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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Oluwafeyikemi, 7 years old, born on April 1, 2015, and passed away on June 23, 2022. We will remember her forever.
June 24
June 24
Keep resting Feyikemi! I hope you are having a blast in heaven.
June 24
Keep resting in the bosom of the Almighty.
Keep watching over Your mummy, your aunt and your sister.
June 23
June 23
I hope you're resting peacefully and giving the angels something to talk about. I miss seeing videos of you on your mummy's page.
We love you and you'll remain in our hearts forever.
Deola, Feranmi and Temi, may God continue to comfort and strengthen you.
Thank you Deola for sharing her with us.
You're always in my prayers
April 4
April 4
FeyiKeke. We miss your laughter and mischief. I hope you are cracking God's ribs daily? Our champ and president. Love ya.
April 3
April 3
Happy Heavenly Birthday Our President. I know you are shining brightly up there like the Light that you are . You are forever and ever in our hearts and I am grateful for this platform/opportunity that allows us celebrate
April 3
April 3
Oluwafeyikemi…It’s been a while…Just wondering how you are doing with the angels…I am sure you aren’t in any discomfort…Just enjoying with the angels…We; your online uncles miss you a lot…Your playful spirit and your goofiness…

I have not been seeing mommy online that much but I know she’s a strong woman.

God will comfort her and big sister.

Keep singing with the angels.
April 3
April 3
Happy 'heavenly' birthday baby girl! Our pancake and pizza girl. I know you hear the silent whispers of your name along with other dear ones at daily mass. Continue to rest peacefully, our angel, Feyikemi.
April 1
April 1
Happy birthday feyi... I know you're lighting up heaven with your laughter. Keep resting beautiful one.
April 1
April 1
Google photos reminded me today that it’s your birthday. I’m grateful for the little time we got to spend with you and the memories made. Miss you forever Feyi baby. ❤️❤️❤️
April 1
April 1
Happy birthday, my president.
I hope you’re resting peacefully and I hope you’re giving the angels something to talk about ❤️
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023
I randomly think of your daughter - Feyikemi, very similar story with my baby cousin. It’s been a year and I hope you feel her warmth every time you need. I miss seeing videos, pictures, and tweets of her on my TL.

Hi mama, I hope you’re holding on fine too. Love to you and Feranmi ❤️
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday Babygirl! I know its a feast day with all of the other angels. You're so dearly missed and never forgotten.
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Keep resting, my president.
I feel sad that I’ll never see new videos of you on my timeline.
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
One year darling girl. It's one year. How is heaven side? Keep resting in peace my darling and watching over your mom, sister, aunt and grandma. You are loved and missed
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Malta, yellow and blunt honesty draped in warm hugs today, in your honor
April 3, 2023
April 3, 2023
Baby Girl, President Feyikemi!!!!

Happy Birthday in heaven. Are you running around, making everyone smile? Keep resting sweet one.
April 3, 2023
April 3, 2023
Hello Feyikemi.

I woke up on April 1 and remembered your smile. I hope you are blessing heaven with your beautiful smile. Keep resting ❤️
April 2, 2023
April 2, 2023
Happy heavenly birthday Feyi, keep looking over your mum always
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday Feyikemi. I bet you're having a good time and being chaotic, as your mum always described you.

Keep enjoying heaven
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
Happy Post humous birthday Feyikemi, our Angel. You are sorely missed. Keep watching over Mummy,Grandma, Your sister and aunty.
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
Hello Oluwafeyikemi!

Today is your birthday and usually mommy would have finished the planning for your little birthday party…

But you aren’t here to celebrate it anymore…

However we’ll still celebrate the joy and gladness you gave us…

I was one of your Twitter uncles…

Keep singing with the Angels…
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
Happy Birthday sweet girl. You are remembered and loved
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday Feyikemi. Our best girl. Keep watching over your mom, Sis, aunt and grandma. We love you
December 6, 2022
December 6, 2022
There are days that I look out for your smiles on your mum's IG stories (thankfully, she keeps one on her page). You're missed baby girl in so many ways.
August 18, 2022
August 18, 2022
I don't know how to hold Feyikemi's passing. I don't know how to hold it. I don't know if I am entitled to this grief. I don't know where to place this heartbreak.

I met Feyikemi once. Once. She addressed me like she had been waiting for me and I was late and she was upset. Part of me wanted to kneel down and beg this imperious little Madam.

She didn't even act like she was meeting me for the first time. She acted like I was her old friend who hadn't been around for a bit. Unceremoniously. I loved it. I loved her. Instantly.

So how do I position myself inside this grief? Who do I say this little thunderstorm was to me? How do I express how it felt like I had always known her? How do I say it in a way that makes sense?

How do I say that I met a child once. Just once. And she looked at me like an old friend. It's not fair it's not fair. It's not fair.

Feyikemi your leg was heavy. Feyikemi you stood and we felt you. You spoke and we heard you. You lived and we loved you.

I don't know how to end this. I don't know how to end this. I was sure I was coming back to see you. I was so sure. It did not occur to me to think of any other outcome.

Deola. I love you. I am so so sorry my darling. I am so sorry.
July 31, 2022
July 31, 2022
Baby, it’s been more than a month and it’s actually very strange that I haven’t gotten any calls asking to sing Baby Shark, or do the Peppa Pig face. I miss you so so much, I miss the warm hugs, sharing food, begging you to please leave our bed and sleep in yours. An absolute ray of sunshine, there was absolutely no way anyone could meet you and not smile. The sweetest babe ever, we used to fight, but who didn’t you fight with, our warrior, you’d fight but always make up for it with your lovely kisses.

It’s hard, the house isn’t the same without you, the calls aren’t the same without you there, but you’re resting now, you’re in a much much better place and I hope you’re out there sharing kisses to all the angels, our angel. My sweetheart, I’m glad we recorded the memories because they’re all that’s left now. You left a mark, a very huge kiss shaped mark on me, and I am forever grateful that we got to meet.

I love you, my baby. Rest well.
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Hmmmm. I haven’t you personally, but your smiles always brings joy to my soul. Am short of words. Keep resting on my sunshine. ☀️
July 17, 2022
July 17, 2022
Feyikemi dear, the first time I met you, you welcomed me with a warm hug and a beautiful smile. you were such a beautiful soul with a kind heart. Mostly playful and fun to be with. No dulling moment with you and you make your intentions known easily.
You were amazing and beautiful in and out. the thought of you and your unique character makes me smile and more reason your gentle departure is painful.
May your gentle soul rest in peace and may God comfort everyone you left behind.
July 15, 2022
July 15, 2022
Hey Feyikemi,
I never met you or knew you personally but I loved you. It so hard to but my feelings into writing because it's too much. I came across your mum's page on a random day when she posted a video of you, it was so beautiful that I had to go to her media and look for pictures and videos of you which became a habit, any time your mummy posts a new video of you I would always go back to look at the old ones and I never get tired of watching videos of you over and over again.
You always radiate so much energy, I'm always smiling while watching videos of you. I always prayed for you and I was rooting for you badly, you had a whole lot of online uncles and aunts rooting for you. You had your own army.
When I read about your transition online I was numb, it didn't know how to feel because it felt so personal to me to the point I had to ask my mum and people if it was okay to feel this way about someone I never met because it felt like I was loosing it. I'm going to miss you .
I don't like the fact that I have to stop looking forward to new videos or pictures of you and that I would never get to see a new video of you. I visited this tribute page more than 20 times but I couldn't gather the courage to write  because it feels like saying a final goodbye.
You were a fighter and you were so brave. You were such an amazing little girl.
May you rest in perfect peace my darling Feyi.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

May God comfort your mummy and give her the strength to pull through. She was such an amazing mother to you. I love the way she loved you. It was so good to see. I know you blowing her kisses and watching over her and your sister.

Till we meet again Feyikemi️

July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
My Feyi Doctor. It’s been hard translating feelings into words because amazing doesn’t even begin to describe you. You positively impacted every single person that met you in person or virtually. You’re the bravest little girl that I know. I will always treasure memories I shared with you. Please watch over your mother, grandma, sister and aunt. I love you forever my babe.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Feyikemi! Feyikeke!! You brought so much joy to everyone who had the pleasure of meeting or watching you. You were a sweet, kind child and you will be sorely missed by everyone. Words are not enough to describe the void you have left in the hearts of everyone who loves you. Jor, watch over your mummy and sister. So gbo? Your memory is blessed, Feyibaby.
July 6, 2022
July 6, 2022
Dear Feyi! You were a light! You were sunshine ! And we know that the Father of lights Himself has welcomed you ! - James 1:17. Though I didn’t get to meet you in person, but we were able to draw courage and strength from the way you handled everything with joy, dancing and snacking on your favourite foods ! You were one brave and strong little girl, a blessing and now, a source of laughter even in this time to Deola & Feranmi, your Aunty, grandma and the rest of us aunties and uncles and those memories will continue to be cherished! Heaven has gained one ! Rest in perfect peace, Feyi <3
July 5, 2022
July 5, 2022
Thank you, Oluwafeyikemi.
For bringing so much sunshine with you and blessing people everywhere. For being a joy to Deola, Feranmi, Temi and grandma, and hundreds of internet aunties and uncles. For being so brave and staying as long as you could.
Even in grief, there is laughter because of you.
We will always remember you and cherish the memories of you. We love you so much, baby.
Rest now, our sunflower princess.
July 5, 2022
July 5, 2022
Dearest Feyikemi. I never got to meet you in person but you were such a ball of love and joy. You no send anybody! I loved to see it. I laughed everytime Deola shared posts with your antics. Lol! Gosh! It was indeed heartbreaking to hear of your transition but I know you are giving the angels up there a run for their money. Disturb them well with kisses our baby Watch over your mummy and family. You live forever in all our hearts

Deola of life! You are an amazing mum and babe! I’ve only known you for a short period and in this time I’ve seen how you gave of yourself completely to your children. You are inspiring! I pray each passing day gets easier for you and I pray God continues to cloak you with grace, comfort and strength. It is well with you my love. ❤️
July 2, 2022
July 2, 2022
My Fave!
You made me so happy. On the 23rd I kept saying how personal this news felt to me, it was like my little girl I saw everyday left. I prayed for you, I did. but I know God needed you to rest. Feyi, this hurts terribly but we know we will see you soon, Please don’t forget to watch over your Mama, Feranmi, Temi and grandma. Rest now our Angel.

Deola, thank you for being the best and perfect mama Feyi could ever ask for, thank you for sharing Feyi with us, thank you for not hoarding her light from us at all, thank you for allowing us experience her, we are honored, and it was a pleasure, thank you so much.

And the biggest thank you is to you baby, we weren’t even worthy, thank you for choosing us all to experience you.
Rest now Fey baby. Love always.

July 1, 2022
July 1, 2022
Dearest Oluwafeyikemi, MY PRESIDENT!!!!!

I have struggled with words and my feelings. I am still struggling but here goes. I remember the first time I came across Deola's TL, there was something about all of you, especially you and I was hooked. I always looked forward to your mom sharing about you. The day you sat in that bowl of water, I laughed till tears came out of my eyes. I laughed under your mom's tweet too, I remembered recently and I laughed again. You goofy ball of awesomeness. As time went by, You became a piece of my life from afar, your milestones cheered me up, your pain hurt me, your laughter made me laughed. You were larger than life and it's like you knew, you moved and acted accordingly. Taking up space and sincerely we were happy to relinquish that space, not like we were really doing anything with it.
You had a tonne of aunties and uncles who would bat for you always, we still will bat for you and yours darling and I hope you felt that love somehow from us.
As time drew by, I somewhat became close to your mom and she would share your pictures via DM to cheer me up, she would say "come and see what your child is doing", other times I was just content seeing it on IG and Twitter. I used to camp under Deola's tweets, I will still camp there. You were not just my nibling, you were like my child from Deola and I love you girl.
Hearing you transitioned on a day that was already tough for me, finished me. How???????? Have you met Itunu and Dami? You three will click. Run around okay?. Have fun baby girl. On God, Heaven is in for a shocker, scatter them!!!! Push all their instruments down. Teach all those uptight angels how to pout. Let them know that my President has landed.
I know that when we transition, we never fully leave, so never leave your mommy and sister and the rest of the family. We will watch over them but they need to feel you close especially on the very hard days.
I love you Oluwafeyikemi, Thank you for the gift of you, for sharing yourself with us. Thank you Deola, we are not worthy but we are grateful.
I love you, your memory is blessed, rest in peace darling child and whenever I see Yellow, I will think of you, our sunshine and sunflower , Our Feyi, Omo Deola.
Okay, I'm rambling now
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Feyikemi baby. Our baby. I never got to meet you but seeing you on your mum’s stories and sm made my day a lot. From your plenty kisses, to bullying your mum for her phone everytime, and getting your grandma and aunt (and us internet aunties too!) to bend to your every whim, you’ve always been a special girl. You were extremely loved and cared for and I know you’re smiling down on and comforting your mummy, Feranmi, grandma and your Aunty. Reading that you blew your mummy one last kiss goodbye made me cry so much but also feel some sort of relief because it felt like you knew. Give those angels a run for their money my babe! We love you so much. Always ❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 29, 2022
June 29, 2022
Feyi kem Kem, my little Presido, the strongest 7year old ever, seeing you on your mom’s social media smiling even though going through the worst pain a child could ever experience made my heart moist, seeing you bully your mom, or overwhelm her with your moist kisses made me smile on my worst days, thanking for bringing joy and love to those around you, for fighting so hard and spending this last year with your strong mommy, rest well presido and keep giving those angels a tough time.

I pray God wraps his arms around your mom,sister,Aunty,grandma and your friends.

Deola I cannot imagine the pain and heartache you’re feeling. I am praying for your peace and comfort. Love you so much mummy G.O
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Deola, you were the perfect mum for Feyikemi. No one could have done it better. Your love and care for her was evident. Your superpowers are unmatched. Your display of strength and candor are one for the books.
Feyikemi was an embodiment of joy, hope, strength and courage. She always made me laugh.
I cannot begin to imagine how you feel right now. It’s my deepest prayer that the Lord comforts you and your family. The Lord will be your support and grant you the fortitude to bear this loss.
Continue to Rest In Peace Feyikemi ❤️❤️❤️.

June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Keep resting Feyi baby. I hope you meet my aunty Kenny in heaven as she’ll show you around and make sure you are always fine. Most of all thank you for all the smiles n happiness you brought our best. Adeola, thank you for giving her the BEST like on her short stay with us. Sending you and your family so much love and hugs. Je pense à toi en ce moment difficile.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Dear Feyikemi,
You were a beautiful light. Your sassiness made us all love.
I hope you knew that you were social media famous and loved. Love and prayers flowed from around the world for you. I know there's no more pain where you are. More than anything else, thank you for filling our hearts with hope and our faces with smiles whenever we heard your stories. Love always.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
I am so so sorry for your loss, I don’t know you personally but I’d see pictures of your darling girl pop up on my TL randomly and it would brighten my day.

I’m sending you love and hugs and everything that is good.

What is grief if not love with no way to be expressed?
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
I loved seeing pictures and tweets about Feyi.
Every one had good encounters with her.
Her interactions with people had me rolling, telling someone "sorry for yourself"

Keep resting princess.
May the hands of the lord continue to guide you.

June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
My Indiana, I can’t believe you didn’t wait for aunty to get back and visit you again. My little trooper. Your big sister is really going to miss you. I remember when I took her out for the day and all she could think of was making sure I carried food back for you. I promised her we’d take you next time . Big promise oh, she wouldn’t let me off the hook. Your smile lit up so many of our lives Feyi. You fought hard, you fought well baby girl. We will miss you so much. Rest in perfect peace.
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
Feyikemi my President,
I really hoped it wasn’t true that you were no more, I was offline only to log in on twitter and I’m seeing so many people saying so many different things, I was speechless, I had so much hope that you would beat this, I always thanked God for progress whenever mummy updated us with your pictures or videos, it never occurred to me that one day we would be here, writing about you sweet baby, you left us broken, but we thank for the years you lived, you were love, you were sunshine, you were a star that kept shining bright, I personally can’t say I can imagine what you were going through but I’m glad you’re no longer in pain, what gives me more joy is that you’re in heaven, please watch over one of the the best mummies in this whole entire wide world, Watch over your besties, grandma, Temi and Feranmi, I can’t say I know what they are going through but please keep whispering to them, tell them it is well and let them find solace in the fact that you’re in a better place, and also God wanted you for himself because you were so pure, you were love, maybe soon it will make sense but I doubt... I have a lot to write about you sweet little Angel even though I had never met you but I can assure you that mummy and the whole family will get used to the fact that you’re no longer with them physically however they will forever treasure the time you spent with them, the memories they made with you sweet little Angel, we wanted you here but heaven couldn’t wait for you, I am sure you’re resting well, continue resting in perfect peace Baby, we love you and will surely miss you so much.
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Recent Tributes
June 24
June 24
Keep resting Feyikemi! I hope you are having a blast in heaven.
June 24
Keep resting in the bosom of the Almighty.
Keep watching over Your mummy, your aunt and your sister.
June 23
June 23
I hope you're resting peacefully and giving the angels something to talk about. I miss seeing videos of you on your mummy's page.
We love you and you'll remain in our hearts forever.
Deola, Feranmi and Temi, may God continue to comfort and strengthen you.
Thank you Deola for sharing her with us.
You're always in my prayers
Recent stories

My President!!

June 25, 2022
Feyi my president, overraw best in blowing kiss .

Feyikemi was such a bubbly child and  I loved watching her videos. Looool  she's trolling Deola one minute and blowing her kisses the next minute. It was so cute to watch. 

She was such a fighter and I absolutely loved her bond with Feranmi. 

I remember Deola sharing one story during the locked down how she purposely throws stuff down the balcony just so she could go downstairs. Loool such a smart child! 

Feyi was that TL baby that I never met but loved and prayed for .

Whew! I know my president is resting and grinning from ear to ear and blowing us kisses from above. 

Thank you for sharing Feyi's moments with us Deola. May God comfort you

I'm at peace knowing that she's resting beautifully away from all the  pains. 

May God rest your soul baby girl ️️

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