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Birthday wishes

July 30, 2017

Remembering mum's birthday.

I remember calling Mum last year to wish her a happy birthday. She was a star then and is now.

She gave so much goodness and trusted you to give it back to somebody.

We'll love you forever Mum. XXXX

A wonderful Mother-in-Law

July 29, 2017

Tanya was the best Mother-in-Law anyone could ask for. She was kind, gentle and full of laughter.

When we spoke on the phone she would always want to talk about me and how I was doing. She asked about my exams and my business and was always happy to hear if things were going well.

Everytime we met she would give me the biggest hug and squeeze my face before she kissed me. She was always happy to see us and lavished affection on her grandchildren.

She made the best chocolate eclairs and victoria sponges! She would often keep a victoria sponge in the freezer and she would take it out and cut off a piece for each of us and we would chat and talk while it was defrosting. When it was finally ready it was always worth the wait!

Tanya never forgot my birthday and even though I never expected anything she always sent a card and I will never forget that - it's only small, but it means a lot to me.

I will treasure the times we spent together as a family and every time she told me she loved me. I wish we had more time.

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