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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Tennessee Shuffler Jr., 26 years old, born on January 4, 1979, and passed away on November 26, 2005. We will remember him forever.
January 10
January 10
Left by Tammy Riddle/ l'm sorry I'm bad about birthdays. Happy Birthday TJ a true Hero to his mom and sister Amanda
January 9
January 9
We had your birthday dinner on the 4th, I miss you so much my beautiful son. I wish I could visit you and hold you one more time.
January 9
January 9
This was left by Amanda Taylor/I remember how sweet he was! And how very much he loved his mama and his little sister! ❤️ His heart was so good, I hope I make it to heaven to see him!
January 4
January 4
Happy Birthday in Heaven Dear TJ!!! You are greatly missed. Your memories are forever!!!
November 26, 2023
November 26, 2023
It's so hard to believe that you have been gone so many years, I love you so much it hurts, feels like yesterday at times, you're sister has had a lot of health problems lately, but she still takes care of business. Please visit me in my dreams It's so wonderful when you do. I love you and miss you so much my beautiful baby boy.
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
TJ, what a wonderful nephew! The love you showed especially toward your sister and mom I will never forget. You proved your love for them daily with your actions and even proved your love by thinking ahead to the future in case something happened to you making sure their material needs would be provided! We were all so proud of you! I remember your eyes so vividly, how they reflected your kindness and your heartfelt love! I miss you and love you and I am anxiously awaiting being with you again after your resurrection! Until then I hold you dearly in my ❤️. With love, Aunt Peggy ❤️
September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023
He was a great son and brother and a hero who died way to young
  Aunt   Tammy Riddle
September 9, 2023
September 9, 2023
He was one of the sweetest, kindest, and amazing young men I've know. He sure loved and cared for his momma. Crystal Shuffler. TJ is greatly missed. Love you my friend. Rest In Heaven!!!!
April 10, 2023
April 10, 2023
My darling baby boy, I love and miss you so much . I was feeling very lonely for you the other day. Sissy has been going through a lot, she has had 2 husband's and both have been worthless, no child support from either one. Thank God she has a good education and a job that pays well. She can take care of all 3 children on her own. I help care for them while she works.
      I love you son,
        Mom. 4-16-23
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Hey baby boy, we had your birthday dinner on the 4th. I made fried chicken, French fries, corn and cake. We always cook your favorite dishes. Anyway Happy Birthday,I love you very much.
January 5, 2022
January 5, 2022
Hello my beautiful boy, we will be visiting you Saturday, and having your birthday dinner. It's hard to believe that you would have been 43 yes old. I miss you so very much. I visited your sister and her family for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I don't like the way her husband talks and treats her and the kids. I really believe that you would dislike him very much. Well she has to live her own life and make her own decisions. I just wish she wasn't going down the same Rd. I did.
       I love you and miss you so much.
November 27, 2021
November 27, 2021
Hey baby boy it's been 16 long years since you've been gone, I miss you so much. I've been with sister about a week, caught bronchitis! I can't wait to see you.
August 19, 2021
August 19, 2021
Hello beautiful boy,
     Well Amanda had Ember on the 9th at 542 pm , she has red hair!! Now she has 2 red hair girls. You would love her I know. I think of you teaching on the other side and I am very proud of you. I wish I could be with you, I love you so much but now with a clear mind, I couldn't bring you back to this world, it's so hard here. Well I love you son guess I'll go.
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
Hi Baby,
   I miss you so much it hurts, you've been on my mind alot lately. At church I was called to teach primary, I have 4 and 5 year olds. It's cool i miss kids. Your sister and her family are still living in Wyoming. Her 2nd baby girl is due on the 15th. Her name is going to be Ember Louise Harding after Jared's mom, Emerald Jean is after me. Tiger Jackson your and Papaws name sake is 12 now hard to believe I know. Sis is having it tougher time this go round.
      I love you so very much,
May 23, 2021
May 23, 2021
Hey Baby Boy,
   Just got back from church, while I was there I remembered a fast Sunday when you gave your testimony, you thanked Heavenly Father for making me your mom, it touched me in ways no one could ever understand. You were and always will be a blessing in my life. I will be going to visit your resting place next week end, I know you are with Heavenly Father, but it brings me comfort to be there where I laid your body to rest.
May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
It has been almost 16 years since you have be sent to Heavenly Father’s arms. You have made an imprint in my life and others around you. I remember your catchphrase, “Stay Beautiful!” Since Memorial Day is coming up and will not be able to put flowers down, I will send a prayer in your honor. You are still loved wherever you are.
May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
Hello Beautiful Boy,
   I miss you so very much, I have been on a downward spiral for a while now. I have been trying to get through it and started going back to church and had a med change. It has helped me a lot. Sometimes it feels like I lost my world just yesterday and other times it feels like you have been gone from me forever. No one should ever bury their child, it's not a natural process, not something you expect to do, like the loss of a parent or spouse. You grow up to know they will go, but no one ever says Sometimes you will bury your children. Its a loss I'm not sure I'll ever accept. It happened, I know that, but the only thing that gets me through is knowing that I will see you again and your sister and her family. I don't feel like she gets me or you for that matter. She has changed a lot over these years. I know she loves us, but I'm not one of her priorities and I pray I die before I can't care for myself, I don't want to end up forgotten in some nursing home in TN. or off in WY,where I won't be taken care of the way I want. Francis said she would handle things for me ,and after mom, I know that she would. Well baby I have vented, so guess I will go ,I love you so very much, my heart breaks for me, I know you are fine.  
May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021
Seems like only yesterday you were just a little boy. We all miss you so very much. You were and forever will be so very loved! We are all so eagerly awaiting the resurrection when you will be whole again and we can wrap you in our loving arms!
May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021
Hello my beautiful baby boy,
   I went through a bad patch of depression lately, I was miserable missing you so much. With Amanda and the kids in Wyoming just so all alone its sad. Went to church today, it was a nice service. Well son its late guess I'll get to bed, I love you dearly.
November 27, 2020
November 27, 2020
He was a very fine young man. Always kind and loving. So very sweet. He was a super cool kid. So smart. I remember polishing his toe nails when he was sleeping one time. We laughed and laughed about it. As I said a super cool kid! I'm sure that everyone who knew him misses him. We love him and until the ressurection we will miss him.
November 26, 2020
November 26, 2020
My Beautiful Baby Boy,
  I love and miss you so much , its been 15 years and feels like yesterday sometimes. I've tried to stay busy so I dont break today. It was also Thanksgiving day the last time we talked to each other, you were so excited about Sabrina , shes married now and has a nice husband, happy in her life. I know you would be happy for her. Your little red headed niece is getting so big, and Tiger is doing great. Amanda is very happy and has a good marriage. I love you my son Always.
January 6, 2020
January 6, 2020
Baby boy I love you so much, I'm going to get it together so I can be with you again.
    I was thinking about you last night and remembered when you told our manager something, lol it is so funny to think back, at the time I wanted to crawl into a hole.
     She came to pick up the rent, and out of nowhere you ask her or made a statement, "your black right " she replied "yes " you said "your husband is white right " replied "yes " you said "you know your kids are going to be brown. Our friends Nate and Nilda are are black and white, their kids are brown! " she rolled with laughter and I was mortified lol.
    You were 4 years old at the time.
January 4, 2020
January 4, 2020
I remember talking to him and feeling very blue, I told him I felt like a burden, he responded " your not a burden your my mom ". I love and miss him so much, Happy Birthday my hansom baby boy. Can't wait till I can hold you in my arms again.

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January 10
January 10
Left by Tammy Riddle/ l'm sorry I'm bad about birthdays. Happy Birthday TJ a true Hero to his mom and sister Amanda
January 9
January 9
We had your birthday dinner on the 4th, I miss you so much my beautiful son. I wish I could visit you and hold you one more time.
January 9
January 9
This was left by Amanda Taylor/I remember how sweet he was! And how very much he loved his mama and his little sister! ❤️ His heart was so good, I hope I make it to heaven to see him!
Recent stories

Happy Birthday

January 4
My beautiful son, I love and miss you so much. We will have a birthday meal of your favorite things  fried chicken and potatoes. It is so hard to believe you would be 45. You were taken so young, I shall see you soon I'm sure.

My uncle

December 21, 2023
Even though I never saw my uncle, I know he was a good person from the story's my grandfather would tell me. I wish I could of seen him in the flesh.


August 11, 2021
Hey baby boy, 
     Your a Uncle again, sister had a baby girl on the 9th.  Her name is Ember Louise Harding. She is 18 and 3/4 in. Long , 7lb 1oz , a ton of strawberry blonde hair.  You'd love her alot. I love and miss you my beautiful son.

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