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Thomas John Booth or Booty !

July 6, 2017

One could walk down "the Avenue" in N.T and find Booty most of the time.  He was so well liked and popular in his beloved North Tarrytown, NY and was asked to be Mayor at least twice.  Tom garnered lasting friends like a bee gathers honey.  He had a delicious sense of humor and loved to hear and tell jokes.  He loved football and played it well at N.T. High School, in fact he captained the only undefeated team in its history.  He and wife Audrey were inseperable and loved to play golf at Mahopac Golf Club, NY. where they were members for 15 years.  Tom ran a very successful Electrical Contracting business for 31 years and maintained the Fire Alarm systems in both Tarrytown and North Tarrrytown (now Sleepy Hollw) NY.
He was a great dad to his four sons and a devoted husband to wife Audrey.  He died very prematurely from Congestive Heart disease at age 60 and will never be forgotten by all those who knew him.  Rest in peace, our beloved Tom.

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