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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Ted Hightower, 44 years old, born on May 17, 1966, and passed away on December 10, 2010. We will remember him forever.
May 17
Happy 58th birthday honey! I love & miss you! It was nice having lunch with you today!
December 10, 2023
December 10, 2023
13 years since you left and went to heaven. I love you so much! I miss you! .
May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
57 years old! I know you are not that age in Heaven but it sure would have been nice to grow old with you. I know it would have been as wonderful as I imagined life with you would have been before we got together. Please help your son. He is so lost & he really needs you right now. I do not know what to do anymore. I love you Ted!
December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas Ted! We love and miss you so much! Dinner was good at your parents and I know they miss you too!
December 10, 2022
December 10, 2022
12 years. Missing you today & every day! Thank you for the sweet dream awhile ago! You always gave the best hugs! Aren't you proud of your boy? Working so hard just like his Dad. We love you! See you soon!
May 17, 2022
May 17, 2022
Happy 56th birthday Ted! I love you! The purple lilacs on your grave look so beautiful! Enjoy some pineapple upside down cake!
December 29, 2021
December 29, 2021
I am just heartbroken over our Mabel girl being gone. I know she is with you, and your are loving her for both of us but Christmas & the holidays are just so bleak. I know it should not be like that because it is about Christ's birth. But I do know because of Him we are comforted in times of sorrow. I love you Ted. Give Mabel & Gingy a hug & kiss for me. And the cats too!
December 10, 2021
December 10, 2021
11 years! Such a long time but I am joyful knowing your soul is with the Lord & I will see you again soon! I love you Ted!
May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021
Happy birthday Ted! 55 you would have been! Michael & I will be having dinner at Big Boy! We love you & miss you! I hope you are enjoying some pineapple upside down cake today!
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas Ted! You always made Christmas so much fun! My stocking was always filled with the nearest things! We miss you so much! I love you!
December 10, 2020
December 10, 2020
10 years today! I miss you Ted! I know I will see you again!
May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020
Happy 54th birthday Ted! It's going to storm here later. Michael is graduating high school. I know you would be so proud of him! Next is finding a job for him! I love you. Enjoy your pineapple upside down cake!
December 10, 2019
December 10, 2019
9 years have passed. So long but some days it doesn't seem like it. We still miss you every day. But we rejoice at the thought of seeing you again. I love you Ted.
December 10, 2018
December 10, 2018
I love you Ted. 8 years may have passed but you are thought of every single day and missed more than ever! Forever your wife! XO XO XO
December 10, 2017
December 10, 2017
7 years today. I miss you and think of you every day. Our son is learning to drive and has his permit! I just know if you were here he would be doing donuts with you in this snow! I love you so much and I'm so thankful you gave me so many wonderful years full of wonderful memories!! XO XO XO
May 17, 2017
May 17, 2017
Happy 51st birthday Ted! I love you so much! Catch your balloons! XO XO XO
December 11, 2016
December 11, 2016
Yesterday was not very good. I miss you so much. I didn't get any peaceful moment with you but I hope you got your balloons. I love you Ted. So much. 6 years is a long time for you to be gone
May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
Did you get your balloon? I love you so much. I will see you again. I hope you had a huge heavenly party! XOXOXO
December 10, 2015
December 10, 2015
5years is such a long time but there are still days I feel like it was yesterday. I'm so grateful I can still feel your love so strong. I miss you Ted. I love you. Come visit tonight at your party and watch for your balloons later!
May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015
Happy 49th birthday honey! I love you and miss you so very much! We will spend the day with your family and have cupcakes! Watch for your two balloons coming up later! Always and forever your wife! Xoxoxo
December 10, 2014
December 10, 2014
4 years have passed. I miss you. I love you so much Ted. We will send you a purple balloon later. We will go eat at Big Boys, our favorite place and remember you with stories and love. You are missed so very much by so many. You have not been forgotten.
May 17, 2014
May 17, 2014
Happy 48th birthday honey! I love you so much! Isent it neat that Val is getting married today on your birthday? I hope she will be as happy as you and I. I love you. We will have cupcakes later and send your balloons. Happy birthday!Love, your wife forever.
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Merry Christmas Ted, getting ready to go outside and get some work done on my truck. It's dark, and it's cold....but I know damn well you'd be out there in a heartbeat, laughing the whole time. Thanks for the lessons.
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
3 years have passed. Things are the same yet different. I miss you so much. I love you. Love forever, your wife.
May 17, 2013
May 17, 2013
Happy Birthday Ted! I love you so much! I miss you every single day! XOXOXO
December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012
I can't hardly believe it's been 2 years since you left us. I miss you so much. This move is wearing me down but I think it will be good for us. I love you and will forever. Your wife always, Sandy
May 19, 2012
May 19, 2012
I just learned of Teds passing and it had been too long since I had seen him last, marked by years. Completely selfless and always smiling. He'd laugh at the mechanical dilemmas that left most scratching their heads, and laughed loudest when it all went up in smoke, because by the time the smoke cleared, he'd have it working again. Ted was my friend, and it was an honor to have known him.
May 17, 2012
May 17, 2012
Happy Birthday honey! We will be having our pineapple upside down cupcakes later for you. Watch for your balloons! I miss you! I love you! XOXOXO
December 10, 2011
December 10, 2011
I love you so much. It is hard to believe you have been gone from us for a year already. I still feel like you could walk in the door any moment. I love you and miss you. Everyday. XOXOXO Forever your wife
May 17, 2011
May 17, 2011
Happy Birthday Honey! I love you and miss you so much! Watch for your purple balloons coming up later!

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May 17
Happy 58th birthday honey! I love & miss you! It was nice having lunch with you today!
December 10, 2023
December 10, 2023
13 years since you left and went to heaven. I love you so much! I miss you! .
May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
57 years old! I know you are not that age in Heaven but it sure would have been nice to grow old with you. I know it would have been as wonderful as I imagined life with you would have been before we got together. Please help your son. He is so lost & he really needs you right now. I do not know what to do anymore. I love you Ted!
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