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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Thomas Mauro, 76, born on January 8, 1941 and passed away on July 21, 2017. Please post short tributes or longer stories of how Tom impacted you to help us remember him.

Memorial Information:
Please join his family and friends in celebration of his life on Wednesday, August 2 at St. Jude’s Catholic Church in DeWitt, MI (801 N Bridge St, Dewitt, MI 48820).  There will be a visitation at 10:30, a memorial service at 11:30, and a luncheon following. Per Tom’s wishes, in lieu of flowers please donate to the Shriner’s Hospitals for Children. Donations can be made at

Tom asked that any donations go to the Shriners Hospital or Special Days Camps. Shriners operated on his leg for free when he had polio, and could walk his whole life because of them. Special Days was a huge part of our family for years. Tom voluntered and donated since the mid-80's. Links are below:

July 22
Thinking about Tom again and our lives growing up. Tom was always very competitive and growing up with 5 brothers I was always competing with them for attention. Tom was a grade school teacher and volleyball coach at St. Patrick’s school in South Bend, Indiana for several years after he left the seminary. I happened to be in 7th grade and on the volleyball team at Our Lady of Hungary, in South Bend when he was coaching. It was a big rivalry between us for who the better team was. We beat him that year, and I rubbed it in for months afterwards. It was with great satisfaction but a fun rivalry with him.
May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023
My heartfelt condolences to the Mauro family. Tom was an upperclassman at Our Lady of the Lake Seminary back in the day when I was a lowly freshman, along with Tom's brother, Frank. Tom was the kindest and most genuine fellow. He was always a stable presence, patient and friendly. 
July 21, 2022
July 21, 2022
When I was a teenager, Tom was a recreational Director at a park during the summer. I played on his softball team, and he was one tough coach. I think he was tougher with me than the other players because I was his sister. Everyone loved him at the park, and being a typical teenage sister; I was not that enamored with him. I remember one time I got into an argument with him just before an away softball game. He got mad at me and left me at the park all by myself for over two hours because he would not let me play in the game. Later on in life I realized that he was tough on me because he knew I could accomplish anything I put my mind to doing and he pushed me because he loved me and wanted to see me succeed. He was loved by everyone because he never met a stranger, and he cared about everyone he interacted with. I love that man and miss our weekly chats. 
February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019
I remember my Uncle Tom throughout the years. He was a warm and caring man who always had a smile to greet me. I loved hearing his stories about teaching and everything. I remember sitting in his class one time we visited and I could see the love he had for his students. He was one of my inspirations when I became a teacher. My love and wishes go out to my Aunt Terese and the whole family.
April 6, 2018
April 6, 2018
Mrs Mauro & family:
Mr. Mauro was a wonderful teacher and mentor who touched my heart. As his student assistant, I had an opportunity to get to know him better than my other teachers. He always had an encouraging word and often knew me better than I knew myself. I also remember you, Mrs Mauro, and your beautiful daughter, Anne, from the few times I babysat. But mostly I remember how lovingly Mr. Mauro spoke of his family,- his love for you was very evident. Jesus certainly has another angel in heaven! May your memories bring peace & comfort to your family until you are again at his side! Doreen Theroux Brown, Class of 1973
January 9, 2018
January 9, 2018
Happy Birthday dad! (January 8th) He was always big on birthdays...always singing his famous birthday song to us and the grandkids. He just loved getting calls on his birthday (same as Elvis). Today I didn't have him to call, but many Mauro family members showed support...thank you so much! (By the way, his baby brother, John's football team-Alabama-won the National Championship today. I am sure he was watching!)
September 22, 2017
September 22, 2017
I never knew Mr Mauro personally but wanted to share an encouraging thought. From what I can see from the comments he truly touched many people's lives. Take comfort in knowing he's now at rest. We look forward to the time when Revelation 21:3,4 will be fulfilled when there will be no tears, pain, or death. Until that time deep sympathy-- Julia
August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
Mr. Mauro was a wonderful teacher, class advisor, coach, father and man of faith. My heart goes out to the entire Mauro family. I hope you can find comfort knowing his legacy lives on in all of you.
August 2, 2017
August 2, 2017
Tom, my father-in-law, was truly one of the most generous people I've ever met. He would pay for groceries for strangers at the store, help pay for a student to go on a trip that otherwise couldn't, contribute to education for kids at home and abroad, and fund the parish Thanksgiving baskets, just to name a few. More than being financially generous, John's Dad made any person he was in conversation with, even total strangers, feel valued. Funny story- I met John's Dad before I even met John, and he accompanied us on part of our first date by taking us to dinner at the fish fry at his parish! I always enjoyed conversation with him. He would talk often of his life as a teacher, coach, Dad, and volunteer. His life left this world a better place and we will make sure Alex understands how important that is, with his grandpa being one great example for him to follow.
August 1, 2017
August 1, 2017
Mr. Mauro was a special man who played a special role in my life. I remember him opening up the weight room for me and a few others my junior year early in the mornings before school. It was his way of helping kids who were willing to work a little harder (or just needed to) so they could earn a spot or keep it and get better. He believed in all of us, athletes or not. He always greeted me with a smile and wanted to know how I was doing long after high school. Looking back, I think he realized his investment in us would last far beyond our days on the playing field, and he took even greater joy and satisfaction seeing his former students and athletes enjoy success as we matured into adulthood. His investment in me made a difference. He helped me achieve some of my earliest personal goals, and reinforced for me the value of effort and sacrifice. Thank you, Mr. Mauro, for being a role model, for caring, and for investing in each and every one of us.
August 1, 2017
August 1, 2017
Rest in Peace Tom prayers are with the Mauro Family . Tom ,Frank and I were at Our Lady of The Lake Seminary at the same time. I haven't seen or spoken to either one since we had left there. I just know that Tom and Frank were special friends back then and I'm sorry to hear of his passing .
July 30, 2017
July 30, 2017
I knew Tom for 70 years, we first met in first grade at Our Lady of Hungary School and have been close friends ever since. He was in our wedding, For the last 10 years we had been extremely close talking on the phone three times a week for a hour each time, you could guess who did most of the talking! We talked about our lives, how lucky we were to have such great loving parents, church, opportunities for education, friends and the values we learned from them and especially our spouses who's love and support carried us through the trials of modern times. Tom's most outstanding trait was his passion for life. He loved and cared about everyone, not only those close to him and his students, but he had the compassion to spot the less fortunate and often bought groceries and gave money to persons he met shopping. He loved giving to charities and believed in many worthy causes.
Tom was fortunate to have two interesting sets on Genes, one His Italian side which loves life made him a happy easy going person sensitive to others and his Hungarian side, a little more stubborn with a lust for Goulash, Lungalo, Kifflies and other high cholesterol stuff!
Whatever he did it was with passion, Teaching, coaching, praying, camping, partying , fighting Irish, spoiling his grand kids, but compassionately, but firmly raising his three wonderful kids. Tom was a story teller and could remember small incidents that occurred many years ago to the smallest detail. He was truthful, emotional and could laugh one minute and cry the next. He was not ashamed to show his feelings. Tom, being the oldest of his siblings became the patriarch of the family holding Court at reunions, consoling others and giving advice even thou he carried his own burden the last few years.
JoAnn and I offer out condolences to Terri, John, Ann & Mary, spouses and the grand kids on their loss and the rest of the Mauro Clan also.
Tom sure lived the gospel with his life!    Gary
July 30, 2017
July 30, 2017
To the Mauro Family,
Tom was one of the first persons I met from South Bend, IN when I was dating my husband of 53 years. I was 18 years of age and Tom came to visit Gary when I dated him at the University of Cincinnati. Tom got to know my entire family in Cincinnati. When we got married in Cincinnati in 1964, Tom was in our wedding. When we moved to South Bend, IN we continued our close relationship for his whole life: his wedding, the birth of his children, and even until his death. Tom was like an Uncle to our 4 children. Tom was our dearest friend, and we will continue to remember him for the rest of our lives.  An honest and faithful husband and father, devoted to his family, friends, community, etc.. He never turned anyone away. You could not find a better example of a person who was more faithful to his Lord and followed God's plan for him
in life. We know that Tom is not suffering now and may he rest in peace, knowing that he accomplished God's work here on earth. May your family continue to have God's peace and continue to be a strong family together with love, peace and patience..
July 30, 2017
July 30, 2017
Heart felt sympathy from the Hegedus family. My mother Yolanda was Tom's godmother and he was also the ring bearer in their wedding. Take comfort in the fact that he was a good person and made a difference in so many lives.
July 30, 2017
July 30, 2017
My name is Mary, and I want to send my sympathies to the Mauro family. When I first saw the obit, I wasn't sure it was the Mr. Mauro I knew years ago. And, I thought he spelled his name Morrow. Anyway, Mr. Mauro was my seventh grade teacher at St. Patrick's grade school in South Bend. He was a happy, helpful and understanding teacher. He also coached us in volleyball and we had a great team! I remember him fondly, and will say prayers for him. Ironically, I was just at the school a week ago. I haven't been there for decades, and recalled playing volleyball outside, and his coaching us. I also remember his brother Joe, coming to see Mr. Mauro at school. I enjoyed looking at the pictures you posted. When I saw picture 56, I knew it was my 7th grade teacher! God Bless, Mary Musick Jirasek
July 29, 2017
July 29, 2017
RIP, Tom. My sympathy goes out to Terri, Anne, John, and Mary. We conversed often in recent years and he was so proud of his family, especially the grandchildren! The world is a better place because of you, Tom.
July 29, 2017
July 29, 2017
Mr. Mauro loved his students. Now that I'm a teacher, I know how difficult that can be. But Mr. Mauro's commitment to the youth was unwavering and unconditional--truly an inspiration to all educators. His legacy is one of compassion and dedication and love. Rest in peace, Mr. Mauro.
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
I met Tom when he moved to DeWitt in the late 1960s. Tom came to us in the early 1970s and told us he was marrying Terry. We opened up our house to Tom and his brothers and they stayed at our house the day/night before the wedding. Tom's brothers are all hulking men--big in size and volume. We ran out of beds, but that didn't stop anyone from having a great time.  In the early hours of the day of the wedding, we received a phone call from Mrs. Mauro (Tom's mom) looking for all for her sons. They were LATE! I went in to rouse the group, and you've never seen a group of men move as quickly as they did that morning!
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
Tom was the most caring and giving teacher at DHS., We continued our friendship after I retired and I looked forward to hearing his thoughts regarding retirement and its highs and lows. I considered him to be my friend forever and always. I will miss him!
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
I'm so very sorry for your loss of a great man. However, I didn't personally know him, but have worked with Anne for several years now. She is truly one of the sweetest people I know. I feel that I knew Mr. Mauro personally because Anne talks of her family and love of learning often. Anne had an outstanding role model and has always looked up to him. I know she will always be daddy's little girl!  Love you, Anne. 
Thought and prays with you all.  Kristi Teter
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
It was an honor to have known Mr. Mauro and to have learned Rosary making from him. I will remember him as a thoughtful man and a very proud father. I always enjoyed sitting with him making rosaries and hearing him talk about his family. Mr. Mauro was a great teacher and I will miss him.
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
My sincere condolences to Tom's family. He was a great teacher and coach and an even better friend and person. Tom made us all just a little better simply through his presence and gentle influence. I'll miss our phone conversations and his never-ending enthusiasm for whatever it was we were discussing. Rest in peace, my friend.
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
My friendship with Tom began in the second grade at Our Lady of Hungary grade school in South Bend, Indiana, and continued through the eighth grade. We went to separate high schools, but renewed our friendship when he transferred to Indiana State University. At the time, my wife Liz and I were living and working in Terre Haute. Because of common interest, we became forever strong friends. When we moved to Michigan we stayed in touch, and when I was acting principal at DeWitt High School, I had the opportunity to hire an English Teacher. I hired Tom. That began a long friendship and working relationship that lasted until his passing. He was my oldest daughter Tami's godfather, and I was godfather to his youngest daughter, Mary.

Tom had on several occasions, helped our children when they were in physical danger. Tami had severely cut her arm on a glass door and was bleeding profusely. Tom was nearby and came to her rescue, stopped the bleeding, and took her to the hospital. When our son Tim was eight years old, he was hit in the face with baseball bat. The park director, Tom, took him to the hospital for treatment. These are examples of how Tom dealt with everyone. He cared for the least of them.

At DeWitt High School, Tom had many accomplishments. He was an outstanding teacher, just ask his former students. He would do whatever it takes to help kids. One year back in the seventies, the school did not have a cross country coach. He volunteered,even though he said he knew little about it. They won a State Championship. He only gave credit to his players, but I always knew better. It takes a good coach and good players to make a great team. Also, how many teachers would volunteer to be class sponsor? That's four years of dealing with the same students. Tom was always proud to be their leader.

We all will miss Tom Mauro. His wife Terri, daughters Anne and Mary, and son John should be very proud of their husband and father. He accomplished what all of us want in life - to love and be loved.
Frank and Liz Deak
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
It has brought tears to my eyes to read all the heartfelt thoughts about Tom and his life. Tom's immediate family, his parents, siblings and his students were the most important people in his life. Growing up, Tom always pushed me to do my best. Sometimes as a little sister, I hated him for being so "mean", but deep down inside I loved him with my whole heart and soul. In our adult lives we didn't see each other as much, but we spoke at least once, sometimes twice a week. I will miss his calls, and our long talks about everything. With his passing, the love he had for his brothers and me has dimmed, but it will always shine brightly in our hearts. I love you Tom and will miss you more than anyone will ever know.
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
Oh boy! Camp memories are the best memories. It was such a joy, always, to see the Mauros arrive. What a reunion it was every August. I always thought it was the coolest thing that your dad volunteered his time. He was so easy going and there but not hovering and making kids nervous. What a great man, dad and counselor. My heart breaks for you. My prayers are with you and your family at this time. Tanya Morrison
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
I coached against Tom and his teams in Cross Country at DeWitt for many years. He was a great person and got a lot out of his kids. He will be missed.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
I would like to send my condelences to the Mauro family at this difficult time. I do hope it serves as some comfort to know their husband and father was still thought of by students 20 years plus later. Just the other day my sister and I were discussing what a patient and kind teacher he was. He is of a handful of teachers that still cross my mind today. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Mr. Mauro was one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. And an exceptional English teacher. Being I was a student of whom had a developmental disability, he saw right past that. He could tell I had a love for poetry, reading, but most importantly writing back then. I remember one particular day in English class. I had,an Emily Dickinson poem for each of my classmates to read. Standing up at the front of the classroom, I of course was nervous. But, as he went down the line, some students were reluctant to read the poem. But him giving an , "ultimatum", I could tell right then he believed in me. Some odd years later, I had a party to honor a special occasion. Well, of course I had to invite him. In a speech I gave I honored him with the same thing he'd told me a few months before. He told me that I was his hero
Well, if you look back at all he's overcome, and all that he's accomplished; that's a true hero as well. I will never forget his smile, his laugh, and all that he's done for me. Rest in peace my dear friend.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Mr. Mauro was such a sweet and caring teacher. He was so kind to me my junior year in 1986 at DeWitt. I will always remember his kinds words to me on a very tragic day that year. He has always been on my list of teachers that I will always remember.  My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Mr.Mauro was a special guy to me and to my family. We have wonderful memories of him as a coach and friend. He has a very kind heart. Taking us to and from basketball practice and he would never forget my birthday. He would find me at the school and always wish me a Happy Birthday. Those are memories that I will
Never forget. God Bless.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Mr. Mauro was more kind than most of us deserved. Looking back, I was often more of a thorn than I care to remember. But even then he was kind and more than fair. If I remember rightly, Mr Mauro was a man of faith and would at times inject scripture into his teaching without it being obvious... Knowing what I know now, I say well done good and faithful servant.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Oh dear, what does one say about their all time favorite teacher. You would think by this time that emotional pain would be slight. This is the first time since Mrs Devereaux passed that I have cried for a past teacher. Mr. Mauro was one huge influence in my young life. He taught me to reach high and believe in myself, no matter how tough things can get. He believed in the ability to obtain through hard work and determination. I feel truely blessed to have been so inspired by his kindness and ability to lift one up. His light shines ever so brightly through his example. Shine on Mr Mauro.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
My deepest sympathies to the entire Mauro family. Mr. Mauro always had a smile to share and a kind word. It is beautiful to see what an impact he made on so many people. I pray that these memories help bring peace to all of you during this time.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
I have grown up knowing Uncle Tom when my family visited him and Aunt Terese many times in Michigan. I remember one time when I was very little, he took me to his classroom because he had to talk to his students. There was so much respect for him in the room and he had such a great relationship with his students. Uncle Tom always has a smile and a funny story to share with us, and he gave great big bear hugs. I want to wish his whole family my condolences. With love, Mike.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
I would like to send my deepest sympathies to the Mauro family. I had the privilege of having Mr. Mauro for a coach. He was a amazing man. I have so many good memories of him and he will always be a chapter in my life I'll never forget. R.I.P my dear coach and friend.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Just like everyone else that was lucky enough to meet Mr. Mauro, he left a direct positive impact on my life. Thank you for your influence and tremendous teaching ability. May you Rest In Peace knowing the immense number of people that are better off for having known you. My condolences to the Mauro family. We are definitely thinking of you in this difficult time.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Mr. Mauro wasn't only a great teacher he was a great person that cares about his students and his school. He also helped raise three great kids, he was a staple of DeWitt schools. Just for today...Go Irish!
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Oh goodness. I've written this twice... he's got to approve right? It was my privilege to have been his smartest (ass) student. And he shut me down EVERY TIME!

God blessed me with his caliber of a teacher. Fly with the Angels Mr. Mauro!!
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Tom was always positive and upbeat. He truly cared about people and tried his best to always shine a light on the achievement of others. Although I saw him less often when moved to Kentwood, all I had to do was tune in to the "The Tim Staudt Show" to hear his voice. He was a loyal listener and frequent caller.
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
When I met Tom Mauro in the fall of 1968, he was a new teacher at DeWitt high school, and I was a freshman on the cross-country team. He always said I was the first athlete that he coached for four years. He was my coach, teacher, and became my friend over the years. He was a kind, gentle man with a huge heart; my sincere condolences go out to Terri and family. See you on the other side, coach!
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Mr. Mauro was a great teacher and man. Many memories most of laughing and talks at school. Remember him opening the gym early in the mornings before school for basketball plays to get some extra time in. He was always there to help with school, sports and even as a friendly ear and guidance. He had a great sense of humor even when it came to school pranks. You will be missed. RIP Mr. Mauro.

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Recent Tributes
July 22
Thinking about Tom again and our lives growing up. Tom was always very competitive and growing up with 5 brothers I was always competing with them for attention. Tom was a grade school teacher and volleyball coach at St. Patrick’s school in South Bend, Indiana for several years after he left the seminary. I happened to be in 7th grade and on the volleyball team at Our Lady of Hungary, in South Bend when he was coaching. It was a big rivalry between us for who the better team was. We beat him that year, and I rubbed it in for months afterwards. It was with great satisfaction but a fun rivalry with him.
May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023
My heartfelt condolences to the Mauro family. Tom was an upperclassman at Our Lady of the Lake Seminary back in the day when I was a lowly freshman, along with Tom's brother, Frank. Tom was the kindest and most genuine fellow. He was always a stable presence, patient and friendly. 
July 21, 2022
July 21, 2022
When I was a teenager, Tom was a recreational Director at a park during the summer. I played on his softball team, and he was one tough coach. I think he was tougher with me than the other players because I was his sister. Everyone loved him at the park, and being a typical teenage sister; I was not that enamored with him. I remember one time I got into an argument with him just before an away softball game. He got mad at me and left me at the park all by myself for over two hours because he would not let me play in the game. Later on in life I realized that he was tough on me because he knew I could accomplish anything I put my mind to doing and he pushed me because he loved me and wanted to see me succeed. He was loved by everyone because he never met a stranger, and he cared about everyone he interacted with. I love that man and miss our weekly chats. 
Recent stories

Biggest fan!

January 8, 2018

Today is Tom's (my father) 77th birthday! As I sit here and reflect on his life and the 76 birthdays he had here on earth, I cannot help but have a heavy heart. I also received word that my high school softball coach passed away this morning, after fighting 12 years of Parkinson's. My dad was always involved in my development as a player and a pitcher. He was my biggest fan and even more, he was my biggest believer. My dad would work with his children on their talents early on and he would push us to always get better. I have many stories to share about the experiences that he and I had in my specific softball journey so I will share a few here. 

3rd grade: THis was the time that I started to fast pitch. My dad would take me in the back yard and catch for me more than I really wanted to. He must have seen the potential in me because there were many times that I just rather stay inside on the couch. He went out and got me private lessons with Jim Firos and anyone else that would be there. He dragged me across the state to softball camps and was always telling me I could be a great pitcher. 

Middle School: My dad actually went and transfered his membership from our local Catholic church to St. Therese in Lansing just so his kids could be a part of the Catholic schools sport program. This is where I was exposed to more kids (than just DeWitt) in softball. I was able to practice and fine tune my pitching skills and not to mention beat St. Gerard. :) 

Travel Ball: My dad coached a DeWitt parks and rec team that consisted of older kids. One tournement in Lansing he had me pitch just a few innings against this one team based out of Holt. He didn't want to seem like he was playing favorites so he pulled me and put in another girl. I was doing well against the older kids and after the game the coach of the other team, Roy Reinert, approached my dad and asked why he didn't leave the first pitcher in. After the converstaion of it being his daughter and younger so he wanted to not seem like he was favoring, Roy asked my dad if I would want to play for his travel team! The Holt Rams and then it morphed into Crown became an opportunity of a lifetime. I played all throughout high school and the end of middle school and I was able to compete with older kids. I gained confidence when I could pitch against great ball players and hang in there and even win. I also was humbled a time or two which only drove me to practice harder and develop that always learning mindset. And my dad was a part of that journey every step of the way. He was the man who opened up those opportunities for me. 

High School: This is where I played for Mr. Larry Baird. A legend around the Lansing area, a legend because he knew the game inside and out. He was a hard person to play for but that's only because he drove us to only excel and get better. He taught me my rise ball and taught me how to fight, fight hard for a win. To be gritty and to also always keep learning. My father was always fighting for me and was my biggest cheerleader and it didn't change through my high school years. He kept every newspaper clilpping and was there at every game. 

College(s): Wow I played for some great coaches, Bob Every, Mark Settle, and Kim Zainea. They each taught me so much. Dad was there through it all. 

Softball became my life and it still has a huge part of my identity even though I do not pitch anymore. The foundation on which I was built was largely based on this sport. My dad was the driver of this. He was the one who brought me the game of softball, saw my potential, fostered that potential, and supported me in every way. Thank you so much dad for being you!

His life will always be remembered

August 27, 2017

Wow what a story I just encountered on a trip back from a work event. I travel for work quite a bit and I knew my dad was envious of my experiences but also very proud. I think he knew that I met so many people when I traveled and he would've loved to gain those times if he could. He gave up so much for us kids and traveling was one of them, so he enjoyed listening to my stories. Well dad, hopefully you were watching last Friday because this was a doozy.

My intern Brooke and I were traveling home from NY and we were in Washington D.C.s airport huddled on a shuttle to take us to our destination flight back to GR. Brooke had her Hope college sweatshirt on and these two friendly women starting talking with us because they both worked for the college. Nancy Smith was the wife of the Hope soccer men's team coach and Brooke played a bit with hope's team. Turns out she actually went to the Smiths house when they hosted both teams annually. It was a pretty small world but it was about to get smaller.

I asked both women if they were from the Holland area to which they said no. Nancy asked me where I am from and I said DeWitt. She proceeded to say that she was originally from the Grand Ledge area and went to waverly and than to a small Christian school. I said my dad was a retired high school teacher and that we grew up on airport road. Her home was off of Airport and Stohl. Such a small world and then she said, oh my husband and I have a really good friend that we knew from our church and we actually visited them in Germany. Your dad might of taught him since he went to DeWitt. Not thinking that I'd know him I just politely asked who he was. She said Dave Wilson. I immediately threw my hands on my mouth and I had to turn away to keep my composure. I told her that dad was his CC coach and I learned how to play euchre at his family's house. I also said through tears that he spoke at my dads service. Bless her heart because she saw the reaction and quickly said what a wonderful family they are and she saw the pain mixed with joy that was overcoming me. 

We boarded the plane and all I wanted to do was tell dad who I just met. I called my brother and eventually told Anne and for the next ten minutes I quietly sat crying from joy thinking of those connections my dad creates even after he has left us. Like my brother said, dad brought people together in a way we never saw or experienced before. 

A little bit of kindness

August 16, 2017

This is a picture of two girls named Maya and Calla. For Tom, children were very important. He would be very intentional in bringing some happiness and a little joy to any child that he might meet. For years he would love to go to Meijer, strike up a converstaion with a mother with young children, get to know them and then he would give the mother or the children a small amount of money to buy a treat. This was one of dad's favorite things to do. He loved bringing a smile to a childs face and pass on the love he held in his heart. Nothing brought more joy to him then to buy small presents for others. 

It came full circle one sunny afternoon last year. My brother and I have been playing on a co-ed slowpitch softball team, based in Grand Haven, for over 10 years. Our teammates have been on the same team for this long. The family of the Soule's have been a part of this team since the beginning.

One sunny afternoon my parents went to Grand Haven to visit my brother and his family. They had to stop at the local Meijer prior to getting to their house. Dad ran into a mom with two little girls and started a conversation. In true dad fashion, he insisted that she take the $10 and buy a treat for each of her girls. Through that conversation they quickly realized they had a connection. The mom, Melissa, and her husband play on the softball team that John and I are a part of. Melissa is a Soule!!!! It was such a great coinsidence and it was a type of connection that Tom loved to make. 

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