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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Tommy Lee, B.E.M., 75 years old, born on February 28, 1936, and passed away on February 5, 2012. We will remember him forever.
June 1
June 1
I haven’t forgotten the date Tommy … 1st June 2011 when you had a seizure in the early hours and we discovered you had broken both your hips. You were in and out of hospital and we nursed you at home. …we didn’t want you to leave and you didn’t want to leave us….but on the 5th February 2012 we said our goodbyes….. ‘Till’ ‘Yours’….❤️
March 30
March 30
Thinking of you today Tom especially since this is our 67th Wedding Anniversary ….12 years without you. Never Forgotten. You are spoken of and remembered always….. ‘Till’. ‘Yours’
February 28
February 28
Happy birthday Dad missing you always love you forever, love daughter number 2 one of the 3 richest kids in town
February 28
February 28
28th February 2024 - Your 88th Birthday Tom….. FEBRUARY a month that has many dates that mean a lot to you and me and our girls….
Sadly 5th February 2012 you left us…..8th February 1960 you were blown up in a gas explosion and received BEM and Citation from Carnegie Heroes Fund for saving lives. 2nd daughter Dianne born on the 12th February 1964…. We received notification on your birthday 28th February 2012 (you died on 5th February 2012) that Taryn had been appointed a QC and would receive it on our 55th Anniversary 30th March 2012.
Tracy had also written her first book The Variety Girls and the publication date was 28th February 2020. Thinking of you today in your Special Month. Always Loved - Never Forgotten.
Just to mention our first born Tracy born on 30th January 1961.
Dianne born on 12th February 1964.
Taryn born on 4th March 1968.
One born on each month of the year……and I called a halt…..❤️❤️❤️
February 8
February 8
Remembering this day in 1960 when you were blown up in gas explosion and rescued 5 people including your apprentice. 24 years old. Wishing you Lots of Love…..Never Forgotten….❤️❤️❤️
February 7
February 7
12 years have gone by since you went on your way…5th February 2012….always thinking about you……Memories……❤️
February 5
February 5
12 years without you Dad miss you everyday love you, daughter number 2 one of the 3 richest kids in town xxxx
January 1
January 1
New Year’s Day …… another Christmas and New Year’s Eve without you …..missing you ….think about you always……’Till’ …..’Yours’
December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023
Miss you Dad, another Christmas gone and now its New Year’s Eve miss you every single day love you, Dianne daughter number 2 one of the 3 richest kids in town xxxx
December 22, 2023
December 22, 2023
Thinking of you Tom as Christmas approaches…..we miss you ….. but we have lots of Wonderful Memories……❤️
March 1, 2023
March 1, 2023
He was a very nice man and I remember great times at the Sands club with him… including the time I got hypnotised by - I think it was Johnny Hillyard… anyway every time the band played “ I’m in the mood for love”..I was grabbing poor Tommy and waltzing with him..such good fun those days. My best regards to all his family.. we need Tommy and clubs like that again.! “ Silvo”
February 28, 2023
February 28, 2023
Happy birthday Dad miss you more each day,  love you always, daughter no2 one of the 3 richest kids in town ❤️
February 28, 2023
February 28, 2023
Happy Heavenly 87th Birthday today Tom…..sending you lots of love…..we are all missing you…..very quiet in the house without you, in fact quiet everywhere without you.
I’ll be seeing you…….Till….Yours….❤️❤️❤️
February 5, 2023
February 5, 2023
It’s 11 years today 5th February 2012 since you left us……I think about you always…..I miss your whistles……your hugs……our conversations……and much more….love you….❤️❤️❤️
January 20, 2023
January 20, 2023
Hi grandpa just been thinking about you, seen grandma today and I know you was there too, I know you look over all of us, but grandma needs a bit extra taking care cause she’s getting old and hasn’t been very well recently. I miss you and being able to sing the baldly song to you with Liv, Tom and Talia, love you so much. And I know you’re reading this grandma and I love you too, me and Liv have just been reading this page and you’ve made us cry. Xx
January 20, 2023
January 20, 2023
Hey Grandpa, I have just been reading through your page, I’ve been thinking about you recently I know you are watching over us all. I’ve been looking on grandma Noddy’s webpage with mum and laughing at some of the memories we have - we are so lucky grandma has set these webpages up! I miss and love you so much❤️❤️❤️ I know you will read this grandma and I love you so much too and thank you for doing these websites xxxx
December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
Well it’s that time of the year again Tom….Christmas we’ve lost a lot of family and friends…..but looking forward with hope and Love…..❤️❤️❤️
March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022

Happy 65th Anniversary for yesterday 30th March 2022…..I’m OK but I think the girls could do with some extra help especially Dianne, she is in need of some tender care… has been strange during the last 2 years and thanks to you all over there looking after us over here.❤️❤️❤️ ‘Till’ ‘Yours’ …….I’ll Be Seeing You…….
February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022
Happy 86th Heavenly Birthday Today Tommy……Missing You Very Much.
I know you watch over us all but Dianne needs some extra help from you….I don’t know what you can do where you are but she definitely needs some extra magic from you to get her back to health……love you lots…..I’ll Be Seeing You……. ‘Till’ ‘Yours’
February 5, 2022
February 5, 2022
Love you, Dad. Miss you and think of you every day. I know you are with us all every minute of every day and that's a comfort, but not the same as having you here with us. xxx
February 5, 2022
February 5, 2022
Can’t believe you’ve been gone for 10 years pop, I think about you every day and will until the day I see you again, love and miss you always. Dianne daughter number two one of the three richest kids in town ❤️
February 5, 2022
February 5, 2022
10 years ago today, 5th February 2012 you went on your next journey in The Circle Of Life…….we’ve all missed you very much and hope you can see that we are OK and still carrying on but thinking about you all the time and feel your prescience around us……Love You Tom…….’Till’ ‘Yours’
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
Almost Christmas Day…..another year gone by and thank god we’ve all survived…..I hope you are around and know how everyone is doing. You would be proud of us all. All the grandkids are growing up and spreading their wings….Ruby is 17 and she’s the youngest. Our 6 great-grandchildren are growing up fast too. ‘I’ll Be Seeing You’….’Till’. ‘Yours’….I Love You…..
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
Tracy and Neil left for home yesterday, Saturday 17th July. I went to Nick and Dianne’s at night with all the gang and we had Seafood Paella….what a busy and really enjoyable few days I’ve had. ‘Till’ ‘Yours’…..
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
Good Morning Tom…….just about to go out for lunch to The Kingsway with Taryn, Andy, Talia, Lewis, Tom and Georgia…..wish you were here….I’m being well looked after by everyone……I’m sure you are busy wherever you are because many friends and loved ones have followed you…just waiting for my chauffeur to arrive….your namesake Tommy Lee-Skudder… ‘Till’ ‘Yours’…..I’ll Be Seeing You…..
July 17, 2021
July 17, 2021
I had a lovely 85th Birthday on the 15th July…..all 3 girls together…..just you missing. Meal at the Kingsway….. thank you Tracy, Neil, with Dianne, Janet and Ray….Taryn and Andy’s at night Thursday and Friday…..thinking about you always…….’Till’ ‘Yours’
May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021
It isn’t a special day or Anniversary Tom but just thinking about you, which I do often, it’s been a weird time of late with the Pandemic and being on lock downs. I haven’t been able to stroll about like I used to.....I just get my
shopping in, but no pleasure in the time I get home I’m gasping for breath because of the mask. On Monday it will be a bit different but still wearing masks til some time in June. We’ve been lucky and we are all safe and healthy. I miss you being around and about. I saw your pal James today he’s had a rough time with his health but appears to be ok now.....he was saying he missed you and your conversations. Well that’s all for now. I’ll be seeing you....Love You.....thanks for Loving Me......’Till’. ‘Yours’
March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021
Well I’m here again Tommy - would have been 64th Wedding Anniversary today. We made it to 55 - we were lucky - had some great and not so great times but ‘through it all We Did It Our Way’..... ‘Till’ ‘Yours’........I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places......
February 28, 2021
February 28, 2021
Happy 85th Birthday Tom......9 years have gone by so quickly. It’s been a strange year for us - lock-ins.....which we have all enjoyed in our pub/club days but this has been a lot different - no get-togethers - family or otherwise. Hope your Pub In The Sky is doing OK and keeping you busy. “Spirits Are Us” must have some great nights with Talli Halliday, Dougie James and Johnny Leeze joining you....I can just hear you now ‘Last Orders Please’ ......’Haven’t You Got Homes To Go To’......... ‘Till’....’Yours’.....’I’ll Be Seeing You’.........
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
Dianne’s birthday today Tom.....two gone by ....another one to go....Taryn 4th March. It’s a good job we stopped Tom. Tracy in January...Dianne in February...Taryn in March....we could have ended up with 12 kids.......I know for certain I wouldn’t have survived that.
February is quite a month of special dates...especially for you. You were born 28th February 1936.....blown up in gas explosion 8th February 1960....12th February 1964 Dianne born. My mother’s birthday 14th February 1914.
You left us on the 5th February 2012 and changed our lives forever. “Till” “Yours”.... I’ll Be Seeing You In All The Old Familiar Places......
February 5, 2021
February 5, 2021

9 years have passed since you left us on this day. We’ve just come through a strange year and we’ve got a long way to go until we are back to some kind of normal. We are all doing OK the little ones are growing up fast. I’m doing my best to keep fit but it is difficult because I can’t trot down the Avenue as many times as I used’s not much fun at the moment anyway. “Till” “yours”....I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places.....
February 5, 2021
February 5, 2021
9 years have gone Dad miss you more everyday, mum is doing ok I know you watch over her and all of us too, Tracy has written two amazing books in the last year,Taryn is still working so hard and believe it or not I have a degree Dad would you believe it little old me, I hope Dougie and Tali are there with you, love and miss you Pop love daughter number 2 one of the 3 richest kids in town xxxx
February 2, 2021
February 2, 2021
We never met but I know if we did we would of got on like a house on fire. liv speaks very fondly of you. Just to let you know your family are doing you proud and I count myself lucky Ethan met Olivia and bought us all together. Thanks to your family for welcoming me into their lives.
Much love Francine xxx
February 1, 2021
February 1, 2021

On the 30th January 2021 our eldest daughter Tracy Francine reached the grand age of 60. You were in our thoughts all the time Tom. Time is flying past and we are still living through this pandemic and all trying to keep each other safe. Soon be 5th February...the day you left us in 2012......”I’ll Be Seeing You....”.   “Till”.  “Yours”.....
December 26, 2020
December 26, 2020
Well another Christmas without you’s been a strange year COVID-19 hit us and changed our way of life but thankfully we are all still here. I was at Taryn and Andy’s big family gatherings this Christmas. You’ve had quite a few friends joining you this year......Talli Halliday.......Dougie James....Johnny Leeze..... Well onwards I go into 2021 and hope it will be a good year for all of us. I’ll Be Seeing You.....’Till’. ‘Yours’
November 30, 2020
November 30, 2020

Tommy I thought I would let you know your great pal Dougie James has died...hope you two can meet up.....he’s been in touch with me over the past few weeks by phone and messenger...just the same old Dougie what a character....he’ll be much know about losing Talli in February.....and Johnny Leeze only a couple of weeks ago....not many left of your great acts .....musicians and friends from The Sands left with us .......Great Memories.....Our 3 girls and families are all fine.....and I’m Still Here...but I’ll Be Looking At The Moon And I’ll Be Seeing You......’Till’ .....’Yours’....
September 27, 2020
September 27, 2020
Just to let you know they have pulled down the Submarine...where we began our journey into the pubs and clubs.....together with our 3 girls. What a nightmare at first until we gained our feet. The experience we all gained together. You already had your eyes on the building which would become The Sands Club and lots of Happy Memories. I’m sure you are keeping your eye on things and you know Cleethorpes is improving day by day.....I’ll Be Seeing You....
March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020
63 years since we were married on 30th March 1957. We are confined to barracks at the moment because of Coronavirus....we think about you all the time and talk of you often.  I’ll Be Seeing You......’Till’.....’Yours’
February 29, 2020
February 29, 2020
Sorry I didn’t post yesterday Tommy......very busy few days and feeling tired. Hope you had a good birthday and Talli was there. I’ve been to Emmerdale with Taryn and Liz and had a lovely look around the sets with Paddy, Dominic Brunt, Taryn bid for it at a dinner. Out with Tracy to meetings with different people. Met Debbie Cook of YMCA who was interested in how we met at the YMCA in 1951 when I was 15 and you had just turned 16. Going to Healing Manor today with Tracy and all the family to celebrate her book launch. I’ll be seeing you......’Till’.....
February 28, 2020
February 28, 2020
Happy birthday dad, what a day it’s been Tracy had her book launch today at Waterstones I know you will be proud up there watching I’m just waiting for my next client at my placement thinking about you and wishing you was here with us all, I know you are with us in spirit but wish I could hear your voice again hope your looking after Talli give her a hug from me, miss your hugs Dad and miss you too. Love Daughter number 2 one of the 3 richest kids in town xxxx
February 5, 2020
February 5, 2020
8 years have passed Tom since you left....the girls are all doing great and their families. We all miss you very much...... I miss your whistles when I’m shopping down the Avenue.....surprise me one day and give me a whistle for Old Time’s Sake. I’m sure you are doing OK wherever you are....being the life and soul of the party.....have you met my dad yet? From what I was told about him he was something like yourself.....out mixing with folk....when we went into the licensed trade I saw more of you and watched how you had a wonderful way with everyone.....I’ll Be Seeing You......
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Thinking about you Tom on another Christmas Time without you....All Is Well Here.....❤️❤️❤️
November 17, 2019
November 17, 2019
I would think you know now Tom that your sister Dorothy died Sunday 10th have probably already got together......hope you are OK .....
Lots of Love.....”TILL”
February 28, 2019
February 28, 2019
Happy Birthday, Dad. Always thinking of you. When I'm writing I think of you and Mum all the time. I play Mantovani and think of all those lovely old films that you and mum used to watch. All the make up artists :) I want this book to be full of love for you and mum, the highs and the lows, the love and laughter - but mostly the love. It's got to have heart, hasn't it. I hope it does. I hope it's a fitting tribute to all the love and happiness you and mum shared. Jessie and Harry are really Tom and Joan, two little kids who fell in love and had a happy ending.
February 28, 2019
February 28, 2019
Hello Tom...another Birthday.....your 83rd.....we all still miss and love you....lots of Memories.....I’ll Be Seeing You. ‘Till’....’Yours’
February 9, 2019
February 9, 2019
Hello Tom 7 years now since you left 5th February 2012...soon be your 83rd Birthday On 28th February 2019......think about you every day.....lots of Memories.....
April 2, 2018
April 2, 2018
Sorry I didn’t make it on the day would have been our 61st Anniversary 30th March, but I was thinking about you and listening to some of our favourite music....I’ll Be Seeing You......
February 28, 2018
February 28, 2018
Happy birthday Dad. Love and miss you everyday ❤️❤️❤️
February 28, 2018
February 28, 2018
Happy Birthday Tom.....hope you can see how we are all doing....missing you and think of you all the time.....I think we did OK as a team.....the girls are doing great and the grandkids are wonderful you would be proud of them all.  Love You..... “Till”..... “Yours”
Page 1 of 4

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June 1
June 1
I haven’t forgotten the date Tommy … 1st June 2011 when you had a seizure in the early hours and we discovered you had broken both your hips. You were in and out of hospital and we nursed you at home. …we didn’t want you to leave and you didn’t want to leave us….but on the 5th February 2012 we said our goodbyes….. ‘Till’ ‘Yours’….❤️
March 30
March 30
Thinking of you today Tom especially since this is our 67th Wedding Anniversary ….12 years without you. Never Forgotten. You are spoken of and remembered always….. ‘Till’. ‘Yours’
February 28
February 28
Happy birthday Dad missing you always love you forever, love daughter number 2 one of the 3 richest kids in town
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December 23, 2022

Tommy Lee Birthday

February 28, 2021

Christmas 2018

December 21, 2018

Another Christmas without you Tom....we are all missing you ......all we have left are memories but wonderful memories.....’Till’.....’Yours

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