside me. The last 5 years still seem like yesterday and I wish so so much that you didn't have to go.
June 25, 2014
June 25, 2014
My love for you will never diminish my beautiful darling girl. You gave me so much love and happiness and I will treasure those precious moments and memories forever. It hurts so much that I cant see you grow, plan your birthday parties and watch your excitement as you open your presents. But you know that my love surrounds you today and always. Happy birthday my angel .. I wrap my arms around you and hold you tight and pass on heartfelt birthday wishes from everyone who loves and misses you. I miss you precious girl so very very much. xxxx
June 25, 2014
June 25, 2014
Bubbygirl... 7 years... I close my eyes and I can remember your first 7 minutes... you have been and you continue to be - the most precious, wonderful and happiest reason for what has been my existence - nothing else compares. Yes, I know you have come to visit... the little signs, the little messages, the Tahlia birdie that comes to call on 'down' days, the special butterfly that drops in to say hello from time to time and the passing moments when I hear you whisper to me in the middle of the night... I do not feel the intense pain of loss as I know more than ever that you are here.... you comfort me in my moments of darkness .. You are my strength.. You keep my focus forward.. I love you more than anyone or anything else in my life.. My reach out to you on this very special day... always have the knowledge that you are loved, missed and cherished by many - especially and always by your Darro... have a wonderful moment in peace little girl as tonight I celebrate your birthday .. my love always my Bubbygirl.. love you big much and see you very soon - your Darro. xxx
December 17, 2013
December 17, 2013
Hey Bubbygirl.. another year has gone too quickly...but...I know it is a year closer to me seeing you again - so that is in itself is a great hope and carries me.. I love you so very much.. You give me the strength in tough times to keep fighting when some things seem hopeless. It is you who nourishes me when I am lonely with memories of a beautiful little girl chasing her woof woof. It is your smile first thing in the morning as we choose a book and never will I forget that little girl putting herself in the pantry... many times I can hear Darro 'share..' ....

So many, many things have changed... I do not even know that person I was but I know that I will always be your Darro.. Tonight as we do every night, we will talk again and yes butterfly's on the ceiling with lots of kisses...I love you my little girl and nothing will ever change that.... see you soon...
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June 27
June 27
My beautiful angel. Happy birthday ❤️ I remember the day you came into my world as if it was yesterday. You were my everything ... You still are my everything. So many birthdays now missed and yet the world keeps moving on as if nothing ever happened. But you did happen ... You brightened this world with your first breath and my world went dark when you took your last. My love for you will never lessen, the pain of losing you and what could have, should have been, will also never lessen ... It is with me every hour of every day, a constant presence in my life, a nightmare that I can never wake from, but at the same time the pain is also a reminder of a love that will NEVER die, that you were here, and knowing you, even for the short time you were here, was, and will always be, the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you and miss you so much my beautiful baby girl ... although I guess now I should say my beautiful young lady ... 17 years old ... where have those years gone ... Xxxx
June 25
June 25
17 years ago today.. the world.. my world.. changed forever... I have tried very, very hard today to think quietly of that day without the swirling noise going on around me.. the absolute joy you brought me.... you still bring me - little hands, little fingers, little warm feet... and now... so long after, in these fading years all that remains are these memories .. I am trying to imagine you as a teenager.. smarter than I ever was, strongly determined, with your mother's golden locks and the warmth of her smile, you - loving every part of your life with that bright energy that made you a beautiful butter-Y girl... That is all there is now... Sitting here alone.. all I can wish is the thought of what a birthday today would have been like for you.. for us.. the things that we have had taken horribly away.. your mum is right.. it is treading water - endlessly.. and it is very, very, very exhausting... all my love.. wherever you are .. the happiest of birthday memories you bring and the bitterest memory of that other day that came and tore us all apart... I hope that You, Honey, Nan and Moet are all together - at peace.. no more pain and waiting for us to join you.. happy birthday Bubbygirl.. yours now and until soon... your Darro...xxxx 
December 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
Hi baby girl...I really don't know what to say today. It's like ground hog day again and again and again. The absolute pain I feel at your loss is indescribable. I still can't process or understand why you had to go through so much and why mummy and Daddy had to lose you. I try to keep going and keep a happy face but to be honest it's so exhausting. All my hopes and dreams for my life vanished the day you had to leave us and, I, just like your dad, am just treading water until the day we can be together again. I love you and miss you so so much. Mum Xxxx
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My Prayer

December 18, 2012
by Jo ..

My life is upside down, loving God.  The order of the world is out of place and I can’t do anything to right it again.  Oh, Lord, you know the pain in my heart at all times and you know why: my child has died.  How can it be that my beloved child is gone?  The child I cared for with such concern in every illness, the one I held close to my heart and promised to take care of for a lifetime, is not here for me to care for anymore. It hurts deeply that I wasn’t able to protect this child I love with my whole being from a death that seems so unfair.

Let me feel calm.  Let me breathe deeply.  Be with me in this kind of deep and transformative pain.  I now carry this darkness with me on my back and in my heart, always.  It is my burden and my companion.

Lord, there is not a single minute of my life when this loss is not etched so keenly into my brain and heart, whether it is in the middle of a busy day or in those choking moments of grief in the solitary dark of night.  Let me be grateful for every minute we had together. Let me treasure those memories and find joy in them.

Help me to deal with people better.  They don’t know what to say. They stumble and look away when they see me.  They pretend nothing has happened.   I know they “don’t want to remind me” but they don’t understand it is with me always, always.

Teach me, Lord. Tell me what you want me to do with this.  What am I supposed to learn from this kind of pain?  What are you calling me to do?

Open my battered heart and lead me to comfort and peace.  Only you can give me the peace I need. Let me feel your presence in my life.

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