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Haunted house

November 30, 2021
She moved into this house and she swore it was haunted so me and my other sister went and stayed all night with her and we never saw a ghost or strange noises but she moved out of that house real fast she was my sister and I loved her unconditionally no matter what I miss her so much I wish I could have her back but I cannot but she will live in my heart forever love you Teresa Mimi you so much
 Happy Birthday sweet siste
November 30, 2019
Happy Birthday my dear sister I wish you were still here you would surely enjoy your granddaughters and I know you would have loved them so much they are so beautiful and your daughter is a very good mother you would be so proud of her I miss you so much I love you and I hope you have gained your wings and are so happy you will always be in my heart forever you will never be forgotten your loving sister alway

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