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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, thomas leahy, 39 years old, born on June 11, 1973, and passed away on June 15, 2012. We will remember him forever.
June 15
June 15
Tommy, I can’t believe it’s been 12 years today since you went to live with God. Time doesn’t make the pain of losing you any less. We miss you and your Mom is so lost without you. I don’t know what I can do for her but I wish I could ease her pain. Seems that won’t happen until she is reunited with you. Go with God my wonderful nephew. I love you. ❤️
June 14
June 14
tonight will be Another year without you tommy, and they say it gets easier! For me it hasn't. Life has been so hard without you here on earth, and for so many other reasons. I miss you so much.I miss the caring respectful way you treated me and everyone . I ask why so often but we aren't supposed to know why! One day in Gods timing I believe we will.I've lost so many after I lost you and a few before my heart is so tired . I know all my ( your) loved ones with you in heaven and our lord and saviour are loving and taken care of you! That's what gets me through each day I have left on earth. Rest easy and in peace my angel. Ill be seeing you. Love and hugs mom
June 11
June 11
Well another birthday ill be spending without you my angel.the day you came into my life I knew you would be a blessing to me!!and you were and always will be.this week is bitter sweet tommy! It brings sweet memories of the day you were born and sad heartbreak of the day you you went to heaven... never let go of Gods/ Jesus hand I know you will be safe n loved . and all our loved ones that went on to heaven will be celebrating your 51st birthday.with you...tommy you are in my heart thoughts and prayers this week and forever more.happy and blessed birthday son I love and miss
June 11
June 11
Happy Birthday Tommy, I hope you are spending your special day with your grand parents and other family members. You are still so loved and missed. Happy Birthday my special nephew. I love you ❤️
May 11
This will be my 12th mothers day without you TommyMy heart hurts so bad. I still after all this time wish to hear and see you come through the door with happy mothers day mom!!ill still never forget the last mothers day we spent together may 2012 ,it was the best mothers day I ever had. You were so caring and loving. And neither of us knowing it was our last.I can still feel the last hug from you and hear your kind words. And me excited to see you again for your birthday But by the time I got to you , you already went to heaven.I miss you so much tommy .tomorrow on this mothers day you will be in my heart my thoughts and prayers as always. Rest easy my angel ill be seeing you.Love and hugs mom
April 1
April 1
Happy Easter Tommy. I hope you had a nice Easter and celebrated with all the family. I love and miss you my precious Nephew.
March 31
March 31
Another Easter without you tommy, I miss you more than you will ever know!! I'm so blessed to have God in our lives . I'm so grateful he's loving and keeping you safe. And all my loved ones gone on before me. I can't wait to be with you all again in the presents of our lord and savior. Wishing you a blessed resurrection day in heaven. Until we are together again you are in my heart and prayers!! I love you Angel!! Your mom
December 24, 2023
December 24, 2023
Tommy Merry Christmas from your Aunt Evie, you are missed and loved by all the family, especially on certain holidays. I hope you are in a better place and in no pain  You deserve a peaceful sleep because you are such a wonderful person. I love you ❤️
December 23, 2023
December 23, 2023
Another Christmas season without you tommy, my heart is so heavy . So much loss I don't think my heart can hold anymore. I know you will have the best Christmas ever after all you are with our lord and savior on his birthday, tell Jesus happy and blessed birthday for me. Tell him I believe in him forever and I thank him for taking care of my loved ones in heaven and on earth. I miss you this weekend it's always when you would visit me before Christmas, have a blessed Christmas my angel , never let go of Gods hand and please wait for me. Love n hugs mom
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
Happy Thanksgiving Tommy. Your family misses you so much. Love Aunt Evie ❤️❤️
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
Another Thanksgiving without you tommy, I thank God for you oh how I miss you, my holidays and everyday are so sad without you will u give all my loved ones in heaven a hug for me there are so many, and never let go of Gods hand. Wishing you my angel a blessed Thanksgiving , please wait for me.all my love and respect your mom I pray u can hear the three songs I left for u in this message it comes from my heart.i know u love music.
November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023
Happy Veterans Day Tommy. Thank you for your service. You are still missed so much and always loved. Give my love to all of our loved ones .❤️
November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023
Thinking of you my angel, another veterans day another year without you, everyone keeps telling me it gets easier with each passing year but for me it doesn't, it's getting harder. With all the holidays coming up I get more and more sad tommy. So much loss and heartache to bare. My anxiety is at an all time high and I miss you so much... I'll put a smile on my face for others while inside I'm broken and missing all my loved ones gone on to heaven before me. My sister's and their husbands and a nephew came to visit me last month for a few days it was a blessing for me, but when they left I was lost all over again. Tommy never let go of Gods hand, and give your grandparents and aunt snooky and uncle Frankie a hug for me. Wishing you a blessed veterans day and thank you for your service,you made me so proud to be your mom.
October 21, 2023
October 21, 2023
Tommy I've been thinking about you, alot lately I miss you more and more every day I miss how you always knew my heart when I was sad , hurt, feeling missed treated, and stressed. You were the only one that never hurt me or disrespect me, I'll forever be grateful and thankful for that. Oh how I wish you were still here. I'm counting the days until I see you again, so all this heartache fear and anxiety that I'm living will be gone. Please wait for me and never let go of God and Jesus in piece my mom
June 15, 2023
June 15, 2023
Today 11 years ago your precious heart ❤️ stopped beating, and God took u still feels like yesterday for me. My whole world changed.i miss you more than you'll ever know..I miss the love,careing respect and understanding you showed me everyday of my life . Hold on to Gods hand and ur aunt snooky and grandparents hands I know u are safe and long as I live u will be remembered always in my heart ❤️ prayers and thoughts.ill be seeing you ... MOM
June 11, 2023
June 11, 2023
Happy Birthday Tommy, I hope your Birthday is as special as you are. You are missed and loved so much. Until that time when we all can be together, I love you my dear Nephew. ❤️
June 10, 2023
June 10, 2023
Another birthday in heaven tommy, I miss u everyday I know you are ok because your with God, Jesus, your grandparents, ur aunt snooky and uncle frankie.and richard.i hope today is as special as you are.until we are together again I'll remember you with pride . I'll be seeing you tommy love MOM 6/11/1973
May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
I miss you so so much tom not a day goes by I don't think about you I just wish God would have taken me instead;I would trade my life for you,for you to be back with mom and sis one day to see them happy again with you home;I love you and will always remember the times we had. I love you peace ✌ for now Until we meet again! keep rocking on my brother! ❤ 
May 15, 2023
May 15, 2023
I missed you yesterday tommy, I'll always remember our last mother's day together. It will forever be etched in my heart. Never knowing it would be our last. I miss n love you more than you'll ever know my angel.✝️
April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023
I'm missing you so bad tommy, but I know u are with Jesus on this resurrection day and u are safe loved and at peace, the most special day for everyone in the world n the heavens. Wishing you and all my loved ones in heaven a blessed Easter with our Lord n savior ✝️ give my love to ur aunt snooky and grandparents for me ok.n ur uncle frankie.untill we are all together again u are in my heart n prayers always all my love your mom...God bless you
March 19, 2023
March 19, 2023
Still missing you Tommy. Hugs and lots of Love to you my wonderful nephew..
March 18, 2023
March 18, 2023
Wishing you a happy and blessed st Patrick's day tommy I miss you so much my angel rest easy and in peace son I'll be seeing you.always in my prayers and ❤️ love n hugs mom
December 24, 2022
December 24, 2022
Merry Christmas Tommy, you will certainly be missed again this Christmas and every day. Your Aunt Snooky has gone with God this year so if you see her, will you tell her we all miss her so much and your Mom is so broken hearted that she went with God that she cries every day just like she does for you . would you give Aunt Snooky a hug from me and your Mom. Love and miss you Tommy. ❤️
December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
Another Christmas without you tommy and with each holiday birthday veterans day my heart breaks more. I miss you more and more every day. I've lost so many people that I love and little by little it tears my already beaten up heart wants to give up. But as much as I want to be with my loved ones again I try to hang on until my time comes because I know it's in God's hands.and oh what precious hands they are. Untill we are together again I'll remember you and pray for you everyday, wishing you a blessed Christmas my angel never !st go of Gods in peace son !! Your mom loves and misses you so bad...hugs
November 23, 2022
November 23, 2022
Tommy, you are missed and loved by so many. My only wish is that you were still here. Your Mom misses you terribly.
She lost her oldest sister recentlyand that broke her heart all over again, so until we all meet gain, Rest In Peace and look out for your Mom, ok? Love you my sweet sweet Nephew.
November 23, 2022
November 23, 2022
Tomorrow is another thanksgiving without you tommy, I miss you so much but you are spending Thanksgiving with God/ Jesus and all your family in heaven. Tell them all I miss them and can't wait to see you all again. I'm thankful for your love respect careing and compassion ...I'm thankful for you every single day. Have a blessed day my angel we all miss you here on earth .I'll be seeing you ...will u give my mom n dad brother Frankie and snooky a hug for me, never let go of Gods n hugs your mom
November 9, 2022
November 9, 2022
Hi tommy it's your mom, I'm sorry it's been awhile since I've visited you , but you're in my heart prayers and thoughts every single day. I miss you n love u more than you'll ever know. I've been grieving another loss in my life my precious sister snooky please find her if she hasn't already found you and she will cherish you. She was so proud of you. I'm struggling without her ! Your aunt Evie Diane Mary and Ella mae are blessings to me they also are proud of you. You were my pride and joy and treated me with respect and love I'll cherish you always. Friday is veterans day and I want to thank you for your service my angel hold on to Gods hand and never let goI'll be seeing you...I miss you sooo much tommy we all do all my love mom
June 15, 2022
June 15, 2022
Tommy, it’s been 10 years since you’ve been gone. You are missed and loved so much. Rest In Peace my dear Nephew. I love you ❤️
June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022
Tonite at 12:00am 10 years ago I received the most heartbreaking phone call that just broke me, I remember it like yesterday! !and I have relived it in my heart n mind over n over. It was just one month since the best mother's day I ever had .you stayed with me all day.and I was gonna see you and have dinner with you in three days to bring your birthday gift.i never got that change by the time nick and I got to you , you had went to heaven I never got to have that precious time with you.. I had to say goodbye to you that night.. tommy i haven't been the same since then I've never felt peaceful or happiness again I'm having anxiety just remembering.stay close to God/Jesus and your grandparents. Until we meet again my angel sooner than !after I'll remember you!! A!ways in my heart mind and prayers love n miss you more than you'll ever if I had known mother's day would be the last time I'd see u alive I would have huged you a little longer
June 11, 2022
June 11, 2022
Happy Birthday Tommy, you are missed and loved so much. I heard it said that the good die young and you were one of the best, so I guess they are right. Missing you my dear Nephew.
June 10, 2022
June 10, 2022
Tomorrow is your birthday tommy another birthday without you you are the most precious gift God ever gave me. I hope you celebrate with your grandparents I know God/ Jesus is by your side. I miss you so much and will until we are together in heaven sooner than !ater.wishing u a blessed birthday my angel .I'll remember you...all my love mom
May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022
Wishing you a blessed memorial day my angel I miss you so much. All my love and respect mom
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
It's a hard day for me today tommy the last time I spent with you was mother's day 2012 it was the most precious day I had, I miss you so much my angel until we meet again I'll remember you always in my thoughts heart and prayers all my love mom
April 17, 2022
April 17, 2022
Wishing you a blessed ressarecion day with Jesus tommy no one will ever love us as much as Jesus!! I miss you more than you'll ever know my angel rest easy son always in my heart and prayers .until we meet again ...I'll remember you.
January 1, 2022
January 1, 2022
It's a new year tommy without you my angel I miss you sooo much, there's so much sickness and heartache on earth I'm afraid of everyone and everything. As much as I wish u were here I wouldn't want you to have to deal with all that's going wrong here on earth.ill be so glad to see you and all my loved ones in wishing you a blessed New year in heaven tommy please keep watching over us and holding Jesus hand . until I see u again rest easy son your family loves n misses you.xomom
December 24, 2021
December 24, 2021
Wishing you a blessed Christmas eve day and Christmas day tomorrow tommy, I celebrate Jesus Christ our lord and savior in my heart ❤️ but as for anything else I go through the motions. I miss you more and more every day and my heart ❤️ breaks over n over I won't ever get over losing you my precious son. Keep holding on to God n Jesus you will forever be safe n loved. I know my parents are with you and watching over you to. Keep watching over us all tommy your family loves you and we are so blessed that we had you in our lives and always in our prayers and hearts ❤️ until we meet again I'll remember you my please tell Jesus happy birthday for me....
November 24, 2021
November 24, 2021
Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving tommy,in heaven I'm forever thankful for you and the cherished memories. I will miss you on this day and everyday. Your mom loves n misses you so much rest easy my angel...
November 9, 2021
November 9, 2021
Veterans day will be here in 2 days tommy, I want you to know how very proud of you I am for your service. You set your goals to be a marine knowing your ashma might be hard on you but you still went through the strenuous times and became a great marine.i am so grateful how close we became on your return you are the best son any mom could have. You loved n cared for everyone and u have the most forgiving heart , I know Jesus'/God is holding you in their arms and keeping u safe n loved. I can't wait to see you again my precious son. you were and will always be my blessing from God.i miss you and you are always in my prayers have a blessed veterans day tommy .I love you with all my heart ❤️.xo we all
September 13, 2021
September 13, 2021
I miss you Tommy so much , will it ever get easier?⏳ Will u give God/ Jesus and my parents ( your grandparents) a hug for me. ...hugs from your mom xoxoxoxoxo
June 14, 2021
June 14, 2021
Tonight is the night 9 years ago I got the call I'll never get out of my heart ❤️ and mind! ☎️ I rushed to you shaking and not knowing what happened to you. But by the time I got to you it was to late, you had already went to heaven ...I never got to say goodbye n I love you dearly! And until this day I can't say goodbye!!! I'll never forget my screams that came out of me that night I thought I'd never stop . My heart was completely broken tommy never let go of God's hand he will keep you safe n loved ! You are the kindest most loving and forgiving human being I've ever known. I'll never forget you not ever!!! You are in my ❤️ every day and I pray I will see you again. Please wait for me my angel ! I love you dearly and I miss you so much. Rest easy son. Mom
June 11, 2021
June 11, 2021
Happy Birthday Tommy, you are missed so much by so many, especially your Mom. I hope you are having a nice birthday with all of your relatives. Love and miss you
Aunt Eve
June 11, 2021
June 11, 2021
Happy and blessed birthday tommy, you would be 48 today! Oh how I miss spending these special days with you and your phone calls ☎️ you have been on my mind and in my prayers and ❤️ all night. I pray you are haveing a beautiful heavenly birthday with God/ Jesus and your grandparents and your friend Kathy. Always remember nick n I love you n miss you so much... Wait for me son I'll be seeing you. Hugs and kisses... Mom
May 31, 2021
May 31, 2021
Today is memorial day son, I know you are spending the day with all that have given their lives for us to be free i am grateful. I know you are free to share this day with them and our lord and savior! I miss you more everyday tommy rest easy my angel and give my mom and dad a hug for me.
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Today is mother's day tommy and I miss you so much it is etched in my mind the last time I spent the day with you was mother's day 2012. It was the best day of my life never knowing it would be our last mother's day.just a few weeks later you went to heaven .Rest easy son wait for me I'll be seeing you.i love you dearly... Mom
April 4, 2021
April 4, 2021
You are spending easter with Jesus and God in heaven, wishing you a blessed resurrection Day tommy ✝️ until my time comes I'll be missing you  I'll forever remember your mom
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June 15
June 15
Tommy, I can’t believe it’s been 12 years today since you went to live with God. Time doesn’t make the pain of losing you any less. We miss you and your Mom is so lost without you. I don’t know what I can do for her but I wish I could ease her pain. Seems that won’t happen until she is reunited with you. Go with God my wonderful nephew. I love you. ❤️
June 14
June 14
tonight will be Another year without you tommy, and they say it gets easier! For me it hasn't. Life has been so hard without you here on earth, and for so many other reasons. I miss you so much.I miss the caring respectful way you treated me and everyone . I ask why so often but we aren't supposed to know why! One day in Gods timing I believe we will.I've lost so many after I lost you and a few before my heart is so tired . I know all my ( your) loved ones with you in heaven and our lord and saviour are loving and taken care of you! That's what gets me through each day I have left on earth. Rest easy and in peace my angel. Ill be seeing you. Love and hugs mom
June 11
June 11
Well another birthday ill be spending without you my angel.the day you came into my life I knew you would be a blessing to me!!and you were and always will be.this week is bitter sweet tommy! It brings sweet memories of the day you were born and sad heartbreak of the day you you went to heaven... never let go of Gods/ Jesus hand I know you will be safe n loved . and all our loved ones that went on to heaven will be celebrating your 51st birthday.with you...tommy you are in my heart thoughts and prayers this week and forever more.happy and blessed birthday son I love and miss
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June 11, 2019

Happy Birthday Tommy, I wish you were here so you can celebrate with your Family. Everyone still misses you. Rest in peace. Love you xoxo

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