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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Thomas Saaty, 91, born on July 18, 1926 and passed away on August 14, 2017. We will remember him forever.  Please join us for a memorial in the November timeframe to commemorate Tom (more information to come).  We hope that you will plan on attending ISAHP 2018 in July in Hong Kong and you can look for all things AHP and ANP at

August 16, 2021
August 16, 2021
Dear Tom, You were a man with many talents and such clarity of thought. I may be a little late in my tribute to you. However, your words and thoughts are never from guiding my own. Thank you for sharing yourself with so many of us, Dave T
August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021
Tom is always in my thoughts...the more difficult decisions I face, the more I remember him... he is with us all the time!
August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021
Hi Tom,

I just remembered 2001 ISAHP in Switzerland. I think that was the first time I met Barbara. I remember during, I think, it was a gala dinner, they played Alphorn (Alpine horn). After such a big enstrument everybody was quite astonished when you started playing a tiny violin! It was a pleasant surprise. You were so good playing violin! I remember taking the photo. Hopefully, I will find it and post it here. So, it will make more sense. Almost entire family were there. If any one else tells the story more interestingly I will realy appreciate. Or hopefully I can edit this or create a new one. We just remember you with these good memories Tom and celebrate your life.
August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021
Dear Tom,

One of my best memory with you was when my team hosted you and the AHP family as the ISAHP 2003 organizer in Bali. We had a special time spent at Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park where we were greeted by a Balinese welcoming dance, watched sunset at the location of the still in progress statue (121 m tall when finished), enjoyed a private kecak dance show, and ended the evening with a friendly and fun gala dinner. It is interesting to notice that ISAHP 2003 was in August, and the Park was also finished in August 15 years later. Indonesia Independence Day was in August as well Thank you for giving me the opportunity for such a wonderful memory.

Much love,
August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021
Dear Tom,

after these few years I cannot still find the right words to say how much I miss you as a friend and mentor.

August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021
On December 17th 1996, guerrilla members took several hundred hostages in Peru, my native country. The next morning, I casually mentioned to Tom when I met him in the corridor at Pitt that the president of Peru would probably welcome the assistance of a decision-making methodology such as the one he taught. He replied: “You are right, let’s work on this.” I knew Tom very little at the time except for having our offices almost in front of each other. I argued “I am a lecturer on IT, I don’t know your method!” He told me “You are right. Here is my book, read it and let’s meet tomorrow at 9am to start working on how to resolve this conflict.” He handed me the book and left. Unknowingly, I had been recruited into the AHP/ANP family for the next 25 years! Tom, you changed my life! Thank you!
August 13, 2021
August 13, 2021
Now, at this time that I am on my way to USA again, it is very very painful to know that you are not there anymore but you are in our thoughts, works, words, you never will be forgotten, my mail often alerts me to say that "Thomas L. Saaty has new citation", you will be living even after us...
August 13, 2021
August 13, 2021
Dear Tom
It marks the 4th anniversary since you passed away.
I always remember your passionate work and contribution to mankind and I will never forget the advice you gave me for my life.
I never forget your eternal love for humanity.
Thank you so much.
August 13, 2021
August 13, 2021
Dear Tom,
One more year has passed, and we still remember you just like the first day.
We will never forget you Tom,
Much love,
August 12, 2021
August 12, 2021
Dear Tom,

I just wanted to leave a flower for you this time. I wished I could have attached one, I have taken myself. You should see our garden; Cengiz did such a good job. I will share it with Rozann on August 14.
I wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you today, I will be thinking on August 14 too.
August 12, 2021
August 12, 2021
Dear Tom. I know that you know I have been actively applying your approach and way of thinking (I avoid using the word "model") in so many research and consulting work of mine.....even more so during the last four years since you left us and live in a "happier life". Nothing is happier than mentioning your name and contribution to my audience as I value our friendship highly. Love you, always
August 12, 2021
August 12, 2021
Hi Dad,
It’s been almost four years. I think of you every day.
I think of you especially when I am persevering in solving a problem. Honestly, you are at the forefront of my mind in those frequent moments. The other day my favorite sunglasses fell behind the dryer. When I rigged up a pole with a hook and duck tape and recaptured them, it was ALL YOU. I thanked you then and I thank you again for the way you instilled in all your children, and everyone who loved you, a spirit of not just thinking outside the box, but more importantly at least for me, perseverance. God bless you Dad.
August 2, 2021
August 2, 2021
Dear Tom,

Sorry I am so late this year. I had arrhythmia like you had years ago; I preferred the surgery instead of pills Tom. Every pil has some side affects; I thought surgery will be better. I, even, shared with my doctor the medicine you used and had no arrhythmia afterwords. He said we can try it later if this operation does not work for me. Anyway that was my excuse.

I remembered you the day you born and shared my feelings with Rozann. We all miss you; off course Rozann is the most understandably. She was your soulmate.

Our journal is doing fine; you should have participated in our virtual 2021 ISAHP symposium, Tom! It was so well organized, well attended. We did better than INFORMS! They are good organizing in person meetings but not that well in virtual.

Antonella Petrillo and I are organizing an invited session for INFORMS 2021 in October. As you know we both work on supply chain management so we organized "Theory and Applications of AHP/ANP in Supply Chain Management," Attend the meeting you might like it; give us a feedback:-)


Birsen Karpak
July 21, 2021
July 21, 2021
What I miss a lot are our philosophical conversations about nothing and everything. I still find myself instinctively stopping by Tom's office in Katz and being surprised the door is closed (yours was always open). Then I remember you are not around anymore!
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
I always, always remember your birthday parties. How lucky I was by being there. I remember Dr. Zoffers' interesting, creative clocks as his birthday presents. Happy days...
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
You may be somewhere else and not with us. However, you are not forgotten, Tom. 
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
Dear Tom,
It is nice to have the chance to remember your birthday with all your friends and family.
I leave this birthday candle for you
with love,
December 13, 2020
December 13, 2020
Dear Tom
September 2020 | December 3 -4 ISAHP2020
The dates of this year, when I was part of the team to release and present the AHP based mobile application called DecisionMentor, focused to common people, making commoner user-friendly was the drive got from you to take AHP to common people.
We have just started, long way to go, with vision that AHP based decision support tool to everyone's hand !!

The application is available at:
To help everyone to Clarify their Confusion, with tagline "Clarify your Confusion"
Decision Visualization is the key word to development of the application
Poster with title
was presented at the ISAHP2020 co-authored with Sovit Poudel.

Looking forward to tahe AHP to common people in the days to come ....
December 12, 2020
December 12, 2020
Dear Professor Saaty,
YOU wouldn't be forgotten since your way in science would never stop. Obviously, the techniques and the knowledge YOU provided to scholars and experts all over the world, would make the life of the next generations easier and brighter. Challenging with uncertainties overwhelming many aspects of our lives, YOU learn us to look at events from several points of view instead of a simple glass of cliches.
I will never ever forget your invaluable help when YOU sent your original articles and books whom I never can replace with any other source in learning to make decisions by including many unseen and complex parameters that are being occurred momently in our communities. YOU learned me how to look at the world not only in black and white. YOU made me able to see infinite colors in the universe.
I finally published my article last year, that absolutely, it wouldn't be done without your precious mentoring. I am donating my article to YOU and all of your fans.
I am sure that Rozann would keep your way bright and shining!

With all respects,
Maysam Khodayari Gharanchaei
August 17, 2020
August 17, 2020
Dear Tom:

Always remembering you Tom, I am continuously working on AHP application. I always remember, during ISAHP2003, Bali, you had told me that AHP should reach to common people, not only limited to academic excise. Trying to build system to bring AHP to common people.

Rest in Peace !!
August 15, 2020
August 15, 2020
I always remember you, Tom. I get help from your ideas for decisions and creativity.
August 15, 2020
August 15, 2020
You changed my life. I owe you a lot. Thank you again. Each time when my gmail alerts me to say that "Tom Saaty has a new citation," I say this is eternity. You and what you left to this earth will be with us forever.
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
I think of you more and more today.
It's been 3 years since you left.
Thank you for the most precious gift, all your life.

Although you have left us,
our respect and love for you remains forever.

August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Dear Tom,

it has been an honor and a privilege to know you and to cooperate with you. Three years have passed quickly, but the memory of you and your work does not fade. Rest in peace .
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Dear Tom,

Another year passed by... It seems like yesterday the time I had the chance to share with you. My prayers for you tonight... Be blessed!
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Happy birthday Tom, wherever you are, your work and guidance have and will continue to help many others all over the world.  I will never forget your words of encouragement and jokes.
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Dear Tom,
3 years have passed and it seems yesterday. I think the best way to remember you (and I´m sure you would agree), is to remember you with happiness in the heart and enjoying the memories of all moments we had together.
Big hug and love,
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Time passes inexorably, but Tom ... you are always and always will be with me and in my thoughts. What I am today is also thanks to you. Miss you! Love, Antonella
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Dearest Dad,
You would have wanted us not to be sad today, so I'm choosing to focus on the beauty of my little flower garden in mid-August, the goldfinches who match the yellow wildflowers, the doe with the twin fawns, the fox living in the woods. Your zest for life was a model for me, and I'm glad that I was and always will be your daughter.
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
So hard to believe it's been 3 years. Seems like just yesterday we were all sitting out on the back porch while he smoked the last stub of a cigar with a nail in it, reading jokes from his joke books. I love and miss you grandpa.
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Dear Tom
From the morning I have a need to light candles and incense... I am praying in your intentions. Rest in peace. You will remain in my heart and hearts of many people forever.
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Still miss you dad -- 3 years on and it's just like yesterday.
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020

Hard to believe it has been 3 years without you on Earth yet it is still so apparent that in so many ways, you are still here with us and the many lives you have impacted for the better. I was thinking about the year we were visiting and you were really into making your own yogurt. You told us kids to go check if the temperature was ready (when it was on the stove), and we asked "how do we know", and you responded with "go stick your finger in the pot and you will know if it is ready". I regret not taking this lesson more seriously because those small batch yogurts cost a fortune at the grocery store and I wish I could remember the steps you taught us when you made your own! Another fond memory (of many) was sitting on the porch with you when it was raining, and you asked "I wonder how many drops of water are falling at this particular moment" always had the most interesting thoughts, you pushed my brain to think outside the box and to question "everything". I miss so much about you, but especially your humor and laugh (which we could all use more of right now). Cheers to you Grandpa, gone but never forgotten and always missed.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
Happy Birthday Dad 2020
Shared by Linda Kolker on July 18, 2020 (posted in the wrong section)

Dad and I shared the same birthday, and today I'm 70 and he would have been 94. I'm thinking of him, as I often do on ordinary days. When I was a little girl, he encouraged curiosity about nearly everything, and awakened me to the grandeur of the universe and the beauty of the natural world. He admired Albert Schweitzer and his reverence for life. There isn't enough space here to write about all the ways in which being his daughter shaped the adult I became.
Perhaps the best gift he gave me was my beloved sister, Emily, my marvelous three brothers, Michael, John and Dan, and my warm, loving stepmother and dear friend, Rozann.

Happy Birthday Dad! I wish you were here to celebrate together.
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
Dear Tom,
How can I forget you? You have influnced my thoughts, my way of thinking like nobody else did, you do exict in my day to day life. It is my mession to see the AHP/ANP in practice in all government organisations. May your soul rest in peace, Amen.
July 19, 2020
July 19, 2020
Dear Dad,
I think about you so much, especially yesterday. Happy Birthday to you! I taught your 3-year-old great-granddaughters a billion...that’s how many grains are in a big pail of beach sand! Thank you for teaching me not to be afraid to try new things, and do things and think for myself. Love you Dad.
July 18, 2020
July 18, 2020
Happy birthday Tom. Miss you si much. Years have passed but i'll Always remember you as the most wonderful, brilliant and kindest man i had the pleasure to meet. Thank you for all your support.
July 18, 2020
July 18, 2020
Sleep peacefull on your birthday Dear Tom. I never forget your contribution to my life as much as to many others'.
July 18, 2020
July 18, 2020
Happy birthday Tom. Great people are never really gone. They live on in the hearts and minds of the lives they affect. Tom was such a person. On his birthday let us remember a great person, great scholar, a great mentor and I am so proud to say, my friend.
July 18, 2020
July 18, 2020
Dear Tom,
Happy birthday.
We remember you in your birthdate.
Please, receive all our love and gratitude for your existence.
July 18, 2020
July 18, 2020
I miss you Tom. I always thought what a wonderful family you have. They always remember you we always remember you. Journal is doing fine. 
July 18, 2020
July 18, 2020
I will forever miss Tom and his way of thinking and seeing things. 
August 16, 2019
August 16, 2019
Dear Professor, I will never forget you ! Your ideas, philosophy, scientific methods and lectures they will stay with me forever.
Sleep peacefully ....
August 15, 2019
August 15, 2019
Dear Tom,
There are already passing 2 years, but don't ever think that we are going to forget you. You (and all you gave) will be forever with us.
Rest in peace Tom, we love you.
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AHP's influence is felt in various fields, from business and engineering to health care and public policy. Professor Saaty's contributions have helped many people make more informed and impactful decisions.
July 19
July 19
I have been finding over the years that I am like you in so many ways. For example, you and I are both "bumblers" as you put it once: we believe something wholeheartedly and are vocal about it until there is counter-evidence, at which point we throw up our hands and say "bah, I don't know." We also both believe that you need to eat every grain of rice on your plate because "it's crying." Haha I love you so much and may we all remain pragmatic and humble with our opinions, respectful and loving in our conversations, and ever curious to learn more.
July 18
July 18
Although you had a wonderful life, you left us too early. Never forgotten!
Recent stories

Remembering Tom

July 21, 2023
Dear all,

I learned about Professor Saaty’s work when I was doing my master’s degree in Thailand, Asian Institute of Technology. My thesis advisor recommended that I research the application of AHP methodology for transportation systems. At that point, I was clueless what multi-criteria analysis was all about. To my surprise, it opened my mind to mathematical approach in interpreting complicated neural process of decision making where one is confronted with multiple choices in a complex world. However, I would not have succeeded without Tom sending me two of his books by mail that helped me tremendously to learn and appreciate the concepts. I defended my thesis successfully with the title “Analytic Hierarchy and Analytic Network Processes for the Assessment of Transportation Projects: A Case Study of Kyrgyzstan” in year 2000. Years later, in 2011 to be exact, I got a chance to visit Pittsburgh, my first visit to USA, and there I met Tom and Rosana in their lovely house and they took me out around Pittsburgh. This was a lovely meeting, and I remembered Tom as being someone fatherly, who loves jokes, very personable and warm human being. Before I left, he gave me his collection of jokes with some mathematical riddles. I have included a photo that we took that day.

In my recent work in Asian Development Bank we used AHP to come up with priority investments for road network in the Federated States of Micronesia. This is the testament that his legacy lives on in the farthest corners of the world! May heavens bless his soul

AHP for making Always Happy People !!!

August 15, 2022
Dear Tom:
It will be 25 years I have been in love with AHP; when I finished my first major work applying AHP; since than I am still working with it, my mission is now bring AHP powered decision support tool to common people's pocket which is your vision. Let us hope, soon it will happen !! We will be working more to make people happy, empowering them to get insights of their decision problem powered by AHP, which will be standing for making Always Happy People !!!
Looking forward for AHP making Always Happy People ~

We are organizing ISAHP 2022

August 14, 2022
Dear Tom,
What a strong friendship you created! We are together for Thanksgivings, we are organizing ISAHP symposiums, our journal is getting better. We just miss you! Thank you once more creating this great family, this community!
Birsen Karpak

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