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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, TIJANI BONIFCE, 39 years old, born on November 11, 1972, and passed away on June 22, 2012. We will remember him forever.
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
May his soul rest in peace.
He was indeed a good man,
We love you but God loves you more
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
Dad,today makes it exactly 9 years you left us. The vacuum you left is still there for no one to fill. I miss how you would scold us,how you'll play with us,how you advice us to be very hardworking. Your simplicity,kindness and hard work is what i admire and on this day,I promise to make you proud. Continue to rest on Dad. We love you
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
When mum called us nine years ago at about 2:35am on the 22nd day of June crying and asking us to pray for dad that he was about giving up,
For some seconds i couldn't understand what was happening because my dad and i spoke on phone when The driver came to drop the car at home the previous day and the driver promised to come and take us to dad the next day .
I remember that morning they left for the hospital, i was really sad and i told dad i wanted to come along but he said i shouldn't worry. He would be fine.
He promised to send The driver to get us the next day to see him.
That next day didn't come. rather, we met the news of his death even before dawn.
It was heartbreaking and painful.

Though i was young but i understood what it meant to loose a loved one.

Indeed, living with the pain and hurt of losing a loved one is not easy.

Many times I've tried to distract myself from this pain but it just wouldn't go away.

Some pains go away but i guess there are some we have to live with for the rest of our lives.

What aspect of my dad should i talk about and which should i skip?

Talk about the days he comes to my school on our vacation days and he is all smiles coming from the PTA meeting with my results and him petting me and telling me "welldone dicta you have done well"
My dad was always proud of me even though he always wanted me to do better.

dad never gave room for mediocrity and that singular act has taught me never to live an average life.

Talk about the days i preferred staying at Dad's as opposed to going to Abuja for my breaks.

I enjoyed every conversation with him.

Though i was still too young to understand life but he kept on teaching me about what the real world like.

I guess he knew he would leave early before i get to the age i could grasp those things.

My dad taught me diligence and hardwork in the most subtle way.

Though he wasn't perfect but he was a perfect father for me.

I miss writing appreciation letters to Dad at the end of every term.(my principal in high school taught me that)
I see the delight in his eyes everytime he reads them.

dad and i always had conversations about great women and he always told me how he desired that i become one of them in my time. It's really sad to see that he won't be there to celebrate with me when i attain that height.

Reminiscing on the good memories and fun days spent with my dad brings nothing but tears to my eyes.

But I'm thankful to God for so many things amongst which are

The fact that i had the previledge to call him dad for the first 13 years of my life.

The fact that he made me understand certain principles of life even before i became 15.
The fact that he lived a good life and his legacy lives on.

The fact that he attained the peak of his career before he passed on.

The fact that he made sustainable impact in the lives of people who came across him.

Dad would never want to hear that you are at home when you are supposed to be in school because of financial difficulty.
He always wanted to make sure everyone around him attains a certain level of Education.

In summary, He was a good man and a perfect father.

I had so many fun memories of him that has rent a free space in my heart.

My dad always kept to his promises.
The only promise he couldn't keep was the last he made to me before the painful sting of death took him away.

Dad always wanted me to be phenomenal.
I see the look of fulfilment on his face whenever I'm being commended for a work well done or for something spectacular i did.

It's my desire to become that woman of influence Dad always wanted me to be and God helping me, I'm threading that path already.

I've been a daddy's girl from time immemorial.
And forever I'll be a daddy's girl.

Becoming Phenomenal is my goal and i hope to achieve that in the nearest future.

Upcoming most influential woman
9 years in mind.
God is faithful.

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Recent Tributes
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
May his soul rest in peace.
He was indeed a good man,
We love you but God loves you more
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
Dad,today makes it exactly 9 years you left us. The vacuum you left is still there for no one to fill. I miss how you would scold us,how you'll play with us,how you advice us to be very hardworking. Your simplicity,kindness and hard work is what i admire and on this day,I promise to make you proud. Continue to rest on Dad. We love you
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
When mum called us nine years ago at about 2:35am on the 22nd day of June crying and asking us to pray for dad that he was about giving up,
For some seconds i couldn't understand what was happening because my dad and i spoke on phone when The driver came to drop the car at home the previous day and the driver promised to come and take us to dad the next day .
I remember that morning they left for the hospital, i was really sad and i told dad i wanted to come along but he said i shouldn't worry. He would be fine.
He promised to send The driver to get us the next day to see him.
That next day didn't come. rather, we met the news of his death even before dawn.
It was heartbreaking and painful.

Though i was young but i understood what it meant to loose a loved one.

Indeed, living with the pain and hurt of losing a loved one is not easy.

Many times I've tried to distract myself from this pain but it just wouldn't go away.

Some pains go away but i guess there are some we have to live with for the rest of our lives.

What aspect of my dad should i talk about and which should i skip?

Talk about the days he comes to my school on our vacation days and he is all smiles coming from the PTA meeting with my results and him petting me and telling me "welldone dicta you have done well"
My dad was always proud of me even though he always wanted me to do better.

dad never gave room for mediocrity and that singular act has taught me never to live an average life.

Talk about the days i preferred staying at Dad's as opposed to going to Abuja for my breaks.

I enjoyed every conversation with him.

Though i was still too young to understand life but he kept on teaching me about what the real world like.

I guess he knew he would leave early before i get to the age i could grasp those things.

My dad taught me diligence and hardwork in the most subtle way.

Though he wasn't perfect but he was a perfect father for me.

I miss writing appreciation letters to Dad at the end of every term.(my principal in high school taught me that)
I see the delight in his eyes everytime he reads them.

dad and i always had conversations about great women and he always told me how he desired that i become one of them in my time. It's really sad to see that he won't be there to celebrate with me when i attain that height.

Reminiscing on the good memories and fun days spent with my dad brings nothing but tears to my eyes.

But I'm thankful to God for so many things amongst which are

The fact that i had the previledge to call him dad for the first 13 years of my life.

The fact that he made me understand certain principles of life even before i became 15.
The fact that he lived a good life and his legacy lives on.

The fact that he attained the peak of his career before he passed on.

The fact that he made sustainable impact in the lives of people who came across him.

Dad would never want to hear that you are at home when you are supposed to be in school because of financial difficulty.
He always wanted to make sure everyone around him attains a certain level of Education.

In summary, He was a good man and a perfect father.

I had so many fun memories of him that has rent a free space in my heart.

My dad always kept to his promises.
The only promise he couldn't keep was the last he made to me before the painful sting of death took him away.

Dad always wanted me to be phenomenal.
I see the look of fulfilment on his face whenever I'm being commended for a work well done or for something spectacular i did.

It's my desire to become that woman of influence Dad always wanted me to be and God helping me, I'm threading that path already.

I've been a daddy's girl from time immemorial.
And forever I'll be a daddy's girl.

Becoming Phenomenal is my goal and i hope to achieve that in the nearest future.

Upcoming most influential woman
9 years in mind.
God is faithful.

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