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April 21
My Princess,
It’s been 1,095 days since you went to be with the Lord. So many things have happened .  Relationships ended, relationships continued and relationships began. But through it all my love for you and the promises I I made to you  have continued. Your boys and nieces are doing great. They continue to honor your legacy on higher education , kindness etc.  We love and miss you but each day we honor your legacy of  sharing our blessings to help someone along the way.  Forget being Forgotten that will never be an option. My Forever Princess.

Love you Mommy.

My beautiful wife

April 20
by DA Pai
Today marks 3 years since the Lord said he needed you more. I still to this day morn the loss of you. My love, my heartache, my trauma has never stopped because I miss you so much and wish you were still here with me. It really hurt because last night Zaire was checking on me and told me he remembers this day 3 years ago when he saw me broken trying to figure out the words to tell him you had transitioned. I love you forever and will never stop speaking how amazing beautiful Intelligent goal drive my wife was. ❤️❤️

My Precious and Beloved Daughter

April 20
Hello Taylor-

Today is a painful day and reminder of the day you went home to be with your Lord and Savior. Words alone will never be sufficient  enough to describe how I feel about you not being here in the flesh.  Everyday there a poignant reminder of how much you loved people and how it was embraced and reciprocated. There’s no secret to the world of much your family loved you. You were and still is the sunshine in my life, always bringing laughter and  thoughtfulness to mom and I.  

Thank you for being the daughter that you were and being a role model for so many others to follow. You certainly lived your best life, baby girl. 

I Love and miss you sooooo much !!!

With My Deepest Love,

Taylor aka Monkeybutt

May 7, 2021
Taylor Aka Monkeybutt! We became close summer of 2009! We spent every summer together working Recquest and always hung out. The name Monkeybutt came from home alone 3 ever since then we have been tight. Over the years we grew as young women and became successful, but always kept in touch. I was honored to attend her and Dominics wedding I had so much fun and we joked and laughed. Taylor and I did not text each other everyday but we always knew what was going on in each others lives and we would Snapchat often.  The last snapchat I sent her was March 30 I sent her a video of me singing Miley Cyrus the climb because that was always our song. The caption was I love you Monkeybutt and she replied, “I love you more Monkeybutt”. I will always cherish that and all our many memories together. Oh and her name she put in my phone as I love you lol.   My dad passed June 3rd 2020 and Taylor texted me ASAP asking if I needed anything. Just because you don’t see a person or speak everyday doesn’t mean there isn’t love.  I will miss Taylor’s laugh and her humor. She will always be in my heart and FORVEVER be a Monkeybutt!
April 30, 2021

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