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January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Our path crossed while I was schooling in the University of Ghana School of Allied Health Sciences, and you left a mark. You are a rare breed and we thank God for the amazing life of service that you lived. Thanks for all your investments in your students scattered all over the world. May posterity be kind to you and may you find rest in God. Amen. Adieu Prof. T.K Hamzat.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Prof!! This news was too hard for me to come to terms with!!! How I wish this was a ruse!! But perhaps you are indeed gone to the great beyond. The vacuum left is quite deep Prof!! Rest on fine gentleman!! Rest on the highly cerebral one, humble and humorous!!
We will miss you Sir! Rest on and keep cheering us on from the great beyond!!!
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Hello Prof,
I feel so sad about your it personally hurts me. I don't know why you are dead but you shouldn't be dead for Christ sake! My encounter with you at UCH in 2013 and afterwards is still very fresh and I can't believe you are gone...just like that? ‍♂️ You inspired most of us in this Physiotherapy profession... I remember the euphoria in my class then when you were announced professor and not just a professor but the youngest Neuro PT professor in Africa.

I am honestly sad about but God knows...

May God grant you eternal rest, AMEN. Till we meet again on the resurrection morning
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
He was (I'm I actually using the past tense for Kolapo?)an humble, jovial and down to earth person.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Words fail me to talk about Kolapo Hamzat. Our path crossed at the then Oyo state college of Arts and Science(Oscas).
I was in the Art class while he was in sciences. We became so close then with my other two flatmates(Dasola and Waleade) and his two friends as well*Debo and Julius)
We always move together as group till we left the institution to pursue higher degrees
Kolapo was like part of my family, I visited his home to meet Alhaja(of blessed memories) and his elder sis(who we fondly call Sister)
Ever if I have any health issue concerning myself or any family I always call on him
It was with a rude shock to hear of his death this morning
Kolapo why did you go so soon??
Who takes care of Bisi, Children and even Sister?
Hmmmmm!!God knows best.
Goodnight my Pal.
It is well!!!!
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
This is a shocking news of year 2023. We will miss you because we love you but God loves you the most. God know the reason why. May God comfort and console your family left behind. Rest in peace prof.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Dear Uncle Kolapo,
The news of your sudden exit,was a terrible one for me. It's so hard to receive and to write about you in past tense! I've never met someone as equally impressive,smart and grounded as you.I found guidance,friendship,discipline and love,everything in one person. And that person was you.
You carved your name on hearts,not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.
Rest in peace, Professor T.K Hamzat.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
This is a rude shock. Death where is your sting?
Pro Hamzat as I used to call you,you came ,you saw and you conquered. Sleep on beloved Brother.You will be sorely missed. Adieu!
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
The passing of TK is a colossal loss to the Nigeria Physiotherapy Community worldwide. We mourn the loss of an erudite scholar, a vastly published author, a prolific researcher, and a role model and mentor to many. TK as we fondly call, Professor Kolapo Hamzat was a brilliant mind, inquisitive, innovative and industrious academic. As Physiotherapy Students in those days, he was also a sound and intelligent student 'politician' as he served on the Executive Council of the Nigerian Association of Physiotherapy Students (NAPS), 1992-1994, when I was national President. TK Hamzat will not be forgotten for his immense contributions to the development of education and practice of Physiotherapy in Nigeria, Ghana, Africa and the whole world. We salute and celebrate his time, though brief on the side of the universe.

TK will be solely missed. We pray to The Almighty God to grant his wife, children, other family members and friends the grace and strength to bear this great loss.

May his soul rest in peace. Adieu, TK.
Emmanuel B. John, PT, DPT, PhD, MPH, MBA
 Credentialed Fellowship Graduate of the APTA Education Leadership Institute
 Fellow of the American Heart Association
 Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants
Dean & Professor
Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers
School of Nursing and Health Professions
York College of Pennsylvania
York, PA 17403, USA
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
I never met you in person, but the stories of your legacy is a strong motivation to me as a Physiotherapist.
So sad I didn't get to meet you. Until w meet to part no more, may God bless your soul with eternal joy.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Words fail me on this one
Hurts different
Almighty Allah knows best
Rest In Peace
You will be dearly missed and remembered for your brilliance and contribution to our profession
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Looking forward to seeing him again at the Resurrection. The scripture mentioned of the time when "all in the memorial tomb will.... Come out". John 5: 28, 29.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Prof Prof,
I will never have thought we will be writing this at this time. It really saddens my heart that you're not here physically with us. Thank you for all you did - for impacting, for teaching, for being a worthy role model. Your good work lives on. Iku doro!
Rest well, Enigma
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
What do I say? You were my first mentor, one of those who were part of my 2:1 achievement in Physiotherapy, the one who made me participate in my first physiotherapy conference hosted in Benin in 2001: we did a work together, the person that made me attend my first international conference. You were a true friend irrespective of tribe, religion or age. How can I talk of you in past tense, how???. Uncle TK, Uncle TK why??? I know I cannot question God but this one hard o. From Ibadan to Ghana, you motivated me. Even when I moved to medicine, you were an encouragement. I would call you when I had difficult neurophysiotherapy cases especially when I was tackling clients with cerebral palsy.

Remember working on my project with your guidance alongside Tolu and Olumide. Remember you always urging us to do more than we thought we were capable of. You always raised the bar and when we met it, you raised it again. You were a man of excellence. Na you I de talk of in past tense so.....ha!!

Your memory will always leave on Uncle TK. You left your footprints on the sands of time. Pray God to give me the grace to carry on the legacy of excellence and mentorship you are leaving behind.

So much more I want to write but......... My Egbon.

Aunt Bisi and the kids, the Lord is your strength and support. Be consoled
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
You are one of the friends that I love so much. You have always been truthful, thoughtful and full of wisdom beyond your years. While alive you impacted lives , even in death your deeds continues to impact all. Rest well legend!
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Today is a sad day for the entire physio family…. We have lost a rare gem, a great teacher and Mentor. You inspired us and made learning process so easy. Neuro-physiotherapy seemed so easy. You will truly be missed. May Allah grant you Jannatul firdaus.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
So painful.
May Almighty Allah Grant you aljana firidaoz.
I will always remember your words.
Missed you Prof. Dr. TK Hamzat
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
I still can't believe you are gone,you where a good teacher, my mentor
You inspired me.
May jannatul firdaus be your final abode.Ameen.
You will be missed greatly prof.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
This news of your passing could have been just a dream. Even at that, I would have raised immense prayers for it not to happen. Words cannot express how dear you are to my heart and to my family. Most especially to Ifeoluwa your "baby" who at 2 years had a 3rd degree paralysis of the (R) leg in 1997. You worked tirelessly as a young physiotherapist with the help of God under Prof Mrs. Arinola Sanya till Ifeoluwa was back on her feet with no traces of paralysis. You were a rare gem who took this particular case so personal that our relationship grew from being physiotherapist-patient to family friends.
Your attitude, words of encouragement and counsel helped with the healing . You followed Ifeoluwa up through all her academic stages. You knew her career choice when she was just a toddler. Her visit to your office anytime unannounced would still draw money out of your pocket. You were physically present at her wedding in December 2020 despite COVID-19 protocols.
It is said in Yoruba "igi to dàra, kii pe n'ìgbò" .
God will console your immediate family and us all. I pray that God will bless and keep your wife and children. They will fulfill their destinies in Jesus name. Amen
Foluso & Oluyemisi Okunmadewa
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Woke up this morning and it was the news that you were no more. It was indeed a great privilege to have met you in 1993 or thereabout. You spoke more about succeeding in life and how hard work helps. Can't ever forget those moments. Was looking forward to seeing you at some point, but God knows best. Glad we spoke years back. May Allah SWT forgive your shortcomings and grant you Aljanah. I pray God in His Infinite Mercies grant your family members the strength and comfort needed at this time and beyond.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Egbon mi,
You were not just a teacher you were a mentor and a big brother. I remembered the first time I met you and how you made a big impression. When you met my husband you instantly took to him and became your aburo as well. I always said you will be the first physio VC but alas God had another plan. Its difficult to wrap this around my head. You are sorely missed sir. You are sorely missed. Sleep Well Prof Hamzat Sleep well
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
May Almighty Allah reward him with the best of Jannah
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
I’m so saddened by the news of your demise and it’s so difficult finding the right words to say or write.

You were my teacher and mentor since secondary school and introduced me to our beloved profession; Physiotherapy. I looked up to you and you had a great impact on my life.

All I have left are fond memories of you that will be cherished forever.

You will be greatly missed my dear Prof.

May Allah forgive your sins and grant you Aljanah firdaus

…….Bookage as you liked to call me
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
A painful loss of a great man of a great man whose impact was felt by both young and old, soft spoken and fatherly.

His words are a shining light of guidance.

We will miss you both are comforted that you will be in Al-janah and your good deeds remain forevermore.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Prof TK, as you're fondly called.Your death came to us as a rude shock, but who are we to question God.
You really have done your best and you have gone to rest and you will be greatly missed.
May God comfort your family and all you left behind.
Rest on a great doyen.

'Deyoola Adeoye
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
I find it so hard to write.. words fail me on this.. professor Hamzat you have been an inspiration to me.. You played a significant role in my career and still. You are a good man, you lived a good life and impacted positively in the lives of every student that crossed your path. You guided me through my first degree. You played a significant role during my master’s degree in the uk. I will always remember your kindness. May Allah grant you eternal rest ameen. May Almighty Allah grant your family strength in this difficult time Ameen. Rip professor Hamzat.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
I am left speechless by the breaking news of your death prof. Your words are genuine your wisdom is top-notch your disposition is calming and your consideration for others is not fake. Your professionalism is great. All the contact I had with you leaves me with unforgettable memory of good virtues. Live on in the heart of people like me. May God rest you well, my prayer.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
It is shocking, I feel I'm having a nightmare. I am so sorry, I pray the Lord Almighty will comfort the family. He was a good man and will be missed.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
He was there when we (all Unimaid Physiotherapy Graduates) needed him. He inspired and guided us during our tough times at Maiduguri, all the way from Ibadan. A students friendly professor. A mentor to all the students he came across. He had never scolded a student without a warming smile. One of the best lecturers, whose course dullest students never failed. He would give you what you deserved in terms of marks and send the corrections to you after the exams. A learnered professor of Neuro physiotherapy answers the call of our creator today. He died making impact on every soul he came across. My heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, and his students. May Allah bless his soul and forgive his shortcomings. May Aljannah Firdaus be his final abode.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
My mentor you will be forever remembered, you're a rare gem.. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
We lost a rare gem in physiotherapy. He was an inspiration to me. Although I only interacted with him briefly, I could tell that we lost a reformer, an intellectual and an erudite scholar. The few lectures that I was privileged to hear him deliver as impactful. He was excellent in delivering clinical and academic works. He will be missed.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
This morning,we woke up to some terrible news,our beloved lecturer & Mentor prof T K Hamzat, who greatly shaped my view about physiotherapy profession, life, and many things has passed away.May Allah forgive all your short comings and grant you aljanna Firdausi.Amin.
I want to use this opportunity to extend my condolences to the entire physiotherapy family.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Innalilahi wa'inna ilaihi raji'u what a lost to our noble profession he was a mentor, a father ad a teacher to us. He inspired ad guided us during our tough times in Maiduguri. Always willing to help u will forever be remembered. May the Almighty Allah grant u Jannatul Firdaus Ameen.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
I woke up this morning to this sad, shocking news.. Prof TK Hamzat is gone! We share very close birthday. He is 15th June and I am 16th June! He always send messages to me thru his students! Rest in Peace my friend!
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Prof..this is a huge loss!.I am shocked to say the least, I remember the conference in Abuja 2019, our converse, laughter,the call to my husband..You will be greatly missed.
May your gentle soul rest in peace and may the Almighty grant your family the fortitude to bear this grave loss.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
I'm still in shock at the demise of my teacher, lecturer, mentor, role model and former HOD, Physiotherapy Department, Universityof Ibadan @⁨Prof TK HAMZAT⁩.

A foremost Professor of *Neuro-Physiotherapy* in Africa, a very cerebral, intelligent and straight forward person. Very jovial and has a special way of teaching. His class was never a dull moment. He taught me both at under- and postgraduate level.

TK Hamzat (as fondly called) we will miss your wealth of knowledge, your passion for the Physiotherapy profession.

Prof T.K Hamzat chaired my 40th birthday celebration in December 2021,and also Oyo State INEC RAMADAN LECTURE in April 2022. Everyone that met you knew how amiable a fellow you were. The last time we spoke you were full of strength and prayers. I never knew death was close.

May Allah overlook your shortcomings, forgive your sins and accept your return, may Allah grant you Aljannah Firdauws and your family the fortitude to bear the loss. 
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Prof TK Hamzat.

You were such a rare gem and your humility was one of the things that struck me when I first met you.

You will always be a wonderful example for us and young PTs yet unborn. May Allah forgive your shortcomings and grant you entry into Al-Jannah, our dear LEGEND.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Prof, I never thought I would be writing this about you at this time.... Never thought... Rest on sir.. Thanks for being an angel who touched our lives .... You can never be forgotten my friend and teacher...
'Bukky Fatudimu
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
For the short period I met you in Postgraduate Physiotherapy college, what I saw in you confirmed and surpassed what I had heard about you! But why has death taken away from us such erudite, charming , eloquent and compassionate teacher at this time? It is painful, I am grieved, Nigeria Physio family is mourning your demise.What can we do? but to submit to God Almighty who does things and no one dare question Him.May God console the family left behind. May God console Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Prof TK Hamzat
You will forever be in our minds.
I remember the call I put to you sometimes last year to ask for a help to reach a consultant in UCH. You were more than willing to help and gave a very useful counsel which helped ameliorate the situation.
You were one of the trailblazers to successful academic and clinical physiotherapy practice in Nigeria that gave us a proud space to be a physiotherapist.
Thank God for the life you lived.
Your family will sorely miss you.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Adieu Prof Kolapo Hamzat! It’s very sad and shocking! Our tot is with his family! May God grant them the fortitude to bear the great loss! May Allah grant him jannatul firdaus!
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Prof T. K. Hamsat.

Your demise is shocking and unexpected.

You are a motivation to Physiotherapists (Clinicians and Academicians) and Students.

I met you on different fora and you inspired me greatly.

You will be greatly missed by Physiotherapy bodies worldwide, in Africa and Nigeria

You laid a solid foundation and the path you have design cannot be forgotten.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Egbon TK,

Lost for words! How??? This hurts!
You were one of the few people that showed me physio academia is worth sticking with. You were a supportive mentor and your encouragement was key to my becoming a neuroPT. I will miss our talks about physio and your gentle criticism, always given with a warm smile. Thank you for always finding the time to guide me and many others in the profession during your short time on this side.

Rest in peace, Prof T. K. Hamzat. Praying for comfort, strength, and peace for your family and loved ones.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Uncle TK,

This is hard to write. I can't believe it.
I was an intern when we met in 2009 in UCH. I clearly remember our first one-on-one encounter. I had just finished my first departmental presentation, and you called me aside and gave detailed feedback about it. Pointed out things I did that were excellent and highlighted things that needed to improve. That was the beginning of the relationship with the most examplary mentor in my career as a physiotherapist.

Those startling eyes of yours behind your glasses were kind and piercing, never missing an error in any document. Your razor sharp mind... the spirit of excellence was upon you, and your productivity was unmatched.

Am I really writing about you in past tense?

"The reward of hard work is more work." Those were one of your sayings. You lived it in the opportunities that came your way and the ones you dared pursue. In all, you were ethical, graceful, and kind. You demonstrated that everything can be attained only if you dare to try. You had exceptional skills in relating with people, seeing them as individuals. What an all rounder you were-a wonderful family man, scheduling to do school run no matter what; an erudite neurophysiotherapist always going the extra mile and breaking barriers; a community man impacting everyone from the aboki who sold us sugarcane and agbalumo, to alfa's in the mosques and VCs of universities. Always with grace and with your back straight, no apologies for your well thought out stance on issues even when I disagreed.

How can you be gone, uncle TK?!

You who introduced me to amala joints in Ibadan, who helped improve my yoruba so it became passable. Remember the stories and anecdotes you told me about working hard? Remember how you coached me to my first platform presentation in Ghana as an "international" speaker. Remember stopping by and visiting me in the UK during my MSC? Remember, remember, remember...

You understood human beings, appreciating that you can't be right all the time in all circumstances...remember the story you told me about the man visiting his inlaws and the goat? You were not afraid to take unpopular positions once you examined a matter. You urged me to look deeper and determine the underlying intentions.

You were right, uncle TK, 14 years later, those things you mentioned and saw in me when we first spoke in front of the physiotherapy department of UCH are still manifesting and unfolding. I never told you this but now, when I have doubts, I say to myself, "but Uncle TK said this about you, and so far, he has been right" That makes me push on.

Ah, uncle TK, truly you have gone too soon.
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Good night uncle Kolapo..... I am still in shock that you are gone so soon.
You will be remembered for being a good person, an inspiration to us the younger generation.
Quality of one's life is not measured by the length of days but how much you impact others while you live.
You will be remembered for your energy, your motivation, your willingness to help others succeed, your passion for life.
May you soul rest in perfect peace .
Good night sir.
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